Permanent Martial Arts

Vol 3000 Chapter 1057: Enter the black realm of chaos!

"Hahaha, the leader, thanks to the support that the leader has given me over the past 100 years, otherwise, how could I really jump over the dragon gate in just a hundred years, take this critical step and become a true god?"

Yuan Zhenggang respectfully bowed to Lin Feng. And Lin Feng also accepted the gift generously.

Indeed, as Yuan Zhenggang said, since Lin Feng arranged the source universe, Lin Feng has strongly supported Yuan Zhenggang for hundreds of years.

After all, Lin Feng had already seen that Yuan Zhenggang's accumulation in the realm of the true monarch was unimaginable. Sure enough, with the strong support of Lin Feng and the inclination of a lot of resources, Yuan Zhenggang lived up to expectations in a hundred years, took a critical step and became a true god.

This is very crucial. In the past, no matter how prosperous the Mutual Aid Alliance was or how prosperous Lin Feng's reputation was. But those who come to seek refuge are only true monarchs.

What Lin Feng wants is not a true monarch, but a true god!

Although there is a true God, no matter what power it is, it is very difficult to get a true God to take refuge in. But Lin Feng knew that the reason why the True God did not consider the Mutual Aid Alliance was because the Mutual Aid Alliance was too poor, and there was no real True God.

Even if Lin Feng is in his prime, he is only comparable to the true **** in combat power, not the true god. Congenital restrictions prevent the mutual aid alliance from continuing to grow and develop.

But it's different now. The Mutual Aid Alliance gave birth to a true god, and he was also the former vice president, so the meaning is very different. It is believed that after today, the development of the mutual aid alliance will definitely reach a new level.

And Lin Feng, you can rest assured.

Three days later, the Mutual Aid League held a grand "Conferred God Ceremony" to celebrate Yuan Zhenggang. Not only the Nine Heavens Holy City, but even several other chaotic holy cities, some true gods came to congratulate them in person.

Since then, the Mutual Aid Alliance has become a general trend. With Yuan Zhenggang and Lin Feng two true gods, they have truly become a huge and important force in the chaos.

Lin Feng can also rest assured that the Mutual Aid League has Yuan Zhenggang, the true **** in charge, so he can sit back and relax.

"It's time to go to the Chaos Black Domain."

Lin Feng actually wanted to go to the Black Realm of Chaos decades ago. After all, he is still a long way from becoming a true god. Even with the help of the Origin Stone of Chaos, the rules of Chaos that Lin Feng understood are still far from the true God.

If you want to improve your strength, you can only integrate more chaotic spirit flames.

It's a pity that in the past 100 years, even the forces of the Mutual Aid Alliance have not been able to collect any kind of chaotic spirit flames, resulting in Lin Feng's current chaotic spirit flames, which are still forty-six kinds.

Forty-six kinds of chaotic spirit flames, Lin Feng's spirit flame holy body, hardly has any improvement.

Therefore, Lin Feng wanted to go to the Chaos Black Domain. Perhaps the Vice President of Wanyuan Chamber of Commerce mentioned that more Chaos Spirit Flames can be found in the Chaos Black Domain.

But the chaotic black domain, this is not an ordinary place, even if the top true gods enter, they may not be able to come back. Therefore, Lin Feng patiently accompanied his family for a hundred years and waited patiently for Yuan Zhenggang to become the true god.

Now, Lin Feng has no worries, whether it is his family or the mutual aid alliance, he can let Yuan Zhenggang take care of him, and he can safely go to the Chaos Black Domain to find Chaos Spirit Flame.

"Leader, the Chaos Black Domain is very dangerous, you still have to be careful."

Yuan Zhenggang was one of the very few who knew the purpose of Lin Feng's trip.

Yuan Zhenggang was actually worried about the dangers of the chaotic black domain, and everyone in the chaos knew it. However, seeing that Lin Feng had made up his mind and knew that he could not dissuade him, he could only remind him.

"Don't worry, I have the induction mark given by the vice president of Wanyuan Chamber of Commerce, and I have also collected some information about the Chaos Black Domain over the years. If I encounter danger, I will return as soon as possible."

Yuan Zhenggang could only nod his head, and promised to help Lin Feng take care of his family and the Mutual Aid Alliance. After that, Lin Feng walked silently through the space, toward the chaotic black realm.



Outside the boundless chaotic black domain, a circle of space ripples spread. A figure stepped out of the space passage and stood in the chaotic void.

"This is the Chaos Black Domain?"

Lin Feng, who had just walked out of the space passage, looked at the endless chaotic black field in front of him.

It was pitch black, there was no space, not even the concept of time, his mental power extended into it, like a mud cow entering the sea, nothing was found, and some were just empty.

Lin Feng still observed first, he did not enter the chaos black domain rashly. Since he was going to enter the Chaos Black Realm, Lin Feng didn't have a fever, so he went straight in.

Even the top true gods may never come back if they enter the black realm of chaos, let alone Lin Feng.

He has spent hundreds of years collecting information about the Chaos Black Domain and has made adequate preparations. For example, this chaotic black domain, according to the information collected by Lin Feng, does not seem to belong to chaos, but belongs to outside chaos.

Even the various rules of chaos can only radiate within a short distance of the chaos black domain. There are some true gods who have just entered the black realm of chaos and can still sense the rules of chaos, but after a certain distance, they can no longer sense them.

Some people speculate that the black domain of chaos is the boundary of chaos. It is an endless black field, with nothing, let alone life, there is no chance at all.

But some people speculate that there is still an end to the chaotic black domain. At the end of the chaotic black domain, there may be other chaotic worlds, or some other lives, full of opportunities.

There are even other more outrageous guesses.

But only these two guesses seem to be a little more reliable, and even the chaotic saint will not easily enter the chaotic black domain. In the long history of Chaos, it is not that no one has offended the Holy Priest of Chaos.

Those practitioners who offended the chaotic saints, or the chaotic beasts, hid directly into the chaotic black realm, and even the chaotic saints would not enter the chaotic black realm to hunt down.

Obviously, even the Supreme Rule of Chaos cannot radiate power into the chaotic black domain.

Lin Feng is still observing the chaotic black realm. According to the detailed information he collected, someone once strayed into the chaotic black realm, but was lucky to return.

It's just that even the lucky ones can't draw a map.

Because, everywhere in the chaotic black domain is the same is pitch black, where can you draw a map? There are only some marks left, like the vice president of the Ten Thousand Chamber of Commerce.

Lin Feng also carefully investigated, the vice president of Wanyuan Chamber of Commerce had indeed entered the chaotic black domain by mistake, and returned from the chaotic black domain by chance.

However, the vice president of Wanyuan Chamber of Commerce never mentioned what happened in the chaotic black domain, which was quite mysterious.

"It can still be sensed, vaguely, that it is indeed in the chaotic black domain."

Lin Feng took out the sensor mark of the vice president, and even in the chaos, he could vaguely sense it. It was indeed in the black realm of chaos, but it was very faint, and the exact location could not be determined.

"It seems that we must enter the Chaos Black Domain."

Lin Feng took a deep breath, he had already prepared for the adventure. Since the induction mark is indeed in the chaotic black domain, then he has nothing to hesitate.


Lin Feng turned into a streamer and flew directly into the pitch-black chaotic black field.

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