Permanent Martial Arts

Vol 3000 Chapter 1244: Delimiting stone!

"Finally met again, a world that is about to take shape!"

Lin Feng was very excited, even more excited than getting a lot of worlds. The last time he saw the world that was about to take shape, it was a pity that he was still a step behind and did not understand the key to the formation of the world.

But now, he encountered it again. This time, Lin Feng did not hesitate, directly mobilized the power of the universe in his body, turned it into a giant palm, and grabbed it fiercely.


This time, Lin Feng easily grabbed the fog. When he grabbed the fog, he felt the surging energy, as if he was about to break free from his shackles at any time. But Lin Feng used the power of the universe in his body, the power of sixty-five worlds, equivalent to the combat power of one hundred and one worlds.

Such terrifying power can naturally suppress the restlessness in this fog.

"Let me take a closer look at the key to the formation of the world."

Lin Feng gathered his energy, pierced through the fog, and looked at the core inside.


For a moment, Lin Feng's mind seemed to explode slightly. He saw that it was a strange aggregation of rules, and it was all the rules of gravity, the rules of gravity in this realm.

But these gravitational rules come together, but some kind of peculiar change is vaguely produced, so that they are constantly "restless", just like the heart, there is a faint gushing power inside, and it is about to explode.

"I see!"

After careful investigation, Lin Feng understood.

The rules of gravity continue to converge and then explode, during which various changes will occur, thus forming a world. Of course, if the world is to take shape, the changes in it will definitely be very complicated and cumbersome. Even Lin Feng cannot control every step perfectly.

Moreover, in addition to the gathering of rules, there is another most important thing, that is, the things that carry these rules.

Lin Feng's spiritual power continued to extend, and through the heavy rules of gravity, he "saw" a round and flawless "stone" at the very core.

Yes, it looks like a "stone", but it is round and flawless, and it is full of a peculiar beauty. Although it is only the size of a washbasin, it is such a small stone that can carry such a huge gravitational rule, and eventually explode, forming a world.

It may have shattered at the moment of the explosion, but no doubt it laid the foundations of a world.

After seeing the "true face" of this stone, Lin Feng was extremely excited, because he had already recognized this stone.

"Delimiting stone!"

Lin Feng was certain that this was the delimiting stone. Although Lin Feng has never seen the boundary stone, he has seen too many descriptions about the boundary stone. For the controller, the boundary stone is the most important thing, even if he has never seen the controller of the boundary stone, You can also recognize it at a glance.

The biggest feature of the delimiting stone is that it can carry rules! Otherwise, even the rules can't bear it, how can it bear the whole world?

"So it is, so it is. The formation of the world has rules and delimiting stones."

Lin Feng understood, completely understood. The formation of these worlds is the convergence of delimiting stones and rules, and finally a chain reaction becomes a world.

It’s just different from the controller’s use of the delimiting stone. In the automatically formed world, the delimiting stone will be completely shattered and can no longer be found. However, the controller uses the delimiting stone to open up the inner world, and the delimiting stone will still remain in the inner world, stabilizing the world. The core of the world is often the most important thing for those who control it.

Of course, the delimiting stone that has been used can no longer be used, because it has been damaged, and it has carried the rules of other controllers, so naturally it can no longer carry other rules.


Lin Feng felt the delimiting stone in his hand as if it was about to explode. It should be on the verge of an explosion. Once it exploded, it would slowly form a brand new world.

Lin Feng also wanted to do more research on the delimiting stone, so he dispelled all the rules of gravity attached to the delimiting stone, thus revealing the true appearance of the delimiting stone.

This delimiting stone is not too big. According to Lin Feng's understanding of the delimiting stone, this delimiting stone should only be the most basic delimiting stone. If it is obtained by the controlled person and used to open up the inner world, it can only carry a few worlds at best, which is the limit. .

High-quality delimiting stones are not so easy to obtain and are precious. But ordinary delimiting stones, such as delimiting stones that can only carry a few worlds, are basically not used by anyone to open up the inner world. Even if there are, it is a stopgap measure. alternative.

However, no matter how low-quality a delimiting stone is, it is still a delimiting stone!

"It's amazing, how did these boundary stones form?"

Lin Feng thought about it carefully, it seems that the boundary stone often appears in the boundary, and it seems to be bred from the boundary. The higher the quality of the delimiting stone, the more so.

But what about the bounding stones of those world masters? How did you find it?

Those world masters, the inner world is comparable to a small world, how precious it is to find such high-quality delimiting stones.

Lin Feng has also vaguely heard some rumors. According to rumors, Xiaoqianjie will naturally give birth to a boundary stone, but a boundary stone that can carry a Xiaoqianjie is very precious. Often a small world can only breed one or two high-quality delimiting stones that can carry a small world.

This shows how precious high-quality delimiting stones are.

However, Lin Feng frowned, looking at the delimiting stone in his hand, what is the use of Lin Feng?

Lin Feng used his own power to incarnate the universe. He has no limit at all and can accommodate countless worlds. Therefore, he does not need a delimiting stone. What effect can these delimiting stones have on him?

"Defining stone, if the legend is true, you can try it."

A glimmer of light flashed in Lin Feng's eyes. At this time, he remembered a rumor circulating among those in control.

Rumor has it that the boundary stone is not just as simple as opening up the it can stabilize the world, making it unbreakable and indestructible. But how to do it, no one knows.

What's more, with a delimiting stone, what's the use of it if it is not used for fusion?

For low-quality delimiting stones, those controllers who have often successfully replaced high-quality delimiting stones will not merge again, so as not to lower the quality of the delimiting stones.

It is often used for trading. The delimiting stone is very expensive. No matter how low-quality a delimiting stone is, it is possible to create a controller. Naturally, the price will be very high.

However, according to rumors, the boundary stone can enhance the stability of the world, but how to use it?

Lin Feng didn't know. With a thought, he directly swept the delimiting stone into the universe within his body to see what kind of reaction he would have.


Just now, the delimiting stone was involved in the universe within the body. Suddenly, in the universe within Lin Feng's body, the huge lotus of chaos that had not moved for a long time seemed to be extremely "desire" at this moment, and there were countless roots rooted in the void. Vibration, and even the whole universe is shaking.

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