Fang Bing, who originally felt that everything was in his hands.

I never expected it.

The Hulk, a, would actually sneak up on himself in turn.

But he relies on his super speed of reflexes.

Still reacted.

The attitude was adjusted in the space.

A kick towards the Hulk who was jumping towards him.

This kick hit the Hulk right in the face.

Kick him out.

With the acceleration of gravity, it smashed into the wall of a building.

Smashed the building out of a hole.

Other members of the Avengers.

Including the bald director who was far away on the space carrier to monitor the entire scene.

All saw this scene.

“Everyone be careful! Dr. Banner is out of control again!! ”

The bald chief shouted inside the communication channel.

Fang Bing knew without listening to him shout.

The Hulk is certainly not normal.

And things are out of their control.

The Hulk did not have this segment in the original plot!

Fang Bing still remembers it clearly.

Originally after the Hulk went up.

Should be completely crushing Loki.

Carry two legs and shoot on the ground like an invincible Hot Wheel!

Also taunted Loki is the weakest god!

What the hell is going on?

Caused the Hulk to lose control?

But Fang Bing soon had no time to think about it.

Because the Hulk is coming at him again!

Just kicked.

Now the anger is even heavier.

Rushing with a roar and jumping towards the sky.

Prepare to punch Fang Bing into meat sauce.

Face a strong opponent like the Hulk.

Fang Bing didn’t have time to worry about the two remaining Leviathan mechanical behemoths in the sky.

He could only choose to solve the unwieldy goods in front of him first.

Electric energy shock!


A bucket-thick electric current hit the Hulk in mid-air.

Interrupted his jumping process again.

It also numbed the Hulk for a moment.

Then he couldn’t borrow because he was in mid-air.

Straight to the ground.

The next moment.

Fang Bing swiped with one hand.

Underneath the Hulk drop.

A huge portal opened.

Prepare to send him off the battlefield.

Send it to the sea to be sober and sober.

But what surprised Fang Bing was.

The Hulk actually reacted.

He reached out and grabbed the edge of the portal.

Climbed out again.

This made Fang Bing suspect that the Hulk was not out of control at all!

Because he also has intelligence and judgment!

Originally, Fang Bing felt.

The runaway Hulk will definitely be like an iron.

Eighty percent are not as smart as the haters before.

There will only be a rampage.

Using the portal should be able to solve him cleverly.

But now.

Fang Bing just found out.


Lost your mind at all.

It’s controlled by someone!

The reason why I came at myself in the first place.

It’s because the goal is yourself!

Think of this.

Fang Bing was even more curious about what happened to the Hulk just now.

I also don’t understand the current situation at all.

But looking at the Hulk rushing towards him again.

He has no other way now.

You can only solve the Hulk first!

Since it is impossible to take advantage of it.

Then let’s go head-to-head!

Fang Bing also rushed towards the Hulk from the air!

Nian Power drives the arm!

Speed up for every punch!

Neurotoxins are fully open!

Every punch is highly toxic!

Electric energy impact condenses without covering the fist!

Every punch comes with a powerful current!

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Fang Bing’s divine power level has long reached LV6.

It also has the bonus of ant power.

The simple strength has long been not inferior to the Hulk!

Even stronger than the current Hulk!

Add to that the damage attached to those of his abilities.

The Hulk is completely suppressed!

Not to mention.

Fang Bing originally possessed the reflexes and melee combat skills that were much stronger than the Hulk.

The Hulk who hit him roared again and again.

But there was nothing to do.


The Hulk was kicked by the square ice road again.

Smashed on the pavement.

Fang Bing’s legs jumped hard.

Out of thin air.

A heavy elbow hit the Hulk’s chest.

Then it starts like a pile driver hammering nails.

Punch after punch.

Hammered the Hulk under the pavement.

“Fang Bing! Tap! Don’t beat Dr. Banner to death! He didn’t mean to! ”

The stunned bald chief who has long seen it.

Quickly shouted in the headset.

I was afraid that Fang Bing would hammer the Hulk to death if he didn’t pay attention.

But Fang Bing was not as optimistic as him.

Because he felt that the Hulk under him was not hurt too badly at all.

Instead, his anger grew heavier.

The strength to struggle under your own fists is also greater and greater!

Those injuries that were originally made by themselves.

He is also healing himself as he gets angrier!

Fang Bing felt that he would soon be unable to control him!

That’s not good.

The Hulk originally had a physique that surpassed himself.

Under normalcy.

