People in Marvel, start to marry the Scarlet Witch

Chapter 551 The initial construction of a complete world system (first update)

"This one is definitely not an ordinary human being!"

While Valerica was extremely shocked, she also gradually understood.

Li Chuan, who was able to kill the Ideal Lord and kill Hakon and a group of vampires so easily, was definitely not an ordinary human adventurer as his daughter Serana said.

He even now doubted whether Li Chuan was some demon god or the incarnation of the Holy Spirit in the human world.

"Recover as before!"

Li Chuan raised his hand to restore the castle to its original state, took out a token and threw it to Serana:

"With this token, you can freely visit any city on the mainland. No one will arrest you because you are a vampire."

"Chuan, who are you?"

Serana also reacted at this time.

Although she was a little naive, she was not stupid. At this time, she still thought that Li Chuan was powerful because human beings had greatly increased their strength after thousands of years of development.

No matter how much it grows, it won’t grow to the level it is now, right?

"I, um, can be regarded as the current emperor of this continent!"

Li Chuan smiled and apparated away, leaving Serana and her mother Valerica looking at each other.

You must know that her father Hakon's greatest ideal is to get rid of the sun that restrains the vampire clan, and then lead the vampires to defeat humans and unify the entire continent.

As a result, the human being who stayed by his side these days turned out to be the emperor who currently ruled the entire continent.

Li Chuan, who teleported away, did not go to Yatim Island where the Psijic Order was located, but returned to his palace first.

After getting the Eye of Magnus, the design drawing of the world of Nirn, the three ancient scrolls, and absorbing the entire Soul Cairn, he urgently needed time to retreat and integrate these things.

So whether you are going to discuss magic with the mages of the Psijic Order, or looking for the so-called artifact Auriel's Bow, or looking for the first-generation Dragonborn, you need to line up in the back first.

"By the way, there is one more thing that has not been dealt with."

Just as he was about to retreat, he suddenly thought of something. He called Lydia, who had returned from Winterfort, and asked:

"The seven days are almost here. What's the reaction from Ancestral China?"

Previously, he gave the Ancestral China seven days to surrender voluntarily, otherwise he would personally destroy them. Now it is the sixth day.

Lydia replied respectfully:

"Your Majesty, according to the news from the front line, it seems that the high elves of the Ancestral China have no intention of surrendering, but have concentrated all their forces to prepare for our invasion."

The main base of the Ancestral China is in the Natsume Islands, and because of the super wizard talent of the high elves and the super archery talent of the wood elves, it has the largest number of wizards and archers on the mainland.

Therefore, in their opinion, even if the Dragonborn Emperor's army could defeat their army on the mainland, it would be difficult to break into their base camp.

Because the army dares to cross the sea and land on Summerset Island, what will greet the army must be all kinds of large-scale magic and countless ultra-long-range magic arrows.

The only thing that worried them was the dragons enslaved by the Dragonborn Emperor, but after all, the number of dragons was limited, and they were not invincible dragons like Alduin.

Anyway, with the current strength of the Ancestral China, it is impossible to counterattack the mainland and regain its original dominance, but it is not a big problem to defend the Xiamu Islands.

This is also the main reason why they are unwilling to surrender voluntarily.

"You are really looking for death, so don't blame me."

Li Chuan took Lydia outside the palace, opened the Tsukuyomi World, and released Kang the Conqueror and his ultra-technological space fleet.

"I have been quite busy recently. This is Kang. Regarding the sanctions imposed by the Ancestral China, I leave it to him to execute!"

"This this."

Lydia looked at the spaceships in the sky and was stunned.

There are no flying combat units in this world. Apart from dragons, there are only various birds and some special magical creatures.

Conqueror Kang's super-tech spaceships not only fly fast, but also have an extremely long attack range. Dealing with the mages and archers of Summerset Island is like using cannons to swat mosquitoes without any effort at all.

After explaining that Kang the Conqueror had heard Lydia's command, Li Chuan entered a state of seclusion.

In the blink of an eye, more than two months have passed.

"It seems that it is not that easy to completely devour a world!"

Seeing that the three-month small world time he had set before was about to run out, Li Chuan couldn't help but sigh.

The Soul Cairn is indeed not as complete as his Tsukuyomi World, but after all, it is a world that the Ideal Lord spent so many years creating. It is not that easy to fully absorb and integrate into the Tsukuyomi World.

According to his current strength, he wouldn't even have to think about it for a hundred years.

But even so, because the fused soul cairn has allowed the Tsukuyomi world to continue to grow, the absorption speed of the blood fountain has also been greatly increased.

The absorption speed of the blood fountain increases, the Tsukuyomi World becomes more powerful, and the fused soul cairn becomes faster, which in turn causes the blood fountain to absorb faster.

This forms a very good virtuous cycle.

If this continues, it may not take a hundred years to fully integrate the Soul Cairn.

The only thing is that the blood spring may be completely absorbed in another two years, and by then the speed of the soul fusion cairn will drop a lot.

Fortunately, while integrating the Soul Cairn, there were also some breakthroughs in the research on the three ancient scrolls.

Analyzing the three ancient scrolls based on the Tsukuyomi World Law, he found that the existence of the ancient scrolls involves many abilities. It can be used as a time artifact to banish Alduin into the long river of time, and it can see the past and predict the future.

It's like a scroll that records everything that happened in the world of Nirn from the beginning to the end.

It’s more vivid, like reading a movie script.

If placed in the mythical world of his past life that he could understand, the Elder Scrolls would, in a sense, be similar to the Book of Life and Death, the most powerful magic weapon in the underworld.

The Book of Life and Death records the life of any living creature in the world, from birth to death, while the Elder Scroll records everything that happens in the world of Nirn, from the past to the future.

It’s just that the Book of Life and Death can change the lifespan of mortal creatures at will, but the Elder Scrolls does not have this function.

But in the same way that the Elder Scrolls can banish enemies into the long river of time, the Book of Life and Death cannot do the same.

So Li Chuan thought about it. If he could merge the three ancient scrolls into one and then refine it into his own Tsukuyomi world, it might be able to play a similar role to the Book of Life and Death in the future.

At the same time, the characteristics of the ancient scrolls can be used to allow the soul cairn to integrate into the Tsukuyomi world more quickly, transform into the underworld of the Tsukuyomi world, and build a complete cycle of life and death.

Use the design of the Eye of Magnus to construct all things, use the blood spring as the origin of life, use the soul cairn to incarnate the underworld, and use the ancient scrolls to construct a complete cycle of life and death.

Finally, as long as he puts in another sun, the Tsukuyomi world will become a truly complete world.

In the future, with the development of life, the world will become more and more powerful. Finally, using the power of the small universe as a further framework and imitating the methods of the God Group, a complete universe can gradually be constructed.

By that time, he will be a multiverse-level powerhouse not inferior to Sisol.

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