“Understand, understand ~~~” Charma Ke Sheng sorrows and begged for mercy.

“Okay, let’s introduce yourself first!”

“I am Charme Marco, the world’s noble, the descendant of the creator” ”

… …

“What, that kind of thing is the Tianlong people?” The people who had not seen Tianlong hot in remote areas have disdain.

“He … how dare do this to Tianlong people?”

“Isn’t he afraid of the Navy General?”

Those who know the noble status of the Tianlong people are even more panicked. They dare to treat the Tianlong people like that, and they almost shattered their three views.

… …

“Where is this?” Anbai continued to ask.

“This is the incense islands.”

“What are you doing here?”

“I’m here to buy slaves!”

… …

The whole world is an uproar …

“Why … maybe there are slaves? Isn’t it prohibited for a long time?”

“What is even more terrible is that at the foot of the Navy’s headquarters, under the feet of the Holy Land Mary Joya, there are still sinful vendors and slaves!”

“What is the world government doing? Tianlong people, who are descendants of the Cultural Lord, take the lead in selling slaves.”

People from all over the country have accused the government of inaction …

… …

Holy Land Mary Joya.

The system controlled the live phone bugs around the world, and naturally did not let go of it.

The five old stars are enjoying Anbai’s live show throughout the process.

Five people were angry.

“This pirate is challenging the authority of the world government.”

“Never let him go!”

“Absolutely to execute!”

Then he called the Warring States Period.

“The Warring States, what are you doing, and even let the dignitarian Tianlong people be abducted and abused by a pirate, or to abuse in the live broadcast of the world.

“Immediately send me a general to rescue the Tianlong people. It is necessary to ensure the safety of the lives of the Tianlong people.”

“I understand, I will send the red dog now!”

“That pirate must not be let go. Be sure to catch him and punish him in public, so that others will understand the end of the world government!”

Next, several people reprimanded the Warring States Period a few meals.

… …

Navy headquarters.

“This bastard, how dare he?”

“Immediately ordered the red dog to stop him and rescue Char Marco Sheng!”

“Yes, Marshal of the Warring States Period!” The deputy immediately called out.

… …

“Next, let’s play a game, do you know what is thousands of swords?” Anbai said with a smile.

“Thousands of swords? …” Charmako asked in horror.

“This is an ancient punishment from the mysterious Oriental. It is to use a knife to cut it down with the fat on your body and cut it all by 1,000 knives, 10000 knives!”

Suddenly Char Marco’s crotch was directly wet, and it turned out to be scared directly.

“No … don’t … please!” Charma Ko Sheng begged for mercy.

“When you used the slaves to death at will, they also begged you like this! How did you treat them in the end? Also, when you turn so many people into a slave, when their loved ones are asking you for mercy, you are you.How to treat them, answer me !! 1 “The last sentence, Anbai yelled directly.


Anbai fell into a knife and cut a knife in Char Marco’s abdomen.

The more people who are respectable, the lower the pain to endure.

Anbai continued to punish, first five knives abolished Charme Marco’s limbs.

Then continue to move the knife against the body.

… …

“This … it’s terrible!”


“I can’t stand … vomiting …”

Thousands of people are watching the live broadcast of this sentence. Because the picture is too cruel, some people can’t support it, they scream, and they vomit more directly.

… …

Fragrant Islands, Xia Qi’s bar.

Rayley and Xia Qi looked at the bloody means in the live broadcast and couldn’t help feeling a tremor.

“Is Anbai hate with that Tianlong people?” Raylie asked in doubt.

“Impossible! I checked his information. He first appeared in a town in the East China Sea, and he couldn’t beat the department with Tianlong people!” Xia Qi shook his head.

“Then how could he have such a ruthless hand to that Dragon?”

“Maybe it is really as he said, but just looking at the Tianlong people is not pleasing to the eye …”

… …

New World, Mobidik.

“Daddy, this Bai is really amazing! He dares to treat Tianlong people like this!” Marco said with a smile.

“Ku La la la la la la la, it’ s really a fearless little ghost! ”White beard drank a sip of wine and laughed.

This little ghost reminds him of his former captain -Lockes.

“Does this kid also have the ambition to subvert the world?” White beard murmured.

… …

New World, Dreserosa.

“咈咈 咈 咈 咈 咈 咈 咈 咈 …”

Doflamingo laughed wildly, “Thunder” Anbai, don’t say anything else, you are really good at this matter. Those proud guys are finally beaten fiercely!”

… …

Navy headquarters.

“Is the red dog not yet?” The Warring States asked anxiously.

“Report, General Red Dog has reached 1GR!”

“Call him to rescue!”

… …

Tianlong Ren Charmako has not been much good enough to the whole body.

The most important thing is that Anbai accurately avoided all the key parts. Even now, he can clearly see the heart of Chalmarke, but he is still alive.

“Please, kill me!”

“No, it’s only 1,000 knives now, I am going to have another 10,000 knife. As long as you support it, I will let you go!”

Anbai continued to talk nonsense Chalmac Sheng.

Suddenly, Anbai’s Xinwang felt that there was a very powerful atmosphere as he boarded the island, knowing it was time to end.

“It’s a pity, I can’t continue to play, goodbye!”

After speaking, throwing the knife aside, and using lightning to make Charma Koaco the slag.

“Since the Tianlong people are dead, you can accompany it !!!”

Anbai turned around and faced the remaining people.

“Adult, please let me go, I am willing to do anything!”

“Adult, I have old, there are small! The whole family rely on me to support it alone …”

“Adults are forgiven !!!”

These people watched Anbai’s torture at the scene, and they had been afraid of Anbai in their hearts.

“Okay … then I just …”

Anbai deliberately stretched the sound.

“Thank you !!!”

“Thank you !!!”

These people quickly kneeled and thanked.

“… Don’t let you go! Punishment!”

An Bo a thunderbolt turned them into ashes.

The reason why not let go of them is————

The traffickers must die!IntersectionIntersection

… …

… …

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