People in Marvel, start to marry the Scarlet Witch

Chapter 165: The Scholar Saul (Part 2)

"You mean all of this is Loki's conspiracy?"

Hearing Li Chuan's general analysis of the situation, Sol stared in disbelief.

Although his younger brother likes to lie very much, and also likes to tease others everywhere with the illusion he learned from his mother, he probably wouldn't do such a thing.

"When did the Frost Giants not steal the treasury, but when you ascended the throne? Without acquaintances to bring them, how did they avoid Heimdall's eyes and enter Asgard from Jotunheim?

Thinking about the power under the crown of Odin, would he die so easily? You must know how much your queen mother loves you, why would she agree to exile you forever?

Who is the ultimate beneficiary of all this? It is your younger brother Loki, who ascended the throne that originally belonged to you, and all this is what Loki told you, and there is no way to prove it.

Think carefully about whether your brother can do such a thing with his personality. "

Li Chuan's series of words directly burned Sol's CPU dry, and he stood there with his mouth open, looking abnormally dazed.

It took him a long time to finally react, he punched the table and said angrily:

"Damn Loki, if he did all of this, I'm going to kick his ass hard when I get back!"

"You really love your brother very much."

Hearing this, Li Chuan immediately supported his forehead.

This is for ordinary people. When encountering a situation where the younger brother plans to rebel against him, even if he does not directly kill him, he will be imprisoned for life. When it comes to Sol, it is just a kick in the ass.

"What now? If I don't get Thor's hammer back, I can't return to Asgard."

Remembering that he tried for a day and a night yesterday but failed to pull out Thor's Hammer, Thorton pulled it down again.

Without Thor's Hammer, without divine power, he is just a stronger mortal, not a match for Loki at all.

Li Chuan tapped the table with his hands, thought for a while and replied:

"According to my observation just now, your Thor's Hammer should have been cast with a very powerful spell, but I can't break it with my strength, but I guess it should be that you need to make a change."

"Me? What do I need to change?"

Sol was dumbfounded.

Li Chuan raised his finger and pointed at Saul:

"You need to recognize your mistakes."

"I already knew I was wrong. I knew it when Loki came to see me last night. Although he lied to me, I also understand that I was indeed impulsive when I went to Jotunheim."

Thor poured the beer in his hand into his stomach in one gulp.

Seeing this, Li Chuan shook his head:

"No, you just feel that you are acting impulsively, but you don't feel that there is anything wrong with going to war with the frost giant. You still want to use violence to solve everything. This is the problem."

After speaking, he looked at Li San next to him, Li San nodded and handed him a few books that he had bought at a nearby bookstore as he requested.

"War and Peace, Les Miserables, A Farewell to Arms, Doctor Zhivago, Armageddon."

"Give me these for what?"

Sol looked at the books piled on the table with a confused look in his eyes.

And Li Chuan smiled:

"Of course I have read it. You have read these books carefully from now on. If you can read all these books, then you will realize the cruelty of war and the meaning of peace.

Then you may be able to pick up Thor's hammer again and regain the power of Thor! "

He is not a philosopher, nor is he a confidante. He can make Sol wake up, but it doesn't matter. There are many world famous books describing the cruelty of war in the world. I believe Sol will always change after reading it.

The next morning, at the giant pit fifty miles away from Old Bridge Town.

"How was the book you read yesterday?"

Standing in front of Thor's Hammer, Li Chuan asked Sol.

"Every general who pushes history forward is nothing but a slave to history."

Sol stood there with a three-point solemn expression:

"I finished reading the two books "War and Peace" and "Les Miserables" yesterday, and I feel that my heart has been baptized, and many thoughts have changed.

What my father said is good, I do still have many deficiencies. "

"Very good, try to pick it up!"

Li Chuan's eyes lit up when he heard Sol say that, and he thought there might be something wrong.

Thor nodded, put his hand on Thor's Hammer and began to exert force:


With Thor's roar, the Thor's Hammer began to shake slowly, as if it might be picked up by Thor at any time.

However, for one minute, two minutes, three minutes, Thor's Hammer just shook, no matter how hard Thor tried and roared, it still couldn't be picked up completely.

"Why? Why is this happening?"

Thor let go of Thor's Hammer, squatted on the ground and drew circles with a loveless expression on his face.

Li Chuan frowned and looked at Thor's Hammer, then patted Sol on the shoulder:

"There was no movement at all before, but now at least it has moved, which means it has an effect. It may be that you have read too few books. After all, you have only read two books for one day."

"Really, I don't read much, don't you lie to me?"

Hope appeared on Sol's face again, and Mjolnir did indeed move just now.

"It's because of the lack of reading. If you read a few more books, especially those about philosophy and thinking about life, you should be able to pick them up sooner or later."

Li Chuan nodded in affirmation.

Saul immediately turned around:

"Okay, I'll go back and continue studying!"

"Wait a minute, I still have a method to try first, if it doesn't work, you can go back to study."

Maybe Sol went back to read the book for ten days and a half months, and he could really wake up and summon Thor's Hammer again, but it was too late, because the Destroyer was probably coming soon.

"any solution?"

Saul turned back again.

Li Chuan took out the Elder Wand and chanted a curse at Thor:

"The soul is out of the body!"

A ray of magic light shot on Sol, and Sol suddenly showed a happy look on his face.

"From now on, your heart hates war very much, you yearn for peace, you yearn for peace from the bottom of your heart, your heart is full of justice, you protect the weak, even if you sacrifice your life, you are a true God of mercy."

Li Chuan output his thoughts to Sol, and Sol nodded immediately:

"Yes, I am like this, and I must be like this!"

"Okay, now go get your Thor's Hammer."

Li Chuan ordered Sol.

Thor walked to the side of Thor's Hammer, stretched out his hand and slowly grabbed the handle of the hammer, and then pulled it out forcefully, and he actually picked up the hammer from the ground.

"I didn't expect it to be really useful!"

Seeing Thor pick up Thor's Hammer, Li Chuan's eyes lit up.

However, in the next second, a powerful thunder force suddenly erupted from Thor's Hammer, which directly knocked Thor Dian to the ground, foaming at the mouth, and fell to the previous position again.

"Well, it seems that this method will not work."

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