As for whether he could pass the exam, Feng Yu was not panicked at all.

Looking around the entire venue, the candidates who captured the haunted mad pig were all handled like him, including the protagonist group.

“With the current situation, as long as there are no accidents, it will progress 100% like the original plot!”

Feng Yu glanced at Xiaojie and Leoli, who were not far away and put the bosom pig on the fire and roasted it, and his heart was full of confidence.

The next development is naturally needless to say, the candidates think that the ‘food’ they have cooked well, except for Bhara who gave the qualification, all of them were folded in the hands of Menqi.

On the one hand, this is because Menqi is not as loose as Bhara, and on the other hand, it is also a murderous aura from Siso.

Just like in the original book, Siso is like a perverted murderer, and he will release a murderous aura on Menqi at any time, as if he will burst into attack at any time.

Under such a dangerous atmosphere, even if Menqi wanted to calm down, it was difficult, naturally he was particularly anxious and impatient.

The end result is naturally Nitro’s turn.


Jumping from the airship suspended in the airship, I don’t know if it was for deterrence, or if he thought it didn’t matter, Nitro fell in the center of the venue without any unloading.

With a huge roar, the violent impact also shattered and collapsed the ground where it landed, stirring up a large area of dust.

“Isaac Nitro… Once the strongest human race in the world, now when he is old, he is still a strong person standing on top of mankind….” Standing with the other candidates, Feng Yu stared at the domineering Nitro.

There is no suspense, compared with a world-class ability like Nitro, today’s wind feather has a huge gap with the other party.

If the two sides fight, I am afraid that he will be **** by the nits in one face.

However, this did not prevent Feng Yu from making Nitro his goal.

“There is the achievement of [Strongest Human] in the system, that is, if I want to complete this achievement, I must have the strength to surpass Nitro, and even need to defeat the other party in battle.”

Feng Yu thought that his free time was to check the main achievements released by the system, and a touch of battle intent was born in his heart.

The main achievement of [The Strongest Human] not only represents a rich reward, but also this title is so tempting.

Feng Yu is not the type of salted fish mentality, otherwise he would not have become a person with abilities before the system went online, and his ambitions for himself were very large.


Toad Tiger Mountain, that is, after Nitro came forward, Menqi decided to take the new test location.

“Naw… Everyone, please take a closer look at the cliff!! ”

The candidates landed in an airship, and then came to a bottomless cliff led by Menqi.

“What’s that?!”

When the examinees heard Menqi’s words, they couldn’t help but concentrate and look down at the cliff, and then there were surprised looks on the candidates’ faces.

Because in the mid-air of the cliff, there are huge spider webs connected to the cliff walls on both sides of the cliff, and in these spider webs there are nests of eggs hanging.

“This is the nest of the grape spider, look carefully under those webs, it is the egg produced by the grape spider, that is, the topic of this new exam, you need to go down and catch an egg of the grape spider, and then bring it.”

After Menqi briefly introduced the exam questions, he looked at the candidates playfully.

“What a joke, how is this going to go down.”

“That is, the cliff below here can’t see a foothold at all, and going down is completely sending you to death!”

“I’m definitely not going down anyway.”


Although the candidates were very positive about the re-exam, all of them participated, but when Menqi announced the new exam questions, it was obvious that many candidates were afraid.

Seeing the reactions of the candidates, Meng Qi was not surprised.

Not to mention that she has not yet demonstrated the way to capture, even if she did, with the danger, I am afraid that it will make many candidates daunted.

“Then…” After observing the reactions of the candidates, Menqi was ready to go into battle for a demonstration.

But as soon as she spoke, she suddenly gathered among the examinees in front of the cliff and immediately saw a figure swooping down and jumping off the cliff.

“Hey… I haven’t demonstrated how to capture it yet! ”

Menqi was startled in his heart, and hurriedly looked at the figure jumping off the cliff, and shouted loudly.

“Is it the man who clashed with Siso, is this guy dead?”

“Has the other party found a way?”

“It’s easy to go down, but how to get up, even if you have professional climbing ability, but with an egg of this size, the difficulty of talking has increased a little.”


The other candidates were also taken aback, and quickly looked at it.

For example, after Leoli recognized that it was Feng Yu, he subconsciously thought that Feng Yu wanted to commit suicide.

However, Kurapika and Xiaojie, as well as Killu, were all surprised to guess whether Feng Yu had found some way to capture it.

“It’s okay, Miss Examiner, my companion won’t be trapped by this difficulty.”

Beside the shouting Menqi, Shi Ba suddenly stepped forward and looked at the wind feather under the cliff with a relaxed smile that accurately grabbed a spider silk.

“Your companion?!” Menqi subconsciously turned his head to look at Shi Ba beside him, turned his eyes slightly condensed, and looked back at the wind feather under the cliff again thoughtfully.

The webs produced by grape spiders are very strong.

In the dive fall, after grabbing a spider silk, the figure is cushioned by the strong spider silk after sinking for a distance, and bounces upward.

Almost instantly, with the rebound of the spider silk, the wind feather jumped out of the air again, crossing several meters away, and grabbed a nest of spider eggs hanging under the spider silk not far away.

The inertia of the body falling, pulling the connected spider silk off, seeing that it is about to continue to fall under the cliff, when the wind feather is grasping a nest of spider eggs, the action is not half condensed is to turn flexibly.

(Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for tips!!! )

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