Chapter 133

Chapter 133

“You really want to buy that house. Even if you are relatives, it won’t be less than 600,000, right?”

Xia Yingqiu was a little nervous and a little anticipatory, her eyes sparkling.

Autumn waves flow, unique style.

“It should not be less than 600,000. My uncle asked me to help me check if anyone wants to buy it. He said that the minimum price is 600,000. Although we are relatives, the relatives still settle the accounts, so I can’t give me a price. Are you slashing prices?”

House sales are not uncommon in rural areas. Some people have their younger generations to settle down in the city, and some have children who develop outside the country after graduation. They don’t have a home for many years, so they simply take their parents away, and the rural housing will naturally be left unused. , It’s normal to have the intention to sell.

People who want to relocate their families to a life environment are also young and old. Most of their original life conditions are too poor, such as lack of water, such as inconvenient transportation, such as poor fields, such as neighbourhoods, and various reasons. For each inconvenience, it is good to be able to change places.

In order to make it easier for people who buy a house to improve their life, most of the people who sell the house will be outside the house itself, and they will also add some fruit trees and vegetable plots as accessories. After all, the countryside is no better than the city, so it is impossible to just buy a house to live in. Drink from the northwest wind.

Liu Pingan’s original home is a typical inconvenient transportation and lack of water resources. The wells in the river ditch the tap water from the pipes, and the water in the rainy season every year is miserable. Motorcycles have to be tested for levels, and most people really can’t pass it.

It is impossible to drill wells, and it is impossible to build roads. If you want to improve your life environment, you probably have to buy a house elsewhere and move out.

Of course, that is a normal situation, that is, something that could happen if Liu Pingan didn’t load the system.

But now that he has the system, he also has a drilling well that can not only solve the drinking water problem, but also solve the irrigation problem, plus a magical road that is actually very spacious at first glance, which also reduces the traffic problem. It’s solved.

Now he doesn’t need to move at all, but it doesn’t prevent him from buying a house elsewhere.

Just treat it as a real estate investment.

Money stored in the bank is actually not that safe. The interest is always unable to keep up with the price. It may shrink when it is stored.

Buying a house is different. There is always such a big thing there, and it may increase in value anytime.

My uncle put up a long-term formation, saying that there is an old man in the city who often plays cards together. He was struggling to make money and provided three college students. Now he has a very good job. But he is Quite dissatisfied.

It is said that I knew that the current house price has risen like this. It was better to take the money for the three college students to Shuzhong or the capital to buy a house. Now I need any good work and become a simple and unpretentious charterer. Isn’t he fragrant?

Of course, there is a suspicion of bragging, but the idea of ​​having money to buy a real estate investment, in the eyes of many people, should be correct.

Although I don’t think the house in this township really has any investment value, Liu Pingan still wants to buy the house of the aunt’s house.

First, I want to save a family. After all, the house, which is clearly placed there, should be more real than the series of numbers in the bank card, and it also makes people feel at ease.

Secondly, it can be considered as an explanation to the wife, such a big house, closer to the school in the town, not far from the land at home, and there is a self-sufficient vegetable plot, and the safety sense should be leveraged.

It also saves it from competing for property with the older brother-in-law, saves the old couple embarrassed, saves the labor of pushing the old house to the time of reconstruction, and saves any unpleasantness in the future.


As for the money to buy a house may not be enough…

It’s not uncommon to buy a house in full. It’s normal if it’s rare. Isn’t it normal to pay in installments?

Besides, they are relatives, and there is no need to slash prices, just as a guarantee of payment in installments.

However, if conditions permit, I would rather pay in full. It would be better to make a simple and neat handover, so as to save the trouble of sluggishness.

It just depends on the little Fatty Lin Yu who signed the contract.

“You really plan to buy that house, aren’t you kidding me?”

“Of course I really intend to buy it. Is it possible that you can’t make it? The real estate certificate should write the names of the two of us, or you can directly write you alone…”

Liu Pingan really doesn’t matter. Anyway, there is a system to help him. It is not enough to take a house in a township so seriously. It can make his wife feel safe enough to save him from thinking too much. It seems to be worthwhile.

If the system makes a moth or something goes wrong someday, it can be regarded as a guarantee or a retreat, and it is prepared.

As for whether the existence of the system is a dream and an empty one…

Ha ha.

Who is destined to have an empty dream, which will last for a few months, and still be so real and alive?

Even if it is really a dream, it is already determined that the dream is empty, and you can’t work hard in the dream?

There is no need to think too much like Xia Yingqiu, it’s all too busy to make trouble, and nothing will happen when you get busy.

“At noon, I leaned against the door and took a nap, stumbled as if I had a dream…”

I don’t know if Liu Pingan’s assurance was slightly moved. Xia Yingqiu changed the subject a bit bluntly, feeling like a rare sharing of young women’s secrets.

“Did you dream of me?”

Liu Pingan was very enthusiastic to join in, and quickly picked it up, saving his wife’s words from falling off the bed.

Xia Yingqiu slapped Liu Ping’an lightly, her eyes dim.

“It seems to have really dreamed of you, but I can’t remember the specific situation at all, dimly…”

Xiawanqiu’s beautiful eyebrows frowned, trying to remember.

“It seems to remember that I was drinking, and I told you something, what is ‘call me a bottle’…”

“Call you a bottle? Then what?”

Liu Pingan’s heart jumped, the habitual smile on his face was a little stiff.

“Then I woke up.” Xia Wanqiu was confused, “I don’t drink, so why is it a wine bottle? It’s just inexplicable…”

“That is, how can there be such a beautiful wine bottle, this dream is too outrageous.”

Liu Pingan replied casually, but felt a coolness rushing from the soles of his feet, and through his tail vertebrae, it rushed straight into the sky, and his hair seemed to explode all over his body.

He should have heard the words Xia Wanqiu said.

But not “call me a wine bottle”, but “call me nine screens”.

After this, there is an explanation: “Nine is the nine of Nine Heavens, and the screen is the screen of the screen.”

Before this, there is also an introduction: “Don’t call my sister.”

Connecting them all together is a complete sentence.

“Don’t call my sister, call me nine screens, nine is the nine of Nine Heavens, the screen is the screen of the screen.”

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