People in Marvel, start to marry the Scarlet Witch

Chapter 447: Ella's Invitation (Part 2)

"Little Tina, get out of the way!"

However, just as Li Chuan finished turning the horse's head, there were a lot of terrified shouts from the side.

It turned out that just now when the giant was split in half, he finally instinctively threw away the big mallet in his hand, and the big mallet flew high into the sky due to the giant's powerful strength, and now it fell down.

However, its whereabouts will not hit Li Chuan, but a little peasant girl watching the excitement next to him.

The little girl was stunned when she heard the crowd's yelling, obviously she didn't know that the danger was approaching.

Seeing that the big mallet was about to hit, it suddenly split into two in mid-air, avoided the little girl perfectly, and hit the ground on both sides of the little girl, leaving two big holes.

On the other hand, Li Chuan withdrew his hand on the steel sword at his waist, and rode on again to continue forward.

That's right, he just drew his sword and chopped the big mallet in half, but because his speed was too fast, ordinary people couldn't see it clearly.

"Sister, what's the matter?"

At the same time, Farkas, who had just cut off the toe from the giant's corpse, got up and saw Ella half-raised the bow and arrow in his hand, showing a puzzled look.

"I found a guy with very good strength."

Aila put away the bow and arrow in her hand, and pointed to Li Chuan who was riding away on a black horse.

As a top archer, her keen perception made her aware of accidents outside the farm in advance.

It's just that she originally wanted to rely on her superb archery skills to shoot the giant's big mallet away with one arrow, but happened to see Li Chuan's lightning-fast sword.

If it was an ordinary soldier, it might not be possible to find the traces of Li Chuan's shot, but Ella is an archer, and she is still the top one.

Her eyes have been trained to be many times stronger than eagle eyes, and she can even slow down the moving time of objects to a certain extent.

"Looking at his low-level leather armor and small body, he doesn't seem to be very strong."

Farkas made his own judgment in a daze.

Ella patted the back of his head with her hand:

"Stupid Farkas, don't just look at appearances. When the giant appeared just now, everyone backed away in fright, but he stopped on the spot on his horse without any expression of fear, which shows that his heart is very strong.

And if you look carefully at the lines of his muscles, he is full of explosive power, and he is definitely a powerful fighter.

Now Silver Hand has been looking for trouble for us, and the comrades-in-arms group also needs to add some excellent talents. "

After she finished speaking, she rolled her eyes, moved her feet, and quickly chased after him like the wind, leaving Farkas with a blank face.

"My friend, it looks very unfamiliar. Is this your first visit to Xueman City?"

Li Chuan was riding a horse and admiring the scenery on both sides, when a voice suddenly came from beside him.

Reining in the horse and turning around, it was Ella from the comrades-in-arms group.

"Yes, or it's my first time in Skyrim Province, what's the matter?"

Turning over and dismounting, he politely replied.

"If you are interested, you can go to the Wind Zone to join the comrades-in-arms group. We accept any outstanding and upright fighters to become our shield friends and fight for honor."

Ella extended the invitation directly.

Li Chuan thought for a while:

"Thank you, I will consider it, but my strength is average, and I may not be able to enter the prestigious comrade-in-arms group."

He didn't intend to join the comrades-in-arms group, but the comrades-in-arms group has a high status in the sky, and it would be impolite to refuse directly, so he said it more tactfully.

As a bold Nord, Ella obviously didn't hear the euphemism in Li Chuan's tone, and reached out and patted him on the shoulder enthusiastically.

"I think you have good strength. Come to the House of the Brave to find me when you have time. I will introduce you to the pioneer Krakow."

"Well, I'll go when I'm free."

Li Chuan nodded helplessly.

Only then did Ella return to the farm with satisfaction.

When he was approaching the gate of Xueman City, Li Chuan first spent a gold coin to store the black horse transformed by the transfiguration technique in a special racecourse, and then walked towards the gate of the city on foot.

All the cities in this world have a rule, that is, horses cannot enter the city except for the official.

So before entering the city, you have to go to the racecourse to deposit your horses.

"Stop, due to the presence of giant dragons nearby, martial law has been imposed in the city, and strangers are not allowed to enter for the time being!"

When Li Chuan came to the entrance of the city gate and was about to enter the city with other people entering the city, he was stopped by sharp-eyed city gate guards.

"It seems that someone in Xueman City also discovered the giant dragon."

Li Chuan paused, then explained:

"Hemu Town asks for help. I was entrusted by the mayor, Gordo, to report news related to the dragon to the city lord."

As soon as the guard knew the seriousness of the situation, he immediately called the captain to report Li Chuan's situation.

The city guard captain looked Li Chuan up and down, with a serious look on his face:

"If what you said is true, then please come with me, and I will take you to Dragon's Reach Castle to meet the Lord Lord."

And so, under the leadership of the city guard captain, Li Chuan passed through the city gate and stepped into the world's first city, Xueman City.

"Money is no problem, but the soldiers of the empire need more swords!"

"I can't handle such a big list of yours alone, so you can't let go of your pride and go to Erlunga from the Gray Mane Clan for help?"

"Ha! I'd rather beg on my knees to Ulfric of Stormcloak than to ask the help of the Greymanes, and the Greymanes will never forge weapons for the Legion."

"Okay, okay, I can only say do my best, but don't expect miracles."

As soon as he stepped into the streets of Xueman City, the first shop that appeared in Li Chuan's eyes was the blacksmith's shop in the city that specialized in selling and making weapons.

At this time, a man and a woman were arguing at the gate of the blacksmith shop.

Although the voices of the two were not too loud, Li Chuan's ears were too sensitive, and he heard all of their conversations.

He knew that besides the well-known comrade-in-arms group, Xueman City had two main factions, one was the Zhankuang clan and the other was the Huimane clan.

People from the two clans have always been at loggerheads.

Now it is because of the civil war in Skyrim that the relationship has become even worse.

Because although Snowman City is neutral, the Warlords support the Empire, and the Greymanes support the Stormcloaks.

The man wearing the imperial officer's armor just now should be a member of the Zhankuang clan who joined the imperial army. He returned to Xueman City and asked the blacksmith here to help make more sharp swords for the empire.

But these have nothing to do with Li Chuan, so he didn't care too much.

Wars, especially this kind of civil war, will always benefit the high-level and careerists of various forces, but most of the dead are civilians.

There is no such thing as who is righteous and who is evil.

He came to this world to further improve his strength, and he didn't want to waste time in these ordinary people's wars.

Unless, there are enough interests that make him tempted.

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