Even if Mikoto continued to ask, Kushina just shook her head.

Also, she laughed very happily.

The two lines of tears from the corners of her eyes had not been wiped away, and the tears could not stop flowing, but she was very happy.

When Xiao Mikoto, who was on the side, saw it like that, she was simply bewildered and incomprehensible.

She has no idea what happened to her good friend to become what she is now!

Crying and laughing, if others saw this, they would be confused on the spot!

"Lord Hokage."

Kushina wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and looked up at Liu Yun again.

Those big blue eyes were even slightly puffy because of the tears just now.

It looks so cute and funny.

In Liu Yun's puzzled eyes, Kushina summoned up her courage and said suddenly.

"Hokage-sama, can you, touch my hair?"



Both Liu Yun and Mikoto were slightly taken aback.

Mikoto, in particular, cried out in surprise on the spot.

Seeing Liu Yun's doubts, Jiu Xin Na felt a little embarrassed and curled her hair with her fingers, her little head lowered slightly.

With a very soft voice, he said embarrassedly.

"It's... actually, if Hokage-sama doesn't want to, it doesn't matter."

Seeing this, Liu Yun couldn't help laughing.

"Haha, of course I won't be unwilling."

"From the first time I saw Kushina's hair, I thought your hair was beautiful."

Liu Yun said to Kushina.

And what he said was indeed the truth, the long fiery red hair of Vortex Kushina was simply amazingly beautiful.

Even though she is only a girl under twelve years old, she already has such outstanding hair.

Flowy and supple.

He was shocked, but the whirlpool Kushina actually wanted him to touch her hair.

"Really? Hokage-sama, do you...do you think so?"

"My hair...isn't it weird?"

Kushina raised her head again with a look of surprise and joy in her expression.

When she was in the former family, many people praised her hair.

But no one can make Kushina so happy like Liu Yun's praise.

"Of course, Kushina, you should know how beautiful your hair is."

Liu Yun said to Kushina with a smile, then stretched out a hand and gently stroked Kushina's hair.

Feeling that her long fiery red hair was held up by the flowing clouds, Jiu Xin Nai suddenly felt a warm feeling from the tip to the root of the hair.


Feeling such a comfortable feeling, Kushina couldn't help but let out a voice.

After that, her little face turned red, and she almost didn't dare to look at Liu Yun.

But Liu Yun, who was focusing on Kushina's hair, didn't hear it.

At this time, Liu Yun was feeling extremely emotional.

Kushina's hair was soft yet textured, and the soft feeling touched Liu Yun's hand.

As if feeling the cold winter season in winter, a mass of fur beside you is as warm as you can't put it down.

simply put.

Touching Kushina's hair made him feel more addicted than touching Mikoto's head.

Of course, the most important thing is that Liu Yun is doing a very mysterious job.

He is using his chakra to transmit into Kushina's body through the vortex of Kushina's hair.

As soon as his chakra was sent in, he felt a ferocious and brutal aura, trying to annihilate his chakra directly.


Feeling that this force was trying to destroy his Chakra, the corner of Liu Yun's mouth rose slightly.

Interesting, is this the nine tails?

Unexpectedly, he was quite temperamental.

But no matter how the violent aura in it acts, it can't eliminate Liu Yun's Chakra.

As a result, Liu Yun felt a more violent aura coming from there.

Nine tails, dissatisfied.

Liu Yun didn't notice how shy Kushina had become at this time.

However, he didn't notice that Kushina's good friend Mikoto had already noticed Kushina's appearance.

From the moment Kushina said she wanted Liu Yun to touch her hair, Mikoto has been paying attention to Kushina.

It can be said that Kushina's reaction was all seen by Mikoto.

Including Liu Yun's praise of Kushina's beautiful hair, Kushina's happy and surprised expression was seen by Mikoto.

At that time, Mikoto was a little jealous.

For so long, Liu Yun has never praised her good-looking hair!

Afterwards, when Liu Yun really started to touch Kushina's hair, Mikoto was stunned on the spot.

She looked at Liu Yun, and then at Kushina.

Especially after Kushina's hair was lifted by Liu Yun, her sudden voice and shy appearance.

At this moment, Mikoto's eyes when looking at Kushina, lost their highlights, and their shape was gray.

I take you as my best friend, but you want the man I have long since fallen in love with?

Sister, you have a problem.

"Very beautiful hair, very comfortable to touch."

"Kushina, you have very good hair, you must take good care of it."

Liu Yun let go of Kushina's hair and said to Kushina with a smile.

After letting go, Liu Yun still had a feeling of worrying about gains and losses.

I have to say, Kushina's hair feels really good.

If it weren't for his image as the fourth-generation Hokage, he really didn't want to let go.

Of course, the most important thing is the nine tails in Kushina's body.

Liu Yun smiled, feeling extremely comfortable.

"I...I see, I will definitely protect it properly, Hokage-sama."

After Liu Yun put down his hair, Kushina quickly sorted out his expression and nodded with a firm expression.

If it wasn't for Liu Yun's words, it's possible that Kushina Kushina would always hate her hair.

Her long fiery red hair was the best gift from her parents and was once regarded as a treasure by her.


There was one sentence that Kushina never said.

Her hair is only allowed to be touched by her approval, and by those she considers important.

Otherwise, anyone who touches her hair will make her angry.

At school, there were a few boys who didn't have long eyes and accidentally touched her hair.

As a result, she was chased from the school and beaten outside the school!

This is also the most important reason why vortex kushina has always been called "hot red pepper".

She has an irritable temper, and long fiery red hair that is regarded as a treasure and cannot be touched by others.

But it is also because of this, because her hair is always regarded as a monster by others, and she has the nickname of "flaming red pepper".

She was fighting almost constantly at school.

It was also because of her hair that she kept fighting, and she gradually became disgusted with her own hair.

Thanks to Liu Yun's praise, the current Kushina re-understands the importance of her long hair.

"Thank you, Hokage-sama."

Jiuxinai smiled happily, like a flaming red flower, with a charming smile. .

Chapter 99

When fighting with the nine tails and testing the nine tails, the nine tails became angry.

Although the nine tails at this time are staying in Kushina's body well, the seal is very strong.

So much so that he can only transmit a little chakra to test the nine tails.

But even with that little chakra, the Nine Tails couldn't destroy it.

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