The strength is only less than my own.

Continue to fight like this in close combat.

The Hulk’s attacks and defenses are only going to get stronger.

Fang Bing felt that he would soon have no advantage!

It is worthy of being the Hulk with the ability to get angrier and stronger!

This stuff is really hard!

Fang Bing continued to blast the hammer while continuing.

While thinking about how to solve the problem of the Hulk.

In the blink of an eye, I came up with several solutions.

Try them one by one!

Fang Bing began to leave a hand to continue hammering the Hulk.

The other hand pressed to the ground.


Fang Bing’s fist had a huge vibranium fist sleeve on it!

Change punches!


Hammer on the head!

The Hulk, who was about to struggle to get up, was hammered again.

Fang Bing took the opportunity to press his hand on the ground again.

A vibranium chest was made.

A kick kicked the Hulk, who was still shaking his head, into it.

The Hulk wants to escape.

Fang Bing made up two punches for him with his hand with a vibranium fist.

Beat him back.

The other hand is pressed on the vibranium box.

Start closing the door.

Soon the Hulk was completely sealed inside the box.

Fang Bing didn’t want to gamble.

The Hulk who is getting angrier and stronger.

Can you burst the vibranium box.

The portal was opened directly.

Threw the vibranium box along with the Hulk.

At the other end of the portal is the deepest trench on Earth.

Fang Bing felt.

Now the Hulk can escape the vibranium box.

Think back to New York again.

It will not be possible for a while.

After solving the Hulk.

Fang Bing found that the other members of the Avengers were almost dead.

Because of the absence of himself and the Hulk.

There are more and more Zitari armies appearing from the portal!

It’s just that there are five Leviathan mechanical behemoths!

The American team has been beaten and vomited blood.

Both Hawkeye and Natasha were under siege.

And Thor, the hammer god, is the same as Iron Man.

Fly around in the sky and rescue everywhere.

Otherwise, the American team and Natasha below would have died early.

“The portal must be closed! We can’t stand it! ”

Natasha shouted eagerly on the communication channel.

Originally at this time.

If the Hulk defeats Loki.

Snatched the scepter.

Natasha should have arrived at the teleporter on the roof of the Stark Tower.

Ready to close the portal in the sky.

But now the Hulks are gone.

She was also trapped underneath.

“Bad news! My command has been taken away, and the top of the military department has launched a nuclear bomb at you, and they want to destroy New York together with them in order to eradicate the aliens! ”

Fang Bing heard that the nuclear bomb was still launched.

I didn’t worry about it.

Because nuclear bombs are not a problem for him at all.

Now the question is.

What exactly is going on with Loki above?

Fang Bing used Nian Power to fly to the top floor of the Stark Building.

After walking in.

Sure enough, Loki was found sitting on the couch.

Wear armor.

Scepter in hand.

A very calm look.

It seems that just now the Hulk came up.

Didn’t cause him any trouble at all?

But how is this possible?

“Mortals, don’t kneel yet!”

Loki stood up.

Put the scepter on the ground and drink.

Fang Bing didn’t see anything tricky.

So he closed his eyes.

Listen carefully.

Block out the cluttered sounds outside.

Loki is proficient in illusion.

He can now decipher the ability of illusion.

Only super hearing anymore.

Half a second later.

He punched him sharply behind him.


One is under the cover of Loki’s illusion.

Those who tried to approach were shot and flew out.

Fang Bing fixed his gaze.

I originally thought that the person who attacked him must be Loki.

But I didn’t expect it.

What was sent flying out was an alien woman with horns.

Fang Bing snorted in his heart.

I kind of understood why the Hulk was controlled.

The one in front of him is holding a spear.

The head has horns.

Tall alien woman with an ugly face.

Isn’t it one of Thanos’ five generals, Proxima Night?

She is a master of cosmic martial arts.

Thanos’ most loyal men.

There is her to attract firepower.

Cooperate with Loki’s illusion.

Hulk that humble.

It’s also normal to be controlled by the Mind Gem on Loki’s scepter.

Just why did she come here?

This little butterfly of your own is also too good for fanning, right?

Originally remembered.

Loki didn’t bring a helper at all?

Only a bunch of the Zetari fleet helped.

will be defeated by the Avengers of Earth.


The moment Fang Bing saw her.

The first feeling is not fear.

It’s a surprise!

It feels like Thanos is so polite!

Know that you are in a hurry to improve your strength.

Just keep your hands on it.

Send it to your door to help yourself improve your strength!

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