In that dark place.

The summoning power gradually poured in….

In the dark.

One by one, the figures disappeared.


In front of the villa.

Luo Xingchen stood on the villa terrace.

His deep eyes looked out at the night sky.

Under his deep gaze.

Seven Figures….

Silently appeared in front of Luo Xingchen.

Under the night sky.

Luo Xingchen stared at the seven figures that had followed him to attack the Demon Realm.

These seven were dressed in tattered black robes, wrapping their entire bodies under the black robes.

The only outstretched hand….

Thin as dead wood.

Their bodies exuded an ancient aura, which seemed to come from that ancient time, like ghosts, standing in front of Luo Xingchen.

A strange, gloomy and cold breath….

Filling the night sky.

“See also…”


Seven figures slowly knelt down in the void.

Looking at the seven figures in front of him, a data list appeared in front of Luo Xingchen’s eyes.

[Name: Dust Zero].

[Strength: Incomplete (injured)].

[Combat power index: 12000-17000].

[Martial Arts: Level 3].

Standing in the first place….

Yes, the first of the seven followers.

The rest are dust one to six dust.

Luo Xingchen looked at this miserable combat power index, and a trace of fluctuation appeared in his eyes.

These seven followers….

It used to be a terrifying existence with a combat power index of more than 100,000.


Get out of the dust.

The fluctuation of the dust one to dust six combat power index is all [10000-15000] points.

[Complete the task to restore the power of the followers].

The system’s prompt sounds.

Luo Xingchen looked at the seven followers in the broken black robe in front of him.

A token appeared in his palm.

Wulin Alliance Master Token!

“You guys…”

“Go and tell the world…”

“Wulin League…”

“It’s back.”


Under the night sky.

Territory where the force is decided.

The Force Ruling is the world’s top power, with a large number of territories and scattered people.


This night.

A figure dressed in shabby black robes walked in.

A massacre is going on….


Seven territories of the Court of Force….

In every territory, a shabby black-robed figure walked in.



Early morning.

Luo Xingchen slowly walked into the ultimate classroom.

Inside the classroom.

When countless students of the ultimate class saw Luo Xingchen, they all quickly got up to say hello.

“Brother Dust!”

Luo Xingdust.

The ultimate class has been completely conquered!

It’s just that he just walked to his seat.

The voice of the loud Jin Bao San sounded.

“Big news!”

“Big news!”

“Super super big news!”

Jin Bao San hurriedly walked into the classroom door with two attendants!

“Jin Baosan, what are you doing all day?”

“Could it be that the gang of college people are making trouble again?”

Sister Xuan slapped the table unpleasantly.

“Jin Bao San, it’s noisy early in the morning… You’d better give me an explanation. Wang Dadong also looked at Jin Bao San with some discomfort.

“It’s not!”

“This time…”

“It’s even more terrifying than the trouble in the college world!”

Jinbao Sanyi looked exaggerated.

His words.

Undoubtedly caught everyone’s attention.

Seeing everyone’s gaze coming over, Jin Bao San got a huge vanity.

“This is super up-to-date news!”

“According to what I have received… It was the ruling of force that happened! ”

“The most powerful and mysterious force ruling in the entire martial arts world!”

Jin Bao San looked excited and gossiped.

“The Court of Force?” Ding Xiaoyu’s eyes narrowed slightly, “Such a familiar name.” ”

“It is a very mysterious force in the martial arts world, but it is also the most powerful force, scattered in various places, and the most mysterious is… No one knows where the General Judgment of Force is, and no one has ever seen the founders. ”

“According to legend, only the top organizations in the killer world and the Wulin League can compete with it, but it is a pity that the Wulin League has long been destroyed by the ruling of force.”

Arthur Wang said lightly.

He knows a lot.

“What the hell is going on? Campbell III! When Wang Dadong heard Arthur Wang’s introduction, his curiosity couldn’t bear it.


“It was the ruling of force that happened!”

“Their turf warriors… Either they are crippled or they die! ”

Jinbao said in three loud voices!

One word.

Let Arthur Wang, Ding Xiaoyu, Arthur Wang and Rex in the back seat all look at each other.

They all saw surprise in their eyes.

“The most exciting!”

“It’s a full seven territories of the ruling by force, and all of them have such things happened!”

Jin Bao San broke a huge news again!

“How is it possible!” Arthur Wang frowned, “Every territory of the Force Ruling… Almost all of them have people with super combat power index, even if the top killer organization in the killer world does it, it can’t eliminate the people in the territory of the force ruling so quickly. ”

He found it unbelievable.

“The most exciting…”

Jin Bao San did not stop.

He glanced at everyone mysteriously.

This time.

He had an extremely important piece of news.

Seeing the ultimate class of students around them go from curious eyes to gradually unhappy.

Jin Bao San quickly said the last news.

“The most exciting thing is…”

“Those who were abolished and survived by force.”

“All saw one token.”


“A token that belongs to the master of the Martial Arts Alliance!”

“This shot…”

“It may be the martial arts alliance that has perished!”


[Thank you to each reader for the big flowers, evaluation tickets, and monthly passes! ] 】

[Thanks to the reader (yinyunfei) (189xxxx1404) (?gluttony?) (Barilla Life)].

A monthly pass for [(123456) (Fallen Leaves) (a5944xx388) (Quadratic I am coming) (Disappearing Between the Past) (189xxxx7743)! Tip! Urge to change the ticket! 】

[Thank you also to every reader who voted for flowers and evaluated the votes! ] 】

[Five chapters left!] 】

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