People in Pirates: Become stronger from joining the navy

Chapter 908 The Road to Becoming a Noble

"It turns out to be Your Highness the Princess. I'm really rude. Please don't tell anyone about the fact that I came into your room. This is my little apology."

Ye Luo took out an exquisite music box toy from the space ring and gave it to Didoer.

"What a beautiful box."

Although Didoer was the princess of the Kingdom of Lance, she had never seen such a thing before and was immediately stunned. It can be said that this gift from Ye Luo completely touched Didoer's heart.

"Goodbye then, Your Highness."

After Ye Luo finished speaking, he used his divine power again and teleported away.

"What a beautiful thing. Are these fun things everywhere outside the royal city?"

After Ye Luo left, Didoer looked at the music box in her hand and thought.

After Ye Luo left, he immediately teleported towards the hunting ground.

Because the area of ​​the first level is very large, the hunting ground designed by Wangcheng is also huge, occupying an entire plain plus several mountain ranges, which is very spectacular.

As soon as he arrived at the hunting ground, Ye Luo closed his eyes and controlled the power of law at the same time, feeling the subtle flow of the surrounding air. Through the flow of air, Ye Luo felt that there were two powerful qi nearby, which should be the saint seal.

After feeling this energy, Ye Luo immediately accelerated his speed and flew in his direction. After being promoted to the Law, Ye Luo regained the ability to fly, and his speed was even faster.

In just a few breaths, Ye Luo traveled hundreds of miles and came to the front of the two qi.

One of these two auras is Sheng Feng, and the other is a fifteen-meter-tall, upright dog-headed beast with two heads. The beast turns out to be an existence in the middle of the law level, which means that Sheng Feng is actually beyond the level. fighting!

The battle between the two did not have the grand scene of using the law between the law-levels. Instead, they wrapped the power of the law around their bodies and then engaged in hand-to-hand combat. This fist-to-flesh fight made people's blood boil.

Sheng Feng's body exudes golden energy. Although he is only at the early stage of law level, in terms of law power and physical strength, he is not inferior to the dog-headed beast at all. Every punch can beat the dog-headed beast to blood. On the other hand, the attack of the dog-headed ferocious beast could not cause effective damage to the Holy Seal.

Just like this, punch after punch, the dog-headed ferocious beast with a mid-level cultivation level was beaten to death by Sheng Feng. This shows how terrifying Sheng Feng's combat power is!

"Brother Saint Feng!"

After Shengfeng dealt with the dog-headed beast, Ye Luo shouted.

"Brother Ye! Why are you here?"

After seeing Ye Luo, Shengfeng said with an unexpected expression on his face.

"Come to see you."

Ye Luo said.

"Hahaha, okay, since Brother Ye is here, I naturally can't entertain you in this hunting ground. Come on, there is a delicious restaurant in the royal city. Let me take you to try it."

Sheng Feng used the power of law to control the water element in the air, washed away the blood on his body, then blew it dry and said.


Ye Luo agreed wholeheartedly, and then the two of them flew into the sky and flew back towards the royal city.

Under the leadership of Sheng Feng, Ye Luo was taken to a simply decorated restaurant and sat down.

"Although we have long since lost our appetite, enjoying delicious food is not about filling our stomachs. The dishes here are all treasures. I come here often."

Shengfeng said with a smile.

"I can certainly trust Brother Shengfeng's taste, and I'm also looking forward to the dishes here."

Ye Luo smiled.

Soon, the dishes were served. The food here was indeed very delicious as Sheng Feng said, but compared to the Kingdom of Lance, and to Ye Luo, it could only be regarded as an average level. It can be seen that the food here was There is still a certain gap between the level of cooking and that of Earth.

"By the way, Ye Luo, what's going on with the Chang family?"

During the meal, Shengfeng and Ye Luo chatted.

"It's over for the time being. With the help of the Merlin family, the Chang family shouldn't make any moves in the near future."

Ye Luo said.

"The biggest reason why the Chang family dares to do this to you is that although you have joined the Merlin family and are protected by the Merlin family, you are not a noble. In other words, in the royal capital, you are just a commoner. Killing a commoner in the royal capital , although it also violated the law, the price paid was not high. If anyone dared to attack a noble in the royal capital, it would be a challenge to our royal family's authority. At that time, our royal family would also take action to annihilate that person who dared to attack the noble. People and even family members, so even if you are in the royal capital now, Ye Luo, you are not absolutely safe."

Shengfeng looked at Ye Luo and said.

"I see. I didn't expect that there is such a saying in the royal capital. So how can I become a noble?"

Ye Luo asked with interest. If he could have one more noble identity, it would be of great help to Ye Luo in his journey in the royal capital.

"Those who have made great contributions to the Kingdom of Lance will be knighted by the King of Lance. This is the most direct way, and now there is such an opportunity to make a contribution."

Sheng Feng said with a mysterious smile.

"What opportunity is it?"

Ye Luo said with bright eyes.

"North of the royal capital, there is a sea area called the Sea of ​​Conquest. That sea area is rich in resources. Our kingdom's fleet often salvages resources there, but there is a group of pirates called Hongye there who have been blocking our kingdom. fleet, thereby grabbing resources, and the whereabouts of this pirate group are ghostly. It is difficult for our people to find them, so we cannot effectively attack them. If we can deal with this group of pirates, it will definitely be a great achievement that can lead to a knighthood. .”

Sheng Feng said this opportunity.

"But how can I find the pirate group that can't even find the royal family?"

Ye Luo asked doubtfully, if this pirate group was so easy to annihilate, they would have been killed by the royal family a long time ago.

"Although I am in the royal city all year round, I sent my men to investigate the Sea of ​​Conquest ten years ago. After this period of investigation, I have figured out a way to attract the Red Leaf Pirates to appear."

Sheng Feng said.

"any solution?"

Ye Luo asked.

"Following the trajectory of the Red Leaf Pirates, I have figured out a certain pattern. In three days, I will send a fleet to the Sea of ​​Conquest under the banner of the Royal Capital Caravan to attract the Red Leaf Pirates to take action. You will take action when the time comes. If you annihilate them all in one fell swoop, you will be able to achieve great success.”

Sheng Feng revealed his plan.

"Brother Shengfeng, I can't bear the great achievements you have made over the past ten years to me."

Ye Luo said with some embarrassment that this was equivalent to taking away the credit for the Holy Seal. It was true that he could not live up to the Holy Seal.

"You are a genius. I will need you in the future. When the time comes, just remember my favor."

Shengfeng shook his head and said that he helped Ye Luo to gain Ye Luo's friendship. Shengfeng was optimistic about Ye Luo's future, so he made this big bet.

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