People in Pirates: Become stronger from joining the navy

Chapter 547: Ye Luo's Inauguration Ceremony (Part 2)

"The Six Forms of Lieutenant General Green Bull are really good!" After the battle, Zhan Guo looked at Ye Luo and said with a smile.

"Well! On the empty island, I met an emperor-level master who is good at six styles, so I came back and explained it to the green bull, but what I can understand is purely on my own, just like me, I don't have any comprehension at all, and the green bull You've learned a lot just by listening to me!" Ye Luo said with a wry smile.

"Can't it be popularized?" Warring States asked with a frown.

"This kind of thing is the same as domineering. Even if I tell you, you can't, you just can't, it's not like I said you will! Now I've told everyone through Green Bull that there is no limit to the Sixth Form of the Navy. Yes, it's entirely up to you how far you can go!" Ye Luo replied with a smile.

Zhan Guo nodded, indicating that he knew.

"Then I am very honored to announce that Vice Admiral Fujitora and Lu Niu of the Navy Headquarters are now promoted to Admirals of the Navy Headquarters! From today onwards, our navy's general-level combat strength will become four!" Ye Luo announced loudly road.

The navy below got up and cheered, and countless reporters quickly took photos to record this historic moment.

"Then next, I want to announce several other major events! First of all, give all pirates a choice, lower your pirate flag now, report to the nearest navy branch, and register your information. If there is no major crime, you can let the past go. However, any pirate who has participated in massacres must go to the submarine prison to serve his sentence or do reconstruction work in order to obtain a reduced sentence.

From today onwards, any pirates on the sea will be the first target of the navy. Our goal is to eliminate all pirates! In addition, the Navy will join hands with the New World Government to establish the Adventurer's Union. After the union operates normally, the Navy and the New World Government will withdraw from the management of the Adventurer's Guild!

No matter you used to be a pirate or any other profession, you can register to become an adventurer. All adventurers automatically have the status of civilians in all countries that have joined the world government. You can earn rewards by taking risks and accepting missions. Jin, also upgrade your adventurer level, the higher the level, the better your treatment in any world government alliance country!

For specific measures, please go to the major adventurer guilds to check! In addition, the Red Hair Pirates, one of the original Four Emperor Pirates, is now renamed the Red Hair Adventures, becoming the first A-level adventure group! When they have enough mission points, they can apply to become the first S-level adventure group, because the requirements of the S-level adventure group, in addition to the mission points, the team must have a royal-level combat power! "

Ye Luo's words once again caused an uproar in the world, because what Ye Luo said was being broadcast live all over the world, so what Ye Luo said could be clearly transmitted to all parts of the world.

In the Chambord Islands, Hades Leili sat on a high platform, drinking wine while listening to Ye Luo's speech.

"The era of Roger the Great Pirate is over! Your wish has been fulfilled, that boy, he really did it! The Tianlong people have become a thing of the past! Now is the era of the navy!" Raleigh drank his wine, Said in a low voice.

In Alabasta, Queen Weiwei is watching this live broadcast with the citizens. Hearing the news of the cancellation of Pirates, Weiwei starts to feel a little worried about Luffy.

Luffy's goal is the One Piece, and now even the Pirates are cancelled, so what should he do?

"Wei Wei, what are you worried about?" Old King Cobra walked behind Wei Wei and asked softly.

"Father! I'm worried about Luffy and the others." Wei Wei didn't hide it, and spoke out her worries.

"Idiot! They don't need you to worry! Although the navy said so, will those pirates agree? Among the countless pirates in this world, pirates who are purely adventurous like Luffy are a minority after all, the majority Pirates are all dead, will they be willing to surrender?

So in a short period of time, pirates will not die out, but there will definitely be no environment for pirates to survive in the future, not only because of the toughness of the navy, but also because everyone's life will become better and better in the future! Now there are naval branches everywhere, and the navy is no longer in collusion with pirates like before. If those pirates still dare to forcibly land, burn, kill and loot, then what awaits them must be a dead end!

Can you imagine that the pirates in the future can't even find a place to supply, so there will be no place for them in the sea! But now the navy is still unable to cover the sky with one hand, so when the pirates really withdraw from the stage of history, I believe that Luffy has already become the king of the pirates! In the future, his target may change. What do you think of Adventure King? "

Cobra stroked Wei Wei's head affectionately, and said with a smile.

She nodded slightly, she understood what her father said, so she said with a smile: "Then I will build Alabasta well, and when Luffy and the others come over in the future, I can give them more missions with points!"

