People in the box garden, join the chat group of Wanjie

In the Little Garden, Join the Myriad Realms Chat Group Chapter 227

And when the sun rises and shines here, the prostitute looks uneasy. The reason why she came here is because of the king's order.

When Enkidu appeared here, he had no wisdom and didn't know what he was going to do.

Perhaps it is because the gods who ignore everything from above think that such a weapon is not necessary?

Weapons are just weapons.

Enkidu, who was with the wild beasts here in the forest, lived the same life as the wild beasts, and a large number of wild beasts gathered around him. Such an abnormal situation naturally attracted the attention of some hunters in Uruk.

For such an abnormal situation, they feel uneasy and fearful.

So it was reported to Gilgamesh, even the cruel king still has his own wisdom, and Gilgamesh, who was sitting on the throne, told the hunter to bring a prostitute there.

That would solve the problem, and the beasts would go away from that guy.

Therefore, Enkidu, who gained a lot of experience as a prostitute after that, also turned into this appearance, and the previous feeling of beasts disappeared, which also made those beasts no longer have the same feeling towards him~. They left here one after another.

Until he met Ye Luo and begged Ye Luo to teach him more human knowledge.

Seeing Enkidu getting stronger and stronger, the prostitute also panicked.

Because after Enkidu realized his mission, he went to punish the king.

On the one hand, as a subject, she was worried about the king.

On the one hand, because of the cruelty of the king, the prostitute knew it well, and she didn't know what to do. "Don't worry, as the creation of the gods, this is his mission."

"Let Enkidu witness what kind of style that king is, and correct this cruel king, isn't that what those people expect?" Ye Luo said calmly, making the prostitute finally at a loss calmed down.

He bowed his head respectfully. "Thank you for your advice, my lord."

"Let's go, you, as the guide, drive the carriage and take Enkidu and me to the city of Uruk."

In front of them, there was a horse-shaped monster that was caught by Ye Luo. There was a burning black flame on the horse's hoof, and it looked pretty good.

Then Warcraft pulled a carriage.

The structure diagram of this carriage was given to Enkidu by Ye Luo, and he was asked to make it by himself.

As a creature of God, he naturally accepted this task with joy.

Then I quickly understood that 1 made this carriage.

At this moment, both Ye Luo and En Qi sat up, and the prostitute held the rein in front, although she was very hesitant and timid, after all, this is a terrifying monster.

But after getting started, she found that this magical beast was surprisingly docile. Was it tamed?

That lord must really be the incarnation of a god.

able to possess such knowledge and abilities.

Finally, looking at the forest where he lives, Enkidu's eyes full of life are extraordinarily energetic, but there is also a little bit of reluctance and sadness.

This is where I lived.

I'm leaving now.

At this moment, he was ready to go to Uruk to challenge the king.

Looking at his master Ye Luo sitting across from him with his eyes closed, Enkidu suddenly hesitated.

"Master, what should I do if I find that the king is not that bad? Do I have to punish him according to the mission of the gods?" Others said "Ye Luo pulled down the hat made of leaves a little bit, as if planning to take a nap.

Turn sideways directly.

"You still go to Uruk, let's read it first and then talk about it."

"And there is another very important thing, when you have completed your mission, what do you think the meaning of your existence is." "As a creation of God, you,"

Such words stopped Enkidu on the contrary.

As a creature of God, he was endowed with the power to punish the unseen king, but after that.

On this point, Enki is very confused.

He doesn't understand.

Ye Luo also shook his head and didn't say anything. How did this cheap apprentice come through training? He didn't see much of the warrior's fierce and fierce temperament. On the contrary, his personality became gentle like a woman's.

No wonder such Enkidu can control the fierce and tyrannical king of Uruk. . . Seeking flowers 0.. One fire and one water.

And with the rapid movement of the carriage, the group of them was getting closer and closer to Uruk. Since they wanted to find Gilgamesh, they had to go to the royal city.

Today's Uruk has many other towns.

This also means that in this land of Mesopotamia, the creations of the two strongest gods will collide.

Ye Luo was willing to leave with them because this place didn't sense what he was looking for.

Then try to go to Wangcheng.

Anyway, Ye Luo is not in a hurry, according to the description of the mission, this item will eventually fall into Tiamat's hands, so why not just wait for the other party to get this item?

Maybe there will be other discoveries. By the way, let's take a look at the performance of the apprentices I taught.

After coming to Wangcheng, there is no identity verification process here.

Because the people who come and go are those who belong to Uruk, this ancient era has not had as many tricks as the future.

People are relatively simple.

Also get along better.

But when Enkidu asked what kind of person the current king of Uruk is, everyone turned pale with fright and ran away quickly.

It's like encountering a scourge.

Some old people even stopped Enkidu from asking questions immediately, implying that he should stop talking.

Otherwise, if the king finds out, there will be no good end for him.

This cast a shadow over his heart, who was still holding a fluke, so he began to take the initiative to investigate, from this city to see what Gilgamesh did.

