Still motionless in fear.

"First of all, let's say hello, Qiushui."

Youyu grinned while looking at the black knife in his hand.

"Chang! Om—"

The extreme level of armed color domineering, completely covering Qiu Shui's blade.

Qiu Shui let out a burst of harsh knife sounds.

"One sword flow-Qiushui, Yu Yiyi's interpretation of kendo."

Xiyan on the side, watching Youyu obsessively, muttered.

"One sword flow--"

Cang! Cang! Cang!

The terrifying armed color domineering, formed a black and purple mist, wrapped around Qiushui's blade.

Even the air around Qiushui's blade made waves of sorrows.

From a distance, Qiu Shui at this time is like a black hole, swallowing and tearing everything apart!

"Autumn Water!!!"


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The rain, at this moment, seemed to be frozen and stagnated in the air.

Even the breeze accompanied by raindrops in the air disappeared completely.

Between the heaven and the earth, it seems that all the colors have disappeared.

Only that remains, that dark purple light!

"One sword flow-autumn water!!!"



Qiu Shui's black and purple blade fell fiercely and let out a sky-shattering sword sound.

Immediately, a black and purple blade light, like the rising sun in the dark night, roared out, as if to tear everything apart!

The dazzling black and purple training, as if it had substance, turned into a terrifying slash that was more than 100 meters long!

Black and purple! Very heavy black and purple!

As soon as this slash appeared, it was like a mountain, causing the surrounding air to collapse slightly.

Just like the characteristics of Qiushui, this slash is not only violent with sword pressure, but also heavier than the mountains!


As if the mountains were cut out, the violent and heavy slashes seemed to cover the sky!


The combination of the terrifying weight and the violent sword pressure completely shattered the surrounding air!

The sound like glass shattered constantly.

From a distance, the entire sky seems to be torn apart, and this tear is still going on!



At this moment, Yuren Village, like an earthquake, shook.

"Why, what's wrong?!"

"Then, what is that?!"


People in Yuren Village felt the shock and hurried out of their homes.

As soon as they went out, they saw a scene that they will never forget.

A black and purple slash that is 100 meters high is constantly lifting off!

Under this black-purple light that is 100 meters high, the air bursts into pieces.

Under the reflection of light, the sky is like a mirror, shattering in bursts, like the end of the day. 12   This horrible scene caused many people to fall to the ground, with cold hands and feet.

"... Then, what?!"

Xiao Nan, who had just finished the reception work, felt the sudden violent shaking of the earth, and his complexion changed suddenly.

He flashed quickly and appeared above Yurenin Village.

When looking at that distance, the terrifying black and purple slash that was over a hundred meters long, and under the reflection of the light, like broken glass, bursts of shattered atmosphere, his complexion changed wildly.

Only one person in the entire Ninja Realm can issue such an attack!

"Qi Mu, Youyu..."

Xiao Nan raised his head in a daze, looking at the distance, the violent slash that rose to the highest point.


broken! The violent and heavy sword pressure, crashed to pieces!


The atmosphere is shaking! The atmosphere is falling apart!

The tyrannical slash, shattered everything in the sky!


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