Why did Tsukamoto-senpai ask about Shirakawaha?

Could it be that ...!!

Seeing the text message sent by Senior Sister Tsukamoto, Xiaolan had an amazing idea.

Could it be that Tsukamoto-senpai also likes that demon?

How can it be?!

Xiao Lan just wanted to veto this idea, but when she thought of Bai Chuanye's shocking face, she felt that it was not impossible.


Even if the garden is over, why did Tsukamoto Senpai also fall?

But the text messages have already been sent, and the other party has checked them, and it is too late to withdraw them.

I knew it earlier, so I pretended to be Shirakawa Ye's girlfriend.

In this case, Tsukamoto Senpai may not have an alternative mind.

However, Xiaolan didn't notice that when she secretly texted, Yuanzi appeared behind her.

Yuan Zi originally wanted to play a prank to scare Xiaolan.

But suddenly found that Xiaolan was replying to text messages, so she put away her prank thoughts and peeked in.

Seeing that it was Tsukamoto Senpai who asked about the relationship between Shirakawa Ye and Xiaolan, Sonoko didn't care much.

After all, she knew Tsukamoto-senpai.

She also occasionally goes back to the karate club to accompany Xiaolan for karate training.

However, Xiaolan's reply greatly surprised the garden.

Why would Xiaolan deny her relationship with Ye Jun?

Could it be that Xiaolan and Ye Jun are not boyfriend and girlfriend?

The garden began to recall the scene that had happened.

Because of the frequent dreams at night, the events of that day appeared clearly in the garden's mind at this moment.

At first, the relationship between Xiaolan and Ye Jun was not very close.

It seems that since Ye Jun took off my headband, Xiaolan began to make trouble for me.

Then Ye Jun went to the toilet, and Xiaolan had a showdown with me.

Obviously, at that time, Xiaolan told me that she and Ye Jun already had that kind of relationship.

Why is it another answer now that I am facing Tsukamoto-senpai?

Is there something hidden here?

The garden felt that she should try it herself.

"Xiaolan, what are you doing?"

The garden appeared next to Xiaolan in a startled way, so frightened that Xiaolan almost threw her phone out.

Glancing at the phone with a black screen, Xiaolan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it was not seen by the garden.

However, Xiaolan didn't know that her action only deepened Yuanzi's suspicions.

Why did Xiaolan hide it from her, isn't she Xiaolan's best friend?

"Xiaolan, are you texting with Ye Jun? What are you doing so sneaky! The garden tried again.

"Yes, yes, Ye Jun asked me about my studies at school, and he was very concerned about me!"

Xiaolan's little head turned quickly, and she deliberately showed her affection for Shirakawa Ye, just to dispel Yuanzi's interest in Shirakawa Ye.

Then Xiaolan's face-to-face lying did not dispel the garden's doubts, but made the doubts in the garden's heart even greater.

The relationship between Xiaolan and Ye Jun is definitely not a simple boyfriend and girlfriend relationship, there is definitely a secret in it!

Xiaolan actually has a secret behind her back!

Yuan Zi didn't care on the surface, but what she thought in her heart, only she knew.

"Xiaolan, it's going to be class soon, let's go back quickly."

Yuan Zi pulled Xiaolan back to the class.

On the surface, she is no different from usual, but in her heart she already has a plan to find out.

If Xiaolan is not Ye Jun's girlfriend, wouldn't she Suzuki Sonoko have a chance to be on top?

During this time, she kept thinking about Shirakawa Ye's voice and smile.

There is rarely a man who can keep her in memory for so long.

In the past, she used to see one and love the other!

So Yuanzi thinks that Shirakawa Ye is likely to be her true son and her only one!

I'm sorry, Ran.

Although I don't know what secrets are between you and Ye Jun, I have to figure it out.

At this moment, the eyes of the garden were extremely firm!

The garden made up her mind to find out the relationship between Xiaolan and Shirakawa Leaf.

Shirakawa is enjoying family fun here!

Because Xiaolan personally admitted that she and Shirakawa Ye were not boyfriend and girlfriend.

Shumi Tsukamoto is completely unshackled, and her favorability index towards Shirakawaha is rising almost every minute.

[Tsukamoto Shumi: 92~93 (devoted)].

Tsukamoto Shumi is a woman who dares to love and hate, so once she identifies Shirakawa Ye, she doesn't hide her love at all.

Her feelings are fiery and sincere, just like her karate style, sharp and sharp, dare to fight!

"Ye Jun ~~".

At this moment, Tsukamoto Shumi's heart was hanging on Shirakawa Ye's body.

"Ye Jun, I was almost killed by the bad guy just now, you won't dislike me, right?" Tsukamoto Shumi hesitated for a moment and asked a thorn in her heart.

It's really that the scene where she and Shirakawa Ye meet is too embarrassing, and her performance is too unbearable.

is a master of karate, and he almost became the heroine of the tram series.

With such a humiliating experience, Tsukamoto Shumi was worried that Shirakawa would dislike her.

"How so?"

Shirakawa Hada took Tsukamoto Shumi into his arms, grabbed one of the other party's palms and pressed it on his heart.

"Do you feel it?"

Tsukamoto Shumi felt the sound of a pounding heartbeat on the palm of his hand, and immediately understood Shirakawa Ye's intentions.

"Is it okay to be a good girlfriend? Count the beauty. Shirakawaha's voice came into the ears of Tsukamoto Shumi, causing the other party to burst into tears on the spot.

"Hmm." Tsukamoto replied with a choked voice.

Looking at the tears of emotion shed by Sumi Tsukamoto, Shirakawa Ye kissed the tears.

In the depths of love, Tsukamoto Shumei boldly raised her head and took the initiative to greet Shirakawa Ye.


This moment is like eternity.

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