The following messages made Enkidu even more angry.

This was the first time he felt it, which originally came from human emotions.

Gilgamesh, I heard that he was very well-behaved and polite when he was young, he was able to understand everyone, and he did a lot of things to help people.

Very popular and liked in Uruk.

At that time, everyone believed that after he inherited the throne, he would definitely be a king who cared about people.

But when he grew up and took the throne, he changed. eight.

Chapter 356 The Wedge That Connects Gods and Humans

Maybe people will grow up one day, but this Gilgamesh is obviously crooked.

He started to become arrogant and do whatever he wanted.

[Gilgamesh did not keep sons for his fathers, and his cruelty never ceased day and night. 】Arbitrarily drives them to work, build walls, and present their own value for his pleasure.

When it comes to women, he is even more brutal and domineering.

[Do not keep daughters for mothers, even the daughters of samurai, the beloved wives of nobles! 】

This style of behavior is completely Uruk's tyrant, causing people to complain to the sky, and they can only pray to the gods for help to make this king better.

Maybe it's because, as having two-thirds of the blood of gods and one-third of human blood, he was so different from birth.

In his eyes like the ruby ​​"163" stone, even the pain of the people below is in a state of indifference.

Obviously when Gilgamesh was a child, he was as perfect as sunshine, but now, people only lament.

Why is there such a big gap between the two periods?

As a result, when Enkidu was watching here, he found that there were very few young men at home. After asking, he found out that they were all building the city wall outside.

I can't come back for a long time, and it's a high-intensity job. Sudden death is a common thing.

But everyone just dared not speak out.

And if it wasn't for Enkidu's appearance, someone would have come to catch Enkidu.

As for Ye Luo, who was watching the show silently, the soldiers couldn't see him.

So a very strange phenomenon appeared, obviously those old people found that next to this little "girl" there was a man who was taller than a god, no, as handsome as a god.

But the soldier was blind, he turned a blind eye and walked over.

Logically speaking, if such an existence came to Uruk, it would definitely be invited to the palace by the king.

It's just weird.

Is this another god coming down to earth?

Slowly, this formed a very strange rumor, and then spread to Gilgamesh.

After all, Ye Luo just made it invisible to the soldiers, but normal people can still see it. As long as they discuss it, they can discover such a thing.

At that time, when Gilgamesh heard it, he also found it very interesting, and planned to come here to see who was here.

But before he could act, Enkidu came to the door angrily.

He knew a lot about what Gilgamesh did, whether it was about youth or women, those actions were very bad.

The most unbearable thing is that even those married women, he also wants to get his hands on them, what a fool!

The king of Uruk is indeed a tyrant!

Extremely cruel and inconsiderate of the people below. So Enkidu came directly to the palace in a fit of anger, ignoring the soldiers who blocked him, and appeared in Gilgamesh's eyes.

This surprised Gilgamesh.

"Oh? Dare to break into my palace, such a behavior, even if you die a thousand times, you will not be satisfied." "But your appearance is interesting, are you?"

The prostitute was sent by him, but Gilgamesh could clearly see that although the one in front of him had similar appearance, they were two completely different people.

Whether it's the breath of the soul or this angry expression.

A prostitute would not dare to do such a thing, nor would she have the courage and strength.

The next moment, Enkidu directly stretched out a finger, pointing at the king sitting high above. "Gilgamesh! You king like a tyrant, I come to punish you on behalf of the gods!" "So, I know who you are."

The haughty king suddenly realized that Enkidu's true identity, the weapon sent by the gods, was coming to punish him.

But Gilgamesh just smiled coldly and looked down at Enkidu like this.

Don't take him seriously.

As a king's aloofness, he even smiled back with anger.

"Stupid, punish me? Then you go through this king's trial first!"

Golden ripples appeared from Gilgamesh's side, and a bunch of powerful weapons appeared here.

Those were the weapons he had collected as king.

Gilgamesh's wish is to collect all the treasures of the world in his treasury, and they should all be his items!

Looking at the world, I am the only one...

This is exactly the mentality displayed by the king of Uruk at this time.

But Enkidu in the audience had already made a decision, and the golden chain appeared in the same way, and pierced through these weapons with lightning speed, knocking them to the ground.

What appeared in response to the enemy was the Heavenly Lock given to him by the god.

A wedge that exists to connect gods and humans.

That is the essence of Enkidu.

And Gilgamesh is the wedge that God was born on the earth in order not to lose his power, and people can continue to worship God as God.

At this moment, as if responding to fate, they met.

Accompanied by the sound of fierce fighting, swords and chains collided constantly.

The palace was constantly shaking under their strength, and even the hardest stone pillars began to collapse.

Even the ground under his feet was trembling constantly.

The guards who originally guarded here could only be forced to stay away from here, and they could not join this battlefield at all.

In a vague way, two figures could be seen fighting continuously, and then there was an earth-shattering explosion.

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