Grilling skewers in the snow and ice is a unique experience.

Fang Bing and Skye soon ate mouthfuls full of oil in the smoky fire.

But their gastronomic experience,

Soon interrupted by another uninvited guest.

Nick. Fury.

Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.,

Came to the igloo.

Hands up

First of all, he showed that he was not hostile.

“First of all, I apologize for what happened before, but I am not here for Ms. Skye, but for you, honorable magician.”

Fang Bing and Skye ignored him.

The bald chief was taken aback, but continued with a low posture.

“I am here to ask you to join a special organization of justice, which was created to deal with all crises that threaten the survival of human beings on Earth.”

“I, Nick. Fury, as the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., sincerely invites you to join! ”

Because I can’t shout Iron Man Town,

Nick. Fury can’t do hard, only soft.

That’s why I was there in person

Show sincerity,

Trying to get Fang Bing to join his newly formed Avengers.

But when he finished

Only Skye gave him a curious look

The main character, Fang Bing, is still eating lamb kebabs by himself.

Lee ignored him.

Nick. Fury still refuses to give up.

“The Avengers, with the full support of S.H.I.E.L.D., is a special independent institution that does not belong to any national organization, and has very strong energy.”

“If you have any treatment requirements, you can ask for them, and S.H.I.E.L.D. will do its best to meet them.”

Fang Bing heard this

Only then threw down the lamb kebabs in his hand.

He looked up and said, “Don’t bother, I won’t join that Avenger of yours.” ”

Nick. Fury listened to the cold and cold in his heart.

But soon he heard Fang Bing speak again.


“But what? If you have anything to ask for, don’t hesitate to ask! ”

Nick. Fury heard a turnaround

Quickly asked.

“You can treat me as a foreign aid to the Avengers, but every time you ask me to strike, you must first meet a condition I put forward.”

“Of course, if the conditions I propose make you embarrassed, you can also choose to refuse.”

Nick. Fury heard this

Immediately knew what Fang Bing meant

Isn’t this the equivalent of a mercenary?

Give money to do errands,

Pick and choose without giving money.

It’s just that Fang Bing doesn’t want money yet.

It is not clear what excessive conditions will be put forward at that time.

But Nick. Fury knew that he could only go so far today.

Although he also hopes

Every member of the Avengers can have the same noble virtues as Team America

Willing to work and complain,

Just pay some wages to the stuttering,

You can keep fighting.

But the reality is brutal.

Obviously, this mysterious Fang Bing in front of him is not that kind of person.

At present, he can only agree to Fang Bing’s conditions.

Just expecting,

In the future, I can use great righteousness,

Can slowly influence Fang Bing with team spirit.

“Okay, then that’s it.”

Then he stepped forward and exchanged contact information with Fang Bing.

And convention,

Only in exceptional cases,

Fang Bing can be contacted.

“Then there’s only one last question, Magician, can you turn my Kun-Fighter back?” That thing costs hundreds of millions of dollars. “

Nick. Fury looked at the rose petals on the snow and asked distressedly.

Fang Bing shook his head.

“If you want me to change back, then you first need to give me all the information about this fighter, and when I understand it all, you can have as many Kun-type fighters as you want.”

Fang Bing did not fool the bald director.

He really can’t convert the petals back into a Kun fighter right now.

Turn the Kun-type fighter into petals,

He only needs to understand the molecular structure of the petals

Then the molecules after the decomposition of the Kun-fighter,

The structure arranged into petals.

It is possible to convert the Kun-type fighter into petals.

But if you want to reverse the process.

It means,

Fang Bing must fully understand

The Kun-type fighter is a complex giant machine,

How every inch is structured.

can only be used by other substances

Convert directly into a Kun-style fighter.

It’s not an easy job.


It’s not the same as a bicycle.

It is the pinnacle of current human technology.

The above uses black technology from various industries

Up to several thousand technologies.

It was combined into such a state-of-the-art fighter.

So much technology,

Not one person can control it.

Even if it’s Tor. Stark,

Let him spell out a Kun-style fighter on his own

I guess I have to scratch my head too.

What’s more,

Manufacturing technology of the Kun-type fighter,

Definitely top secret among top secrets.

As Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

How could it be such an important technology

Easily handed over to someone who doesn’t know much yet?

So Nick. Fury didn’t get what he wanted in the end.

I can only go back and find a way to withdraw funds

Build another one.

Although Nick. Fury left with Natasha.

But Team Steve stayed.

Because of his vibranium shield,

So far, it’s a big cookbread.

Fang Bing has no opinion about the US team

The so-called do not fight and do not know each other,

I beckoned him to sit down and eat skewers together.

Find an opportunity to feed him by the way,

See if you can draw his super physique.

Although the physique of the American team is now inferior to their own.

But Fang Bing never thought that his physique was stronger.

If you can draw the super physique of the American team.

Two by two,

Your physique can definitely become stronger.

Looking at Fang Bing, who had beaten himself up just now,

Handed him a large bunch of mutton

Team America has an unreal feeling.

Obviously, he was still cold to Director Fury just now

Why is it that your attitude towards yourself has changed now?

He couldn’t figure it out.

Just asked it directly.

Fang Bing listened to Team America’s question and smiled.

“Because you’re just doing what you’re told, and you’re not trying to hurt Skye.”

“Eat quickly, if you want me to change your shield back, eat more.”

Fang Bing finished speaking

Took the flatbread from the American team.

Team America and Skye thought he was ready to turn back into a shield.

All eyes are ready to see the magic.

But I didn’t expect it,

After Fang Bing took the flatbread,


Tear the flatbread off in pieces.

Roll up two skewers of lamb.


“Look at what?”

“Don’t you know that flatbread rolls are the best?”

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