Chapter 132 Tobirama

“We have won!”

Excited joyous sound came from the enchantment, and the samurai who survived the catastrophe, hugged each other in tears of joy.

Many samurai also noticed the Miko who was standing alone in the middle of the battlefield, and hurriedly surrounded her tightly, sharing the joy of victory together.

Just now, the energy hedged against Bai Wei, who was hollowed out by Nine Tails, barely making a body smile, and staring at them with excitement.

Yeah, it’s a victory.

The shrine maiden, surrounded by the unsmiling samurai all the time, whispered in her heart feeling the familiar sunlight on her cheeks.

But it was not the time yet. She raised her hand and rubbed her stiff cheeks, and said loudly to the surrounding samurai: “The enemy in front of her has been sealed, but there may be other monsters in the ghost country, samurai! We! The war is not over yet!”

The witch standing on the gravel waved her shattered sleeves, once again inspiring people.


The samurai stood solemnly and flicked the long swords on their waists uniformly, and after nodding at the shrine maiden, they commanded their subordinates to start running from where the shrine was.

They are now to be the eyes of the Miko-sama, collecting all the insights that are happening in the country into intelligence, and accurately conveying it to the shrine.

After Bai Wei sent out all the guards, she was the only one left on this scarred land, and now she had to remove her disguise.

Although she is a witch in the shrine, she is in a high position in the country of ghosts, and she also understands a lot of worldly principles.

The country that has been in peace for a long time is suddenly attacked by monsters and will inevitably fall into a short period of chaos. Now she has to not only regain her strength, but also deal with the unrighteous actions of neighboring countries taking advantage of the fire.

Bai Wei dragged her tired body to the stone wall and slowly sat down. The coldness of the ground spread from her clothes to her heart, but she could not feel any coldness, because the samurai just now told her with actions that she was facing the disaster. People’s hearts were not cold at all in Eureh, but were extremely hot.

She looked at the land where the sprites were sealed, and muttered to the air that had regained clarity: “This time, humanity has won.”

The noise of the hustle and bustle seemed to linger in her ears with unwillingness, and it just made her smile with her dry mouth.

The sky was changing, the twilight replaced the azure blue, and the witch who was relying on the mountain wall was awakened by the birdsong in the mountains.

Regardless of the dust on her body, she hurriedly got up and looked at the direction she felt. The twinkling figure had already indicated their ninja.

She thought in her heart that the closest to the ghost country should be Rock Shinobi and Sand Shinobi, but the forehead protector on the ninja’s forehead revealed the answer.

It’s all wrong.

It is Konoha’s ninja.

The silver-haired man who appeared in front of him squatted down and pressed his fingers against the ground, as if he was feeling something.

The red-haired man who appeared next to him scratched his hair at the blank-faced witch, and said, “Konoha Shinobi, Senju Tobirama and Uzumaki Umi, come to support the sealing monster.”

The maiden’s eyes condensed slightly, and these two names instantly made her react. It was the younger brother of the Ninja God and the young patriarch of the Uzumaki clan, and responded: “Bai Wei.”

Was it Konoha’s ninja first to arrive? She looked at the dazzling red hair in the twilight, lost in thought.

As a witch, she knows the Grandmaster sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan, and has heard that their clan has sealed many strange animals before.

Uzumaki Hidden Village has joined Konohagakure, and the ninjas of the Uzumaki clan will inevitably report and explain their interests to Konoha about the appearance of monsters in the land of ghosts, so they will arrive as soon as possible.

But the top priority is to inquire about the situation in the ghost country. Bai Wei looked at Hai Wei with erratic eyes: “Did you see other monsters on the way to the shrine?”

Hai Wei shook his head, moved his eyes from the exposed shoulders of the maiden to her cheeks, and replied, “The route we took, and no other monsters were found.”

“Really?” Bai Wei’s nervous expression eased a little, she raised her face and looked in other directions worriedly.

Tobirama, who had finished perceiving the sound of the film, stood up and looked at the embarrassed maiden in front of him, and said in a deep voice, “Nine Tails ever appeared here?”

“Nine-tailed fox and huge Chakra warrior.” Bai Wei and Tobirama Hongtong looked at each other, raising their arms and pointing to the deep groove on the edge of the battlefield. “That is the trace left by the strange blade of the Chakra giant.”


Tobirama rolled his eyes and repeated it in a low voice. The presence of Nine Tails meant that Uchiha Lusheng had returned to the Ninja World from the moon.

He stepped forward and looked at the depth of the ravine, speculating on the shape of the weapon’s blade, “This can’t be caused by a long knife, it should be a spear-like weapon.”

“The halberd.”

Bai Wei replied, facing the moonlight.

This is not Uchiha Madara’s style. Senju Tobirama, Uchiha’s old enemy, speculated that an unbelievable idea ignited from the bottom of his heart.

He hurriedly asked: “The color of the Chakra giant?”

“It’s red.”

The soft voice of the woman caused Tobirama’s red eyes to cause an earthquake. This is not Madara’s Susanoo.

It’s terrestrial.

But the Miko had no reason to lie to him, and…

After his research on Uchiha, only Mangekyō can turn on Susanoo. If you want to condense a long weapon in Susanoo’s hand, it requires extremely strong pupil power.

And how the kid Lu Sheng used Susanoo and controlled Nine Tails in two years. Although there were only three small Nine Tails, it was enough to shock the world.

Chakra, who had not been blown away by the wind in the air, made him overthrow the previous study of Uchiha in his mind.

Bai Wei and Hai Wei looked at Tobirama, who was in deep thought, and silently waited for him together without disturbing them.

At this moment, Tobirama maintained the rationality of developing Forbidden Technique. Although the reality was unbelievable for a while, it had already happened. He began to force his thoughts to flow in this direction.

The faces of Madara and Lu Sheng began to appear in his mind, and the Uchiha family’s fan was hovering in his mind. It can be said with certainty that Lu Sheng is the next Uchiha Madara.

But he has a different mindset from Madara, his identification with the village and the attitude and method of dealing with others, which still makes him feel relieved.

The flow of the wind changed, and Tobirama instantly came to the cliff, standing where Madara was before, looking at the erratic white clouds under the full moon.

“Uchiha Lusheng, I hope you haven’t been changed by time.”

Hai Wei explained to the surprised shrine maiden: “Master Tobirama’s perception ability is one of the best in Konoha Village.”

Bai Wei came back to her senses and smiled kindly at the red-haired man beside her, “Konoha Shinobi came to assist this time, and there is no entrusted money.”


Bai Wei, who was next to Haiwei in confusion, talked about the money properly. He hesitated and said, “The country of ghosts should not be able to pay, right now the other four ninjas are coming.”

“To shut up!”

“Sorry, Miko-sama.”

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