People Start Clocking in Tokyo

Chapter 164: The witch under the night


The noisy city is mixed with the sound of rain, the red car lights on the congested streets are all over the city, the cars are driving slowly in long lines, and occasionally honking the horns, showing the various impatience of the owners and the constant urging The vehicle ahead.

But what the vehicles behind don’t know is that the cause of the congestion came from the intersection not far ahead. An accident happened here. At this time, the unlucky people who rear-ended the cars were discussing the responsibility of the accident. Who is the party.

The quarrel of several people caught the attention of passers-by nearby, and the reason was probably heard during the conversation. The owner of the first car suddenly stepped on the brake because of a strange shadow flashing in front of the car. , So that the rear car rear-ends.

However, after several confirmations by several people, although strange impact marks were found on the bumper of the lead car, they did not find anything that was impacted.

In desperation, a few people could only sit aside, waiting for the arrival of the traffic police.

Leaving the noisy main street, the deep alleys are not as quiet as the entrance. Rows of izakayas and food stalls are brightly lit and noisy.

Office workers of all ages went in and out, grouped three or five, hooked shoulders, and plunged in after selecting a target. After a few glasses of beer, those who were not drunk regrouped and plunged into another team again. Everyone tasted the wine until everyone couldn't drink it.

At this time, those who are still energetic may choose a food stall and eat simple sushi or ramen, which can be considered as a solution for their own dinner. As for some drunk people who drunk in the middle, they may be holding the corner of the wall, emptying the remnants of their stomachs, or they may have found a comfortable place, waiting for the sun to arrive the next day.

"Wow, bang!"

A tile hit the ground, and a man next to him who had just walked out of the izakaya was startled. He looked up suspiciously and saw a piece of eaves above his head. For some reason, it shattered and cracked. Block, just hit him at the foot.

The man sighed, but fortunately he was a bit biased. If he had just stepped forward, the tile would smash his head and shed his blood. Maybe he could only lay the floor in the hospital tonight.


The man looked at the break of the eaves tiles in a puzzled way. Is it because the building is in disrepair and the materials are aging?

Then, he saw the paint on the wall next to him that had just been painted.

Or is it something that broke it from above?

The man stared at the dark night sky blankly. What was going on?

"Swish! Swish! Swish!"

A dim shadow flashed through the air, jumping between different buildings in succession, leaving only a few faint afterimages. When it passed through the moonlight, it seemed vaguely like some kind of creature.

The passers-by on the street didn't even notice it.

Under the shining of the moonlight, the silhouettes shuttled over the city suddenly split into two, chasing each other one after the other.

At this moment, under the two figures, a girl with a pair of ponytails wearing a black and red witch costume and black hair ties shuttled through the dim alleys. She looked at the sky with a solemn expression, and kept looking for it. Focusing on her goal, a moment later, with a slightly ugly face, she tapped the communicator in her ear and said something to the other side.

"Don't let it run away!"

"Sha Sha Sha...I...I know... I said... Sha Sha..." The noise from the headset could barely be distinguished by the girl. , What did the other party say.

"Damn it, why the seal would..." The girl pulled up a fist-sized jade with a faint black light shining in the center. It was obviously extraordinary, but the surface was already covered with tiny cracks at this time.


A crisp crash sounded suddenly above the girl, and then, the two figures chasing before fell on the top of the eaves on both sides of the road, and the one on the left was wearing a red and white witch costume with head. The girl with a white hair tie looks exactly the same as the girl in the black and red witch costume in the alley.

And the shadow on the right is also reflected by the street lamp, revealing its true face. This is a cat-shaped creature with black and purple hair and red blood all over the body. It has a hideous face and sharp teeth. Tooth, the two sharp claws sticking out in front of him, are unconcealedly exposed to the moonlight, and the gloomy light on its curved surface makes the whole body cold.

Both its image and the surging evil spirits all show its identity, this is a monster!

"I said it, I won't let it run away!" The red and white girl glanced at the black and red girl below, with a very confident expression on her face.

"Although you said that, our time has been delayed for too long. The spiritual power on it has almost exceeded the limit that the seal crystal can hold." The black and red girl looked at the crack in the jade in her hand, already more than just before. Up.

"Okay, I see!" The red and white girl impatiently took out a magic talisman from her arms, pinched her right hand and pushed it towards the monster, and stood in front of her mouth with her left hand holding her handprint.

"The evil spirit retreats, hurried like a law!"

With her movements, a little white light appeared on the magic talisman, and a mysterious pattern was gradually drawn.

In just an instant, there was a beam of light shot out, and the monster that seemed to be unable to dodge was hit head-on. Maybe it couldn’t avoid it at all. The pattern that just appeared was the rune for locking. No matter how it runs, the power of the charm will hit it.


The knocked-up monster rolled in the air several times, and fell embarrassedly in the middle of the road.

"Great, I will re-seal it now!" The black and red girl happily walked forward, holding up the jade in her hand, and the dim light in it became a little brighter at this moment.

"Hurry up and get it home, the TV series I am chasing is about to begin!" The red and white witch jumped from the eaves to the black and red witch, and said with a grumbling face.

The black and red maiden nodded, and she was about to move, when she suddenly heard the sound of unhurried footsteps at the intersection not far away.


Someone? The two girls were shocked at the same time. Didn't they put a spell to block ordinary people?

In other words, is it a peer?

In the darkness, a vague figure came slowly, as the other person approached, and step by step entered the illumination range of the street light, finally let the two girls see the appearance of the person who was wearing High school student in school uniform.

The girls were taken aback at the same time!

Without a trace of spiritual power fluctuations, is it really an ordinary person who broke in by mistake?

Just when they didn't know what to do, the monster twitched suddenly.

"Damn it!" The black and red maiden's face turned white, and she felt this abnormal movement. She subconsciously increased the transmission of the jade in her spiritual power opponent, hoping to stop its movements, but the girl forgot the densely packed jade. Cracks, soaring spiritual power transmission will only cause...


With a few crisp sounds, the jade was completely shattered into powder in front of the girl's eyes, accompanied by a little bit of starlight, slowly dissipating in the air, as if it had never existed before.

At the same time, the monster that had just been knocked down to the ground seemed to be resurrected with full blood, instantly violent, and rushed straight to the nearest innocent high school student...

"Damn it, I can't catch up!" The two girls who were delusional to stop the monster were too far away, they could only watch the monster, about to use its claws to tear the ordinary person who appeared inexplicably.

The two women dared not watch the **** scene again, and closed their eyes nervously.

"Eh? What is this?"

There was no imaginary scream, but a slightly calm voice sounded. Although they heard the doubt in their tone, but...

what's the situation?

The two girls slowly opened their eyes, and in the scene in front of them, there was no **** and broken limbs as they had imagined before.

The high school student is still that high school student, standing in front of them intact.

The monster was also the monster and did not run away.

However, at this time it was struggling under the feet of the high school student, without any resistance.

So, what is the situation?

They looked at the picture in front of them with a dull expression, and their minds were filled with countless question marks.

"This thing is yours?" The young man looked at the monster under his feet, stepped on it lightly, then raised his head and asked with a puzzled expression on his face.

The two girls nodded simultaneously.

"Are you... shrine maidens from nearby shrines?" The boy asked curiously when he noticed the costumes worn by the two girls on the opposite side.

The two girls shook their heads simultaneously, and then nodded again.


"..." Two girls.

You guys are talking!

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