Permanent Martial Arts

Vol 3000 Chapter 1491: 0 Billion Battle!

"How is it possible that you are a hundred billion supreme?"

The most shocking is undoubtedly the ancestor of Qingmu. Who would have thought that Lin Feng is actually a hundred billion supreme? No one knows better than Ancestor Aoki how difficult it is for the 100 billion Supreme.

Even the ancestors of Qingmu, in order to achieve a hundred billion supreme, do not know how many hardships they have gone through, and they have also encountered unimaginable adventures one by one.

In the end, along the way, it is worthy of becoming a hundred billion supreme, who can traverse the entire small world, and there are not many controllers or demons who can be stronger than him. Basically, they are standing in the highest one. one.

But now, Lin Feng has made Ancestor Aoki "doubt" for the first time that he has been practicing useless work for so many years? He had investigated Lin Feng in detail and knew that Lin Feng was only 10 billion Supremes a hundred years ago, and there were only more than 10 billion worlds.

A hundred years later, Lin Feng burst into the momentum of a hundred billion supreme, and the profound meaning contained in it made Ancestor Aoki take a deep breath.

"One hundred years, hundreds of billions of supreme..."

Lin Feng smiled bitterly in his heart, he thought of a rumor about Lin Feng, he didn't quite believe it before, but now, he believed it. Could it be that this is the magic of being the master of the universe?

"Be sure to get the secrets on you, for sure!"

Ancestor Aoki's expression turned grim.

Originally, he was only interested in Lin Feng, but he still looked at Lin Feng with a high-level attitude. But now, knowing that Lin Feng has become a hundred billion supreme in a hundred years, the ancestor of Qingmu can no longer be "calm".

He had an incomparable longing in his heart to obtain the secrets of Lin Feng. Whether it is the incarnation of the universe or any other secret, he will get it, even if there is only a glimmer of hope, he will not give up.

Even destroying the Epoch Alliance and taking revenge on Xue Ren were no longer so important to Aoki Ancestor at this moment, and capturing Lin Feng was the most important thing.

"Very good! It is rumored that you are the incarnation of the universe, and you have a big secret. I didn't believe it at first, but now I believe it. It's a pity that you shouldn't expose you in front of the ancestor. Secrets! Hand over all the secrets, and I can spare the entire Epoch Alliance, and I can spare you!"

The momentum of Aoki's ancestor is also rising, and it seems that 100 billion is not his limit.

Lin Feng's expression was solemn, but he still had his hands on his back, and sneered: "Ancestor Qingmu, are you talking nonsense? If you have the ability, then defeat Lin, or even catch him, otherwise, there is no need to threaten, do you think? , is Lin Fengfeng threatened?"

Indeed, at the level of Lin Feng, will he be threatened?

No, neither of those in control will be threatened.

Is the Epoch Alliance important? Of course it matters.

Does the first light matter? Of course it's also important.

But no matter how important they are, Lin Feng will not really put himself in danger in order to protect them, and he will not be threatened by Ancestor Aoki.

The big deal, he will avenge the Epoch Alliance and the First Light in the future.

A strange gleam flashed in the eyes of the ancestors of Qingmu. He knew that it would not be easy to catch Lin Feng. If that was the case, then let's fight. At the beginning, the ancestors of Qingmu had no fear of anyone except Ji Yuan Zhizun.

"Alright, let you know how powerful the ancestors are! Hundreds of billions of supreme beings are also divided into high and low!"

Ancestor Aoki's long hair slowly floated up, and then, a spark seemed to appear on his body. Yes, sparks, the entire long hair has also turned into a fiery red color, and even the worlds above have become flaming fireballs.

The temperature in the void also rose rapidly.

"Boundary rules!"

Lin Feng's expression was solemn. The rules of flames were actually the most common rules. Among the ten supreme beings who mastered the rules of the realm, at least five mastered the rules of the flames.

There are so many controllers who have mastered the rules of fire, but it does not mean that the rules of fire are weak. In fact, except for the time and space rules, the rest of the rules are not strong or weak.

Even the rules of time and space have all kinds of weirdness, or other peculiar abilities, so that they can override many rules.

Now, the 100 billion Supremes like Aoki Patriarch have displayed the rules of flame, which is like burning the sky and boiling the sea. Even the realm will be burned to ashes by a trace of flame rules.

In particular, the aura of the ancestors of Qingmu is still improving, and it has reached the world of 100 billion, and it is still improving, which means that the ancestors of Qingmu are not as simple as ordinary 100 billion supreme.

"It's no wonder that Era Supreme wants to hunt down the ancestors of Aoki. This man's cold nature and slaughter are not inferior to the demons, and even more than that!"

Lin Feng froze in his heart, although he didn't know why Ji Yuan Zhizun was chasing the ancestor of Qingmu. But looking at the actions of the ancestors of Qingmu, it is not an ordinary supreme.

Even the slaughter is huge, chasing the demon!

For such a person, Era Sovereign will not let it go, but unfortunately, the ancestor of Qingmu had a special way to survive, but now it has become a scourge.

Lin Feng's face was solemn, he had already raised his aura to the extreme, a total of 120 billion worlds, almost distorted the void, suppressed everything, and forcibly resisted the "crushing" of Aoki Ancestor.

But Lin Feng's pressure is also very high, even very large.

Especially as Ancestor Aoki's aura continued to rise, even Lin Feng had a faint feeling of being unable to resist. Especially now that the flame rules displayed by Aoki ancestors are extremely destructive rules, and Lin Feng has to protect the entire Epoch Alliance headquarters, which involves too much energy.

"Lotus of Chaos, suppress!"

Lin Feng let out a low roar. For the first time, he used the Lotus of Chaos to face the enemy.


The lotus of chaos shines brightly, and the roots of each root quickly take root in Lin Feng's body boundary, and Lin Feng's body boundary is constantly expanding, as if it has become a big net, protecting it. The entire headquarters of the Epoch Alliance resisted the flame rules of the ancestors of Aoki and the crushing of the power of the world.


Old Ancestor Aoki's expression changed He had already displayed most of his strength just now, even if Lin Feng was a hundred billion supreme, he would not be able to resist his attack. But now the fact is that Lin Feng blocked his attack.

"Break it for me!"

Ancestor Aoki shouted loudly. At this time, he no longer had any reservations, and his momentum rose again.

100 billion, 120 billion, 150 billion, 180 billion, 200 billion...

A whole 200 billion world! This is the strength of Ancestor Aoki, even among the core veterans of the Era Alliance, such strength is not weak.

Compared to Lin Feng's 120 billion worlds, Aoki Patriarch is almost twice as strong!

Therefore, in the next instant, Lin Feng's Lotus of Chaos, and