Remember in one second【】

With anxiety.

Sarutobi Hizen slowly unrolled the scroll, still a little worried about seeing the horrible casualties on the front line, or even the result of Konoha's direct defeat.

However, when he saw that there was no message asking for help on the scroll, Sarutobi's heart lifted halfway.

The front is the most intuitive number of casualties on both sides.

Seeing Konoha's casualties, the blood-stained number pierced Sarutobi's eyes and pierced his heart.

Can't help but feel distressed and regretful.

Huge casualties.

Suppressing the bitterness and helplessness in his heart, Sarutobi was stunned when he continued to look down.

"What's wrong? Rishang! Is it good news or bad news in the battle report?" Turning to sleep, Xiaochun saw him, anxiously like an ant on a hot pot, and couldn't wait to know the result, especially when he saw the ape After Feirizhan's expression changed.

But Sarutobi Hizen didn't have time to talk to him at all.

Scrolling quickly with both hands, moving towards the back for some briefings on the battlefield.

After a while.

This short period of time, for other people, is almost torment every minute and every second, but Sarutobi can't say it, they don't ask too much.


The scroll was placed back on the table heavily, Sarutobi Richan raised his head, his eyes were uncertain and mixed with all kinds of complex emotions.

"Hisaka! You are talking!" He looked like Zhuan Xiaochun and Mito Menyan more anxiously.


Sarutobi Rizhan let out a long sigh, and finally a smile appeared on the old face, like a chrysanthemum smile.

"Good! Very good! Very good!"

Hearing his three "goods" and the smile on his face, everyone in the meeting room let go of their mouthparts.

At least, it should not be bad news.

And looking at Sarutobi's appearance, it might be good news.

"Watch it for yourself." Sarutobi Rishan no longer appetized everyone, and handed the scroll to Zhuan Xiaochun.

The connection belt grabbed the reel eagerly, and couldn't wait to look at the content on it.

Looking at it, Zhuan Xiaochun's eyes gradually widened, and her mouth opened rather regardless of the occasion, not closed.

Fallen into shock.

After reading it, Mito Menyan robbed it again.

This battle report Sarutobi Risaki didn't mean to keep it secret, just to let the Konoha elites here take a good look.

As a result, after reading it, everyone's expression became as if he was going to bed.

After everyone had read the battle report, the meeting room was once again restored to the weird tranquility before. Only Sarutobi Hizaki was licking his pipe with pride.

Even the smoke rings that he spit out seem to be more elegant.

"How can it be......"

After a long time, the first Zhuan Xiaochun who finished reading the battle report murmured something.

They Konoha won in this Karasuma battle!

But the reason for this victory was that none of them had thought of it.

Sarutobi daytime!

This name, at this moment, has become the only name left in everyone's mind, and it can't be dispersed for a long time.

One sword slayed Yun Ren Magnetic Escape Troy.

The momentum of crushing suppressed Yunyin Village Yingfu Rongyi Tutai.

According to incomplete statistics, the number of Yunren who died directly or indirectly on his hands is as high as hundreds of people, many of whom are Shangren and even elites.

The most important thing is that with a super S-class forbidden technique "Judgement of Jianyu Thunder God", the second tail of Yun Ren's war weapon was killed in seconds, and the will of Yun Ren's army was abruptly defeated.

Each of these is a remarkable achievement when placed on a Konoha ninja.

And each one is more shocking.

It's not an exaggeration to say that this turned the whole battle around with his own power.

Of course, it is undeniable that there are many coincidences, but it is hard power that prompted these coincidences.

Spear of Judgment, Sarutobi Daytime!

"Okay... awesome..." someone said again, deeply impressed by Qifeng's record.

This is definitely Konoha's most shocking result since the outbreak of the third Ninja War.

Perhaps, it should be said that it was the most shocking result of the entire Ninja World.

And at this time, some people who are more attentive may wonder why the previously unknown Sarutobi Rizen can have such a huge improvement in strength in a short period of time?

But seeing Sarutobi Hizaki smiling and licking his pipe, they all chose not to ask in a tacit understanding.

Is there any need to ask?

Such a result!

It's not an exaggeration to say that as long as "Sarutobi Himana" does not do anything excessive or betray Konoha, even Sarutobi Hizen, who is a Naruto, can't take Sarutobi Himana without any reason.

The result is everything!

From this moment on, the name "Spear of Judgment" Sarutobi Sunshine will be sung throughout Konoha and even the entire Shinobi world.

He is the hero in the hearts of the people of Konoha!

Moreover, Konoha, who is currently trapped in the quagmire of war, is in dire need of exciting news, a ninja who can be pinned high.

In the past, Sarutobi Hizaki deliberately created the "yellow flash" wave wind water gate, but the wave wind water gate did not disappoint him, and the results of his victories were quite outstanding and shocking.

But for this time, Sarutobi's daytime

^0^Remember in one second【】

The light briefly suppressed the wave of wind water gate.

"Ri Zhan..." Zhuan Xiaochun looked tangled and shouted with her mouth open.

Sarutobi Hitori raised his hand and interrupted him directly.

Putting his hands on the conference table, he stood up slowly, his sharp eyes scanned the entire conference room, no one dared to look at him.

Shinobu's tolerance and deterrence can still be seen when Sarutobi Rizen is serious.

"Konoha Ninja Sarutobi has made outstanding contributions during the day, and the results are outstanding. Konoha needs such a hero, and also needs such a ninja who can be expected by everyone!" Directly and strongly concluded the battle report.

"Now, immediately announce this news to the whole village, and send it to Danzo and Oshamaru at the same time. This is an important victory for us! Everyone needs such a victory to inspire!"


Standing up neatly, after a group of elite ninjas responded, they were excited to complete the tasks assigned by Sarutobi Hisaki.

Konoha is too difficult.

Since the outbreak of the Third Ninja World War, Shayin Village, Yanyin Village, and Yunyin Village have successively attacked Konoha. Although Wuyin Village has not directly declared war, it has frequently invaded the border of the Fire Country recently.

Under such circumstances, Konoha is really too difficult.

Even if he has confidence in Konoha, facing the four hidden villages at the same time, Konoha's ninjas and ordinary people still feel anxious.


I was worried about when a bad report came from the front and Konoha stepped into a dangerous situation.

And this battle report this time will be the best relief stone to comfort all Konoha residents and Konoha ninjas.

after an hour.

In Konoha Village, news of the victory of the Karasuma Battle has spread throughout the village.

Sarutobi Hizen concealed Konoha's casualties, but did not conceal Yun Ren's casualties At the same time, Sarutobi's actions during the day were placed at the forefront of the announcement.

Below him, there is the wave of wind and water.

When seeing this message.

Countless ninjas, ordinary people are in an uproar.

Although the previous battle of Sakamoto had been used as a foreshadowing, when they saw the name of Sarutobi Daytime again, as well as the terrifying deeds and the results of the battle.

Konoha was in an uproar.

During the day, Sarutobi's name will surely leave a strong mark in Konoha's history.

And no one knows that behind all this, there is actually a masterpiece of Konoha Nakanobu named "Maruyama Praying for the Wind", one by one inconspicuous corpse collectors.


Subscribe! Monthly ticket! collect! Chapter 16!

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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