Permanent Martial Arts

Vol 3000 Chapter 1061: ghost

"Huh? Ghost?"

Lin Feng felt that there was something more in his Samsara Realm. It was similar to a ghost and belonged to an invisible force that could only be captured by the Samsara Realm.

But it doesn't seem to be a ghost. The reincarnation world captures a kind of energy that belongs to the soul, such as true spirits, ghosts, etc. In addition, the reincarnation world cannot capture other energies.

These "yin souls" are few and broken. It should be because of some reason that they still remain in the corpse after death. Not to mention ordinary practitioners, even the true gods cannot detect them.

If Lin Feng hadn't had the world of reincarnation in his body, he wouldn't have been able to discover the residual power of the "Yin" in the corpse.

Once the "Yin" is ingested into the world of reincarnation, it will at least have a chance to reincarnate. After the reincarnation transformation, it can be completely transformed into the cosmic life in Lin Feng's body.

Of course, the true spirit is not in this case. After all, if the true spirit is achieved in chaos, even if it has passed through Lin Feng's reincarnation world, once it is reincarnated and rebuilt, and the memory is awakened, it will still be able to restore its peak power.

Even, it can take away part of the power of the universe in the body, which is not worth the loss.

Therefore, there is no absolute necessity. Lin Feng will not let the real spirits in the chaos reincarnate in the world of reincarnation. Even if they are absorbed by the realm of reincarnation, it is only to wipe out the real spirits.

At this moment, these "ghosts" are like this, and Lin Feng is not ready to let them all reincarnate. Even if it is reincarnation, these remnant ghosts may only be reincarnated into some flowers and plants, and the chances of reincarnating as intelligent life are very small.

However, the ghost was ingested into the world of reincarnation, but Lin Feng was able to use this to "look through" some of the ghost's memories.


With the help of Samsara Realm, Lin Feng began to look through the memories of the ghosts.

These ghosts are obviously broken, not even a complete ghost. Only some recent memory pictures appeared intermittently.

Lin Feng "saw" a Holy Body, a huge Holy Body, and in the darkness, there were countless flames burning roaringly. There are fourteen types of these flames in total.

"Huh? Fourteen kinds of chaotic flames?"

Lin Feng was shocked, wasn't the chaotic spirit flames he found fourteen types? Or, in the memories of these ghosts, the incomparably huge Holy Body is the master of the fourteen kinds of chaotic flames?

Lin Feng concentrated again and looked at the memories of these ghosts.

A picture after another appeared in front of Lin Feng's eyes. The holy body was extremely huge and its might was extremely terrifying. According to Lin Feng's vision, after the other party's Holy Body manifested, it was actually not much worse than his current Spiritual Flame Holy Body.

Comparable to the great power?

Lin Feng didn't know who the other party was, but the other party must be the True God of Chaos, and he was a very powerful True God. Even if it is not a top true god, it should be similar.

At the end, in the memory of the ghost, Lin Feng found that the other party suddenly manifested into a black sun, and countless flames were burning in the sun, turning countless terrifying monsters into ashes.

"Black Sun... Could it be the legendary Black Sun God?"

Lin Feng thought about it, he stayed in the holy city of chaos for a long time, and he was in charge of the mutual aid alliance. Knowledge is no longer inferior to ordinary true gods.

The picture in the ghost just now, this **** sun, instantly flashed a light in his mind.

The Great Black Sun, isn't this the true God of the Black Sun?

Since Lin Feng once collected Chaos Spirit Flames, he has collected all the information on Chaos Spirit Flames. Among them, the information of the Black Sun God has been collected many times.

The true God of the Black Sun is the enlightenment of the elves. It is a day in the chaotic continent. I don't know how to become enlightened. It is born with fourteen kinds of chaotic flames.

Moreover, he once retreated from the top true god, his strength was terrifying to the extreme, and he was infinitely close to the top true god. In particular, his supernatural power is still a body refining supernatural power, and it is even more terrifying to manifest his true body.

At the beginning, Lin Feng wanted to personally visit the True God of the Black Sun and seek the fourteen kinds of chaotic flames associated with the True God of the Black Sun. It's a pity that True God Black Sun seems to have disappeared.

But now, Lin Feng saw the picture of the true **** of the black sun, and he was in the black realm of chaos.

In the pictures of these ghosts, the true **** of the black sun is immeasurable, and he uses his magical powers to turn many monsters into ashes. However, in the end, a huge bull-headed monster shot, covering the sky and covering the sun was always a big hand, and the Black Sun True God was instantly turned into a powder. Even the true spirit of the Black Sun God seems to have been annihilated.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng was shocked.

"These corpses are not life in chaos, but come from outside chaos. Among them, the weak and the weak are comparable to the chaotic spirit beasts, and the strong can kill the true God of the Black Sun with one blow, and even the true spirits are annihilated!"

Lin Feng was shocked. From the memories of these ghosts, he had almost learned the truth.

It's no wonder that in the past thousand years, I haven't heard of the true God of the Black Sun, not even a trace. It turned out that True God Black Sun arrived in the black realm of chaos, and also encountered these monster lives outside the chaos, and has already fallen.

The time when True God Black Sun fell should be within the last thousand years. This period of time is not long, but it is not short. Why haven't these monsters been seen in chaos?

"By the way, the chaotic black domain is boundless, even the chaotic saint cannot sense it. These monster lives, as well as battleships, should be luck everywhere in the chaotic black domain. However, they were able to meet the true **** of the black sun thousands of years ago. , I am afraid that it is very close to Chaos, and it may not be possible to discover Chaos one day."

Lin Feng was stunned. He didn't know how strong these beings outside the chaos were, but one blow could kill the True God of the Black Sun, and even the True Spirit was annihilated, which shows that these monster lives are definitely not easy to provoke.

Once Chaos is discovered, I am afraid that for Chaos, it is not a good thing, or even a catastrophe.


After Lin Feng read the memories of the ghosts, he felt that he was a little unfounded.

The chaotic black field is so big. For thousands of years, these monsters have not been able to find chaos. Maybe they have been lost in the depths of the chaotic black field.

What's more Even if these monsters appear, there are still powerful beings such as the top true gods and the chaotic saints. Where is the need for Lin Feng to worry?

"True God of the Black Sun, don't worry, you fought against life outside the chaos in the black realm of chaos, and you have completely fallen. But there is still the flame of chaos, and I can be regarded as inheriting your avenue. If I can encounter these chaos one day Monsters in the black domain, I will definitely avenge you!"

Lin Feng murmured in a low voice, it seemed that the fourteen kinds of chaotic flames were more thoroughly integrated into Lin Feng's sacred body.

"It's time to leave."

Lin Feng took back the universe in his body and looked at the fragment of the continent. It was empty and there were no treasures left. Therefore, Lin Feng stepped out, sensed the rules of chaos, and prepared to return to chaos.

But just after leaving this fragment of the continent, Lin Feng suddenly discovered that in the dark chaotic black domain, there were faint rays of light.


Lin Feng froze in his heart. In the chaotic black domain, there is no space, so how can there be light?

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