Chapter 232

Chapter 231

“Let’s go with the flow, settle down with the situation, act recklessly, and be normal in mind…”

“Well, I won’t pretend, I have a showdown, I’m just competing with myself, I’m deceiving myself, I’m hiding my ears, I’m pretending to be crazy, I’m trying to avoid it.”

“Ye Gonghao knows about dragons. He usually expresses his love for dragons and can’t wait to be a dragon knight, but I really met a dragon one day, let alone being a dragon knight, it would be good if he didn’t just go crazy.

“Qian Nv Ghost, do you know, Ms. Xu Xianbai, do you think that the love between Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian is very romantic and exciting? There are also many people who want to replace Xu Xian with envy and jealousy?”

“But one day, when you wake up and find that you have become Ning Caichen, or a dazed person has become Xu Xian, how would you react?”

“It’s impossible to be sweet, and excitement is indispensable, but if you really can get in touch with the female ghost and the big snake, then I can really convince you.”

“On the day when there is a real change of place, as long as it is a normal person, they will deceive themselves and say that it is a nightmare, and they will want to wake up from the dream quickly, right?”

“Not everyone can be a ghost rider, and not everyone can play snakes. Ning Caichen and Xu Xian both have only one. They are so talented that they can’t be replaced by an ordinary mortal.”

“I’m the same. Although I don’t expect to be a Ning Caichen, I never thought about playing a snake, but I’m writing an online novel. Although I’m not a fan, I’m a contract writer anyway. no?”

“Dreaming in broad daylight, get a system, do tasks and receive rewards, so that the owner can live a comfortable life or dare to think and dare to write, and even dare to think and dare to write, it can also make the system a big one. Beauty, the kind that is vivid and fragrant…”

“You know.””

“But, that’s just writing novels, that’s just dreaming, that’s just making up stories, that’s just being fanciful.”

“There is such a day when my dreams come true. The pie in the sky will get a system. I can really do tasks and receive rewards. It can really change my tight days. Will I really feel satisfied? ”

“No, I’m not satisfied, I’m not at ease, I feel flustered, I even feel scared!”

“I think this should be a beautiful dream, but this dream is endless. It seems to be able to continue to do it, but the more I do it, the more unreliable, and the more I do it, the more scared it becomes. ”

“I’m afraid that I will sink deeper and deeper into this beautiful dream. When I am completely unable to extricate myself from it, I will wake up all at once. I am still the old man who was forced and the old poor farmer…”

“Then I will go crazy!”

“So I was thinking, the key to this dream lies in Gold Finger. If I break with Gold Finger, can I just wake up?”

“Although I am very reluctant to do everything in my dream, I can still not sink deeply now. If I break the dream in time, return to the familiar and urgent reality, and continue my tight days, will it still feel good?”

“It’s better than I put too much into my dream and enjoy too much, then suddenly everything becomes empty, and the stimulation should be less, right?”

“But I didn’t expect that this adventure is even more like a beautiful dream than many beautiful dreams. It is actually, possibly, probably, the real world, the real life.”

“Because no matter how I waste, no matter what I think, no matter how struggling, I can’t seem to wake up from my dream?”

“Since it is the real world, since it is the real life, then I can rest assured.”

“I’m not tossing about, I’m not thinking about it, I’m going to do some tasks honestly, get some rewards smoothly, and live a happy life with money and leisure. ”

“Let’s go with the flow, settle down with the situation, act recklessly, and be normal in mind?”

“Okay, I remembered.”

In the process of smashing thoughts, Liu Pingan followed the micro tillage machine in the field, but he didn’t have much sweat to throw, and he always seemed to feel almost like a farmer.

“I’m the same. Although I don’t expect to be a Ning Caichen, I never thought about playing a snake, but I’m writing an online novel. Although I’m not a fan, I’m a contract writer anyway. no?”

“Dreaming in broad daylight, get a system, do tasks and receive rewards, so that the owner can live a comfortable life or dare to think and dare to write, and even dare to think and dare to write, it can also make the system a big one. Beauty, the kind that is vivid and fragrant…”

“You know.””

“But, that’s just writing novels, that’s just dreaming, that’s just making up stories, that’s just being fanciful.”

“There is such a day when my dreams come true. The pie in the sky will get a system. I can really do tasks and receive rewards. It can really change my tight days. Will I really feel satisfied? ”

“No, I’m not satisfied, I’m not at ease, I feel flustered, I even feel scared!”

“I think this should be a beautiful dream, but this dream is endless. It seems to be able to continue to do it, but the more I do it, the more unreliable, and the more I do it, the more scared it becomes. ”

“I’m afraid that I will sink deeper and deeper into this beautiful dream. When I am completely unable to extricate myself from it, I will wake up all at once. I am still the old man who was forced and the old poor farmer…”

“Then I will go crazy!”

“So I was thinking, the key to this dream lies in Gold Finger. If I break with Gold Finger, can I just wake up?”

“Although I am very reluctant to do everything in my dream, I can still not sink deeply now. If I break the dream in time, return to the familiar and urgent reality, and continue my tight days, will it still feel good?”

“It’s better than I put too much into my dream and enjoy too much, then suddenly everything becomes empty, and the stimulation should be less, right?”

“But I didn’t expect that this adventure is even more like a beautiful dream than many beautiful dreams. It is actually, possibly, probably, the real world, the real life.”

“Because no matter how I waste, no matter what I think, no matter how struggling, I can’t seem to wake up from my dream?”

“Since it is the real world, since it is the real life, then I can rest assured.”

“I’m not tossing about, I’m not thinking about it, I’m going to do some tasks honestly, to get some rewards smoothly, and to live a happy life with money and leisure. ”

“Let’s go with the flow, settle down with the situation, act recklessly, and be normal in mind?”

“Okay, I remembered.”

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