"Hahahaha, I believe that no matter what difficult task, they will complete it! Maybe you can give them the prince as a reward!" Cobra said with a big laugh.

Wei Wei's eyes light up, this idea seems very good to her, although the grading and rewards must be confirmed by the Adventurer's Guild, but she believes that with Luffy's ability, it is no problem to complete a prince-level task!

All over the world, there are discussions because of Ye Luo's words. At the same time, pirates from all over the world are also starting to gather. They want to give the navy a big blow and tell them that in this era, it is still the pirates' turn, and it is not the navy's turn to dictate.

Ten days later, when they gathered together, they realized that this was a trap set by the navy. Countless navy appeared from all directions, led by the new admirals Fujitora and Green Bull.

This battle also told the world that the quality of the navy's generals will not decline due to the increase in number.

This battle also demonstrated the prestige of the navy. Countless pirates were arrested by the navy, and different punishments were given according to the amount of bounty offered.

Some time ago, due to the counterattack against the Tianlong people, many kingdoms experienced wars, and the kingdoms were in ruins. Although the navy and the New World Government helped, the speed of reconstruction was still not fast enough.

So these pirates were escorted by the navy and became the main force in rebuilding those kingdoms. Among them, there were many strong ones, and they worked much faster than ordinary people.

Therefore, this punishment method has been recognized by the navy, the New World government, and many franchise countries, and it is Rebecca, the first heir of Dressrosa, who put forward this opinion. She is also famous all over the world because of this suggestion. Known as the wise princess.

Naval Headquarters, Marin Fando, Ye Luo's office.

"My lord, it's clearly your idea, why do you say it's mine? Everyone will misunderstand me!" Sitting in Ye Luo's office, Rebecca said at a loss.

Originally, he came to Leerma to study, but before a meeting, Ye Luo found her and told her that when she proposed to let the captured pirates build those poor countries, she didn't think so much, and she also thought that It's a good way, just to let those pirates atone for their sins, it's better than being imprisoned.

It's just that he didn't expect things to turn out like this in the end, and now even his grandfather King Liku wrote to praise her and highly praised her ability.

"Ann~ It's okay. After a while, after everyone forgets, no one will mention it! Besides, does Dressrosa have any other heirs besides you? Is there any credit for you? It doesn't affect much!" Ye Luo waved his hand and said with a smile.

"But" Rebecca wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Ye Luo:

"Are you all right now? Didn't you ask you to submit the proposal to send the pirates in the large undersea prison to help those poor kingdoms? This is what you are going to do now. Do you want those people to continue to suffer? Hai You have also seen the benefits of thieves joining the construction, haven't you?"

"This is a good proposal, but why am I going again?" Rebecca said quickly because she would not be fooled twice on the same question.

"But wasn't it you who made the previous proposal? Then you should follow through with it, and bring this up together!" Ye Luo said as if it was a matter of course.

"But I wasn't the one who made the previous proposal, so it was obviously you who made it!" Rebecca was about to cry, and now she seemed a little confused.

"The problem is that everyone knows that you made the previous proposal, didn't you? My wife is about to give birth, and I really don't have the extra energy to deal with these things. If you really have the heart to see those poor people suffer, you should be You don't know!" Ye Luo raised the corner of his mouth slightly, stood up and said.

Smoothie's due date is just a few days away, so he only works half a day every day, and Lena, Kalifa and Baby-5 handle the rest of the work, and he only deals with very important things.

After Ye Luo left, Rebecca was still in a daze. When Lena came in to get the materials, she found Rebecca who was in a daze and woke her up.

"Sister Lena, that's the way it is. Why do you think your lord entrusted me with such an important matter! Obviously, this will allow him to gain more affirmation and gratitude!" Rebecca didn't understand why Ye Luo gave up. Such a good opportunity, let her.

"Little idiot! It is not appropriate for the navy to keep everyone's eyes on this side for a long time. Your outstanding performance can make the current model last longer. My lord is guiding the rules of the world!" Lena smiled and gave Rebecca explained.

Although Rebecca didn't understand it very well, but with Lena's explanation, she could do it with confidence, so she hurried back to Lerma, and then submitted the application to the New World Government.

Sure enough, her application was approved very soon. The deep sea prison, which was already overcrowded, dispatched all the criminals from the first four floors. Although it seemed that there were many criminals, after being scattered to various kingdoms, there were not many, even many kingdoms. None of the pirates were assigned.

So the navy became more diligent in catching pirates at sea.

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