Permanent Martial Arts

Vol 3000 Chapter 1074: Something happened!


In the initial continent, in a secret room in the Mutual Aid Alliance, Lin Feng opened his eyes.

"It turns out that this is the mystery of the Holy Venerable..."

There was a hint of surprise in Lin Feng's eyes, but his expression was a little complicated, even a little helpless.


Lin Feng flipped his palm, and the Chaos Originium appeared. The initial continent is also some distance away from the Holy City of Chaos, and the supreme rules have not yet shrouded here, so no one will find the source of chaos.

Since Lin Feng became a true god, he has been qualified to comprehend the supreme rules in the Origin Stone of Chaos.

In this chaotic source stone, there is indeed a supreme rule. The so-called supreme rule is above all chaotic rules, just like the imperial jade seal of the emperor of a mortal country, it is orthodox.

Only when you get the jade seal can you be considered justifiable and inherit the throne. The supreme rule is also, only by mastering this supreme rule, then the true spirit can be integrated into the chaos, the chaos is immortal, and the saint is immortal!

The mystery of the Primal Chaos was placed in front of Lin Feng.

This supreme rule requires specific practitioners to comprehend, not anyone who gets it. The first seven Chaos Origin Stones were actually obtained by countless people, but why did only the seven saints stand out and finally mastered the supreme rules?

It is because the supreme rule is not something that everyone can comprehend.

Now that Lin Feng has obtained the Origin Stone of Chaos, he has also become a true god, and he is also qualified to comprehend this supreme rule. But Lin Feng was not happy, and it didn't mean that he couldn't comprehend this supreme rule. Whether he could comprehend it or not, Lin Feng hadn't tried it yet.

That's because, if you want to become a Chaos Saint, you must completely entrust your true spirit in Chaos.

In the dark, Lin Feng actually felt that Chaos had a will.

Moreover, once you want to entrust your true spirit to chaos, you will completely surrender your life to chaos. At that time, the universe within the body will inevitably be exposed to chaos.

Whether the will of chaos will allow a complete universe with a "reincarnation world" to appear, Lin Feng does not know.

But if he wants to become a saint, it is doomed to be difficult.

Even, Lin Feng has deeper thinking, what if he became the chaotic saint? Success is also chaotic, failure is also chaotic. Once the true spirit is placed in Chaos, it will never be separated from Chaos, and there will not even be a chance to continue to grow, unless Chaos also continues to grow.

It is not that the saints control the chaos, but the chaos controls the saints!

It may seem a bit unbelievable, but Lin Feng understood this truth immediately after he comprehended the supreme rules in the Origin Stone of Chaos. If there is no universe in the body, then Lin Feng will definitely choose to become the Primal Chaos.

As long as the chaos is stronger, the saints will be stronger and better.

But Lin Feng has his own inner universe. Although it may be far inferior to Chaos, Lin Feng is the master of the inner universe and completely controls the inner universe. Even the world of reincarnation has appeared, which is a reduced version of chaos.

The universe within the body is the real potential!

Lin Feng looked at this chaotic source stone, and countless people were crazy about it, even the chaotic saint was not exempt. The source stone of chaos is useless to the saints, and the saints cannot intervene, but they still have disciples, as well as relatives and friends. In short, the source stone of chaos is the greatest treasure in chaos, who would dislike it?

Lin Feng closed his eyes, and he was struggling violently in his heart.

With the Chaos Origin Stone in hand, as long as he comprehends the supreme rules, it is possible to become a Chaos Saint, ascend to the sky in one step, and become the top existence in Chaos.

But if he let go, he would have to slowly expand the universe in his body, and he didn't know when it would be comparable to Chaos.

The difficulties and obstacles in this one can be imagined.

It was a difficult choice, but Lin Feng didn't hesitate for too long and made a decision quickly. He put the Chaos Originium back into the universe again.

"The Chaos Origin Stone is good, and the Holy Venerable is also very powerful, but that's not my way!"

Lin Feng murmured in a low voice, his eyes becoming more and more firm. His way, as early as the moment he incarnated into the universe, was already doomed.

Now Lin Feng's practice has reached a neck, but just because he has reached the neck, for Lin Feng, he can better determine the direction and the way to practice in the future.

His direction, his way, his path is only one, and that is the universe within the body!

The supernatural power has been repaired, and even the root of supernatural power lies in the universe within the body. The stronger the universe in the body, the stronger the supernatural power of Lin Feng's Yuanjie.

It may not be possible to fight against the Holy Venerable now, but it may not be possible in the future.

If the universe in the body expands again, and the world of reincarnation becomes more complete, no one can tell when it will be able to compete with the Holy Venerable!

However, now Lin Feng also knows the essence of the universe in his body, which is devouring. It's no wonder that the will of the source universe wants to conflict with the universe in his body, and it is almost a conflict between life and death.

It turned out that, no matter whether the universe in the body or the universe in the source, there is only one way to expand, and that is to swallow! Turning the energy of others into the energy of the universe can continue to expand.

Even one day, when Lin Feng's inner universe is strong enough to swallow the entire chaos, it is not impossible. Of course, by then, it will be too long, too long.

Perhaps it will never develop to that point. The road that Lin Feng has taken is unprecedented, and everything needs to be explored by Lin Feng himself.

"God's War Order! Anyone who receives information about the God's War should obey my order and go to the Holy City Point Commander. This time, the Chaos True Monarch, the Chaos True God, the Chaos Spirit Beast, and the Chaos Spirit Beast will be recruited. Within ten days, anyone who has Those who do not obey, the seven great saints will jointly name and kill without mercy!"


Just as Lin Feng was about to leave the customs, a voice sounded in his mind. Like a morning bell and a twilight drum, it shook his head so much that he was dizzy, and for a while, he didn't know what happened.

"God War Order?"

It was the first time that Lin Feng heard about this God's War Order. But he is very clear that this is a summoning order issued by the Nine Heavens Holy Venerable himself, who dares not to obey?

"Looks like something has happened!"

Lin Feng froze in his Then his figure flashed and he stepped out of the secret room.


At this time, the entire chaos completely boiled.

God's War Order was born, and there is not only one God's War Order, but seven God's War Order, the God's War Order jointly issued by the seven Chaos Saints, who dares not to obey?

Even those chaotic divine beasts and chaotic holy beasts that have never been dealt with by practitioners have followed the orders of the Holy Venerable and headed to the chaotic holy city one after another.

"What the **** happened?"

This is what all practitioners want to know.

Approaching the Black Realm of Chaos, the impact of so many abyssal monsters naturally sent the message back from practitioners. Gradually, news about monsters, chaotic black domain, life from other worlds, etc., emerged one after another.

Everyone was stunned. They didn't know how there was so much messy information all of a sudden, and they didn't know if it was true or not. However, everyone knows very well that something big has happened!

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