Chapter 173

Chapter 172

Liu Pingan opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

That’s it for Qiu Mengniang and Liang Feihong. People who are not particularly familiar with each other should not distinguish them from Xia Yingqiu and Xiaohong, at least for a while.

When I saw Qiu Mengniang who was the shopkeeper at the farmhouse upstairs, she would only think that it was the lady of the department store on the street who did not open a shop, and she collected money and took care of the account at the farmhouse.

When I saw Liang Feihong who was a running hall, I would only think that something happened in the house of the former proprietress of the department store. Not only did she transfer the store, she also became a waiter.

But Luo Yufen, Mi Xiang’er and Meng Shuangshuang are different. In this real world, they don’t have corresponding identities that can fool them.

Luo Yufen was a young daughter-in-law who drowned. She has been dead for many years. She is still the same as she was back then. There is no right person in reality.

Mi Xiang’er looks like 18 or 9 years old. Liu Xiang’er looked like this when she was young, but now she is two people at all.

Not to mention Meng Shuangshuang, the 16 or 17-year-old girl really has nothing to do with the little girl in the first or second grade.

It doesn’t matter, anyway, there is a system to cover it, it is reasonable to exist, and there is nothing to worry about.

There was nothing wrong with the high-quality mango orchard and Magic Sky Road in the past, but now the upstairs farmhouse and the dream employees as accessories can’t go wrong.

It’s just that the thinking has not been disturbed and the memory has not been tampered with. Liu Ping’an, who knows the various reasons clearly, feels a little awkward in his heart.

That’s all. What’s the matter with Meng Shuangshuang, do you experience in advance that there are girls in my family?

After the little girl has grown into a slim girl, she helps the farmhouse run by the family with work, is this what she is now?

But Liu Pingan didn’t remember any missions related to Liu Mengxia, at least he didn’t get rewards for missions related to her consciousness.

What was barely relevant was the sign-in task at the school gate, but the reward for that task was a place in the training class, which was never used.

Moreover, although Meng Shuangshuang’s current image is realistic, it lacks the texture of the fake and the real, and it’s just a matter of not touching her. He will really treat her as a living person, but if you encounter it, you will find that it is just a futile. The image of its table.

Liu Pingan tentatively stroked her hair, but it was empty under the touch.

Feeling flustered inexplicably.

“Little, you come out for me.”

Liu Pingan’s face is not very good-looking, and his tone of voice is also a bit bad.

“Shuangshuang, what’s the situation?”

As a father, he also wondered what his daughter would look like when he grew up. It is not incomprehensible that the image of Meng Shuangshuang was derived from Liu Mengxia.

But why is she different from other employees?

It looks like a semi-finished product.

Can’t bear it at all.

Of course, I need to ask Xiaoxiao clearly.

“This situation is simple and simple, and complicated and complicated.”

The bodies of the five employees froze at the same time, and then there was endless suction between each other, one by one overlapping each other, and they turned into one person in the blink of an eye.

It is the image of Meng Shuangshuang.

At this time, she was quite full and real, and the original faintly visible haziness disappeared without a trace.

“what’s the situation?”

Liu Ping’an was shocked. Before he could react, Meng Shuangshuang stretched out his hand and pinched his shoulder.

The touch is very real.

The perception of this moment, this is a living person, this is Liu Mengxia when he grows up.

Liu Ping’an slowly exhaled a long breath, and his newly tightened body slowly relaxed.

“The absorption and integration of the mental space needs to be strengthened. The small data integration is not perfect enough. I usually don’t think that once the super AI program running at the same time is overloaded, there will be insufficient computing power, and there will be some small omissions in the intelligent rendering. Is forgivable.”

Meng Shuangshuang’s small hands are very soft, his strength is just right, and his voice is soft and cute.

“You say yes, Dad.”

Liu Ping’an got goose bumps all over, and he only felt that the whole body was about to melt.

Then he realized something was wrong.

“When did you get Xiao Shuangshuang’s consciousness, and what kind of data integration did you include?”

When Xiaoxiao set him up to fight for some self-consciousness and autonomy, he felt that this super AI was going to make a moth. Sure enough, she didn’t want to be alone in that spiritual space. She also wanted to go for a drive and come out thoroughly. Breathable.

Otherwise, there would be no dream employees of the farmhouse upstairs.

As an accessory of the farmhouse, the shopkeeper, the back hall, the cook, the running hall, the welcoming person, and the five people in five positions are actually just a small kid playing COSPLAY, playing five roles at the same time.

Luo Yufen, Mi Xiang’er, and Liang Feihong all have corresponding consciousnesses absorbed and merged. Even if they are a small part, there is no difficulty in re-differentiating or acting.

As for Qiu Mengniang, Liu Pingan suspects that the small initial setting is to use Xia Yingqiu’s dreamy consciousness as the prototype. Well, Dr. Qiu from Zhangjiang Science City, the gentle and atmospheric Xia Yingqiu can only exist in dream bubbles. NS.

But now that Meng Shuangshuang appeared, Liu Ping’an was somewhat surprised.

He and Xia Yingqiu are typical late marriages and late childbearing. They are not young anymore, but Liu Mengxia is still young. Whether it is he or she, they are eager to see a grown-up little Shuangshuang.

There must be repercussions if you do not forget. It is not unbelievable that a little Shuangshuang grew up in the dream bubble. It is just that the image of Meng Shuangshuang is the same as the image of Qiu Mengniang. They all came out without reminding. Frighten people.

Liu Pingan was obviously shocked.

But it doesn’t seem to matter anymore. Anyway, it’s just a small toss. As she said, dream employees are just super AI programs running at the same time, and mistakes will occur once they are overloaded.

That is, his boss wants to meet people, otherwise there will be so many super AI levels running at the same time, and naturally there will be no overload problems.

One by one, wherever there is any vague performance, it is nothing.

Besides, even if it is really dim and fuzzy, it seems that there are not enough pixels, it is only he, the boss who knows the reason, can see it, how do ordinary people understand?

Even if it only appeared in reality at the first time, it was just a virtual image that affected the hallucinations and hearing. If you stand in front of you, you can’t see what’s wrong at all.

If you can’t see it, you can’t see it.

It’s another kind of life in another world, it’s so magical, ordinary people, then know that it’s weird?

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