People are in Naruto, I am Aizen

Chapter 210 Who is the Great Rebellion

This is mercy.

All are well aware of this.

Today, Seiling Court is completely overwhelmed by one person, there is no room for fighting back, and it survives entirely by his mercy.

Both the vice-captain and the captains are clearly aware of the huge, almost insurmountable gap between them. That is an unimaginably huge gap. It can even be said that it is difficult to identify them with ordinary so-called friend and foe.

It was as if human beings were teasing and guiding those ants. Facing those little ants trying to climb themselves, human beings patiently picked them off little by little, and then slowly put the pieces of meat at their door. A little guide to a better area. Although it is not easy to explain directly, everyone can't help but have such an illusion in their minds.

Because the gap is really too big, isn't it?

Looking beyond the mirror, this technology that can completely manipulate the five senses is already unbelievably powerful.

That inexplicable Chakra, which can be said to have challenged the entire spirit king system, is even more so. Even if there is no illusion, he can still create an illusion that confuses the real, and immerses everyone in the illusion of a better future that seems to have a better future.

Even according to Jingle Shunsui's description, as long as he wants, he can directly reach out and hack Captain Yamamoto to death at any time. But he didn't. For some reason, this man who showed his weakness openly, but fearlessly, just treated all this with a smile. It seems that just like what he said, he is looking forward to someone coming up, and even more looking forward to changes in the soul world itself.

But now who wants to change anything? Maybe someone could, but Broken Bee couldn't accept such a thing at all.

As the captain of the secret mobile unit, he was pressed to the ground and beaten without any power to fight back, and he didn't even have a chance to make a move. Although Broken Bee can understand this cruel fact, she doesn't want to accept it.

She was originally a character that no one would be convinced except Captain Yamamoto and Yoichi Sifengin, and this time she was directly pushed to the ground and humiliated. To Broken Bee, this was no less a shame than killing her directly. So back in the captain's meeting room, Sui Feng faced the captains with different expressions, walked out without hesitation, half kneeling on the ground.

"Captain, please allow me to attack Dai Ni Aizen Soyousuke."


"Master Captain!"

"Be quiet for a while, Captain Broken Bee. In fact, everyone is feeling bad."

Looking at the brown-skinned girl who was half kneeling on the ground, biting her lips tightly, Jingle Chunshui touched the wound on his abdominal cavity, and sighed slightly.

Aizen Soyousuke's knife did not have any hidden dangers or backhands. Rather, according to the description of Unohanaretsu, a kendo master, Aizen Soyousuke even avoided everything that could be avoided on purpose. The wound is purely a flesh wound, not even a bit of internal organ problems.

He has always said that he has never thought about being an enemy from the beginning to the end, and this sentence is very likely to be true from the current performance. Because Aizen Soyousuke has not hurt anyone until now. He didn't really hurt those really high-level captains, those top-level, top-level people. Although Room 46 looks powerful, Room 46 is essentially replaceable. There are also a group of people who have been killed.

And, there's actually something weird here.

If from his point of view, the little Reaper and the Wandering Soul are also considered human beings after the Chakra switch, then Aizen Soyousuke really kills nothing.

But if according to the rules of Seireitei, the 11th team still pays the population from time to time, what Aizen did is really not a big problem. The reason for saying it was the Great Rebellion was because he cleaned up Room 46. But the Forty-Six Room exists as the spokesperson of the nobles, and Aizen originally wanted to overthrow the spokesperson of the nobles and liberate the Lingwang at the same time.

In other words, the corresponding class that Aizen is looking for is not the so-called nobles, but the royal spies, the highest-level institution in the entire Seireitei. From this point of view, their cleaning of Room 46 could even be regarded as an internal dispute to some extent. Because the unspoken rules within Sei Ling Ting are that since you point directly at the Ling King, and the Ling King has not made any objection—referring to dispatching royal agents—it means that you have actually obtained acquiescence and permission.

So now, Team Zero has not taken any action, which in a sense even gave an extremely terrifying signal.

Aizen Soyousuke may not even be considered a great rebel.

The significance of this signal can be said to be earth-shattering. Because it is very simple, it can lead to a question that even children can understand. That is, Aizen Soyousuke is not a big rebel, so who is the big rebel?

Up to now, the Zero team has not ended. As an absolute organization that has been monitoring the interior of Seireitei, the aloof organization, the incarnation and name of the history of Seireitei, the Zero team is the one that is truly qualified to judge and discuss all this people. Well, the fact that Team Zero is not ending now, does it mean that, as Aizen said, they are actually in an equal relationship with each other, just to see who can find a way out?

"The situation is not very good now, Captain Broken Bee."

Seeing that Suifeng seemed completely incomprehensible, the veteran Jingle Chunshui glanced at the silent captain, then watched the new generation of captains cough, and explained a little bit about the corpse soul. Legislation and the current state of affairs in the world.

If it is said that Aizen Soyousuke is a rebel who wants to fight against the whole world, then the Zero Team does not matter at all, and Seireitei will not make such a move. Because everyone is essentially continuing the spirit king system, it doesn't matter who becomes the spirit king, what matters is that the inheritance of the world is still there. Although it is said to be a big rebellion, it is basically a winner and a loser, and the zero team is just watching with the old gods on it.

But Chakra is a trump card that can completely destroy the current system.

Just like the original Quincy Divisions, the battles of the Quincy Divisions finally attracted the attention and inquiries of the Zero Division, because their idea was to destroy the Soul King Palace and return the world to that chaotic state .

