See Natasha hands-on

Want to capture Skye.

Fang Bing put away his originally somewhat cynical expression.

Arm outstretched,

Instantly grabbed Natasha, who was ready to bypass her.

An over-the-shoulder fall,

Throw it off,

Fell and rolled on the snow more than ten meters away.


Steve. Rogers quickly ran to pick her up.

“Are you all right?”

Natasha bent her waist and gasped.

I was so sore from being dropped.

If she hadn’t unloaded and rolled in time before she landed

I’m afraid I’m going to break a few ribs.

“Who the hell are you?”

Natasha asked in shock and anger.

Fang Bing smiled.

“I’m just a good neighbor of New Yorkers, an ordinary high school student who just graduated.”

Natasha frowned.

Fang Bing’s words would not be believed.

Can an ordinary high school student throw himself more than ten meters away?

Himself, an elite agent who has experienced a lot of battles

Was it given for nothing?

Fang Bing shook his head and persuaded, “I advise you to return the same way, Skye doesn’t have anything you want.” ”

The American team pressed the headset.

Nick is monitoring the scene on the sky carrier. Fury asked.

“Fury, do you want to continue? Why do I feel that this mission is not quite right? That little girl named Skye is obviously just an ordinary girl, why arrest her? ”

Team USA Steve. Rogers,

Never a blind follower.

World War II was not yet part of the Super Soldier program

Has a variety of chronic diseases,

Thin and weak

Just dare to deceive the enlistment office.

There were many attempts to fake and enlist in the army.

After becoming a soldier,

A blatant betrayal of the propaganda tasks arranged by the army,

Disobey military orders without authorization to save the Winter Soldier.

The American team has always followed what it believes to be justice

And not the rules set by any institution.

Otherwise, he would not have openly opposed the signing of the Sokovia Agreement in the future

This led to the Avengers Civil War.

“Soldier, keep up with the mission! You just need to know that this is justice! The specific reason will be explained to you after returning, this is the order! ”

Nick. Fury almost jumped his feet on the sky carrier.

He didn’t expect this person he had just dug up

Unexpectedly, on his first mission, he openly questioned his orders.

But he had no other way

It can only be soft and hard in the communicator to persuade the US team to continue to complete the task.

Team America listened to Nick. Fury’s words.

Thought for a while.

Still stood up.

He remembered Natasha’s previous words

Since Nick. Fury said so.

Just take this girl back for questioning,

Won’t hurt her.

Let’s take it back first.

Back to S.H.I.E.L.D. himself will protect her.

Looking up at Fang Bing, he said, “I’m sorry.” ”

Then he took his shield and rushed towards Fang Bing.

Watch the American team rush towards you.

The square ice surface does not change color.

“The one who said sorry should be me.”

I also want to try my melee level.

No other abilities were used.

Directly fought with the American team with one punch and one kick.

The American team soon found out.

You can’t attack the other party yourself.

Been beaten.

This young man named Fang Bing

The fighting technique is much better than yourself!


When I occasionally touch him.

It feels like the other person’s body is like a mountain.

It can’t be shaken at all.

Quickly fighting, he can only use his shield to constantly block.

Bang bang!

Two minutes later,

Fang Bing was refreshed.

Feel refreshed.

“Okay, I’m not playing with you.”

One grabbed the shield of the American team.

Grab the shield in your hand.

Then another lightning kick kicked the American team out.


Agents from all sides came up with guns.

The gun was fully loaded with anesthesia bullets.

It turned out that Natasha saw that the American team could not defeat this man

Only then did he inform the agents who surrounded him

Step forward and use your weapons.

Fang Bing ignored these agents.

Instead, play with a shield in your hand.

“Is this vibranium? I get it. ”


The shield of the American team turned into a pie in his hands.

It is a large pancake made of real flour.

The kind that Wu Da Lang sells.

The premise of the activation of the material conversion ability is

He needs to have seen a substance

After understanding the molecular structure of the substance

to convert.

Originally, he could not convert other substances into vibranium.

But now,

After touching the shield of the American team,

He can!


He can also convert vibranium into flatbread!

After all, vibranium is just a metal

It’s just sturdy.

I didn’t care about the dumbfounded people around me.

Threw the pie at the American team, who had just stood up.

“Oh, give back your shield.”

The American team took the cooking cake in confusion.

Flipped over and over and looked and looked.

What is this special thing?

What about my shield?

What about my vibranium shield!!

If it weren’t for his own cultivation, he wouldn’t have allowed him to scold.

Otherwise, he would have already turned into a mother to mess with Fakeman.

“You you! You are the magician! ”

Natasha’s surprised words almost didn’t make sense.

Fang Bing crooked the corners of his mouth.

“Yes, when you came to interview that day as a reporter, didn’t you tell you that I was a magician, and I wanted to perform magic for you, but you didn’t want to watch it.”

“Do you know that my greatest virtue is to be very honest!”

Natasha stood speechless for half a day.

But Nick, who has been watching everything on the sky carrier. Fury couldn’t calm down.

“Natasha, what’s going on, I need an explanation!”

“Eh, chief, this is a misunderstanding, I’ll explain it to you when I go back.”

Natasha looked at Fang Bing hatefully.

Bang bang!

Pulled the trigger directly.

Realizing that she had been teased before, she decided to capture this bastard first and then slowly settle the score.

Other agents followed suit.

Fang Bing didn’t hide.

Only slightly blocked the bullet for Skye.


Those anesthetic bullets hit him.

Not even the skin was punctured.

It was squeezed and fell on the snow.

“Don’t shoot, stop shooting, stop shooting!”

Nick. Fury saw that Natasha had shot without permission.

An immediate order was given to stop it.

Because in the discovery of square ice,

It’s my own hard work

After looking for a magician for so long.

The bald chief immediately changed the mission goal in his heart.

Now the most important thing is not Skye.

It’s Fang Bing, the superpower!

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