But now, Aizen Soyousuke has clearly stated his position and behavior that he wants to change the world, and he has taken the initiative to declare the existence of the Soul King Palace, and even issued a sword-pointing declaration to the Soul King Palace itself. However, Lingwang Palace remained silent all the time, and it was impossible to say that he was killed directly. Because in fact, some veterans also know some secret things.

As long as their names are spoken, they will be resurrected in their respective palaces. All five of them possess this power.

The question is, why are they silent?

Is it being held back and there is no way to get down, or is it because I am hesitant, not sure whether this mode is better, or the original Lingwang mode is better?

If it is the latter, then the relationship between Seireitei and Aizen Soyousuke will become the same as Aizen Soyousuke said, there is no right or wrong between them, but an equal relationship. After being slaughtered in the 46th room and slaughtered, and humiliated, it must be said that it is a depressing thing to face.

Kuchiki Byakuya even closed his eyes after hearing the truth, not wanting to comment on such things at all. Zaraki Kenpachi was completely unclear. Many other captains either questioned or remained silent. The interior of Seireitei, which seems to be monolithic, seems to have been split into several areas in silence because of the silence on the top floor, and there are behaviors of approval or refutation of Aizen's behavior.

Looking at everything in front of him, Jingle Chunshui could feel more and more how terrifying the man who casually gave him a knife was.

He doesn't need to do anything, just tell the truth, show his ability, and wait quietly.

"Even if there is something wrong with Aizen Soyousuke, Dongsen is innocent. Dongsen is acting for the justice in his heart, which is completely understandable!"

"Now there is still the case of Captain Ichimaru Gin's disappearance. How can we talk about justice and innocence! Momoko is still in training, Aizen Soyousuke and Tosen must be arrested and interrogated!"

"Cough cough cough... What happened? If there is a better way, I think it would be a good thing, right?"

"He hurt the Sifengyuan family, so Aizen Soyousuke must pay the price!"

It was messy and noisy.

As the first sound started, the subsequent discussion and bickering couldn't stop.

Some people argue with reason, some people think it is better to catch it first, and some people even think that Aizen Soyousuke did a good job.

The friendship between each other, after confirming that the legal system is not really absent, the state of division directly appeared in the Gotei 13th Division. Since you are not sure about the real legal system, then the next thing depends on your choice, right?

The captains obviously knew that the right to judge now belongs to themselves, and each of them began to explain the problem, their views and original intentions on the problem from their own perspectives. The entire captain's office became lively and noisy, and everyone had their own ideas and attitudes. Even Jingle Chunshui couldn't hold back himself, and expressed his attitude about peaceful changes and the hope of a lenient treatment of the extremist Aizen.

This kind of discussion is obviously fruitless, and everyone has their own ideas and rights. Although the Goutei 13th division seems to be a whole, there are always some people who are at the bottom, and there are always some people who think differently. I am afraid that among the vice-captains, there are quite a few people who support Aizen.

"...Issuing an interrogation and accountability notice to Dai Ni Aizen Soyousuke."

Like a magic needle, Captain Yamamoto tapped on the floor with his cane, forcibly stopping everyone's discussion.

"Da Ni Aizen Soyousuke, accused of betraying Seireitei. This person killed all the sages in the 46th room. Without the approval of the 46th room, he taught and publicized experimental products with unknown risks, and in the process There are a lot of violations. These things can be determined.”

"No matter who says what, the old man will not allow such reckless rebels to appear in this world at will. As Shinigami, we must also make pure and fair judgments. Aizen Soyousuke, killed The sage of the Forty-six Chambers is a fact, and it is a fact that he framed his former companions and other captains. The specific trial will be conducted by the Forty-six Chambers that will be supplemented later. The 13th Division of the Seling Court is only responsible for arresting Aizen Soyousuke."

"The Goutei 13th Division that I believe exists to protect Seireitei. It does not exist to discuss anything."

"The captains did what they could, and made arrests while ensuring the safety of their team members."


All the captains stopped their speech for an instant, looked at the serious-looking Captain Yamamoto in front of them, and kept silent.

Obviously, Captain Yamamoto let the water go.

The last sentence can basically be said to mean that the big guys can do whatever they want. If you really want to arrest Aizen Soyousuke, you can just use the Tianting Sora Quansei Lingting announcement. There is no need to beat around the bush to come up with such a set of things.

Many people saw Captain Yamamoto's contradictory attitude and kept it in their hearts. Many centrist captains who were already hesitant, as well as those captains who were more emotional, quickly realized their position and what they could do, and began to gradually calculate in their hearts. However, just as the captain was about to call out to end the meeting, a strange-looking hell butterfly suddenly flew in from outside the door.

Under the surprised gazes of everyone, the bloated Hell Butterfly fluttered lightly, and then in the energy fluctuations that made them somewhat familiar, a puff of smoke burst out instantly, and Nirvana Yuri walked out of it.

"How can the captain's meeting be opened without me? Why, am I not the captain?"

Wearing a black and white mask like a clown, Nirvana Yuri came out of the smoke, looked at the captains around him, and showed a bright smile full of gold teeth.

"When you mortals with only muscles in their brains are still arguing for the so-called righteousness, I have worked tirelessly in the laboratory for a long, long time. You people, neither know that Chakra is What, I don’t know what he can do, and it’s really ridiculous to talk about things here. Is this what lack of intelligence is like?”

"Okay, Captain Mayuri. Have you got any results from your experimental research?"

"Well, I borrowed that power to create a little something small. The hell butterfly just now was created using the chakra transformation system. If I want to say, this kind of power must be in terms of breadth and adaptability. It’s even better than spiritual power.”

Nirvana Yuri opened her eyes and looked at the captains around her, before she made a quick conclusion.

(Wait for four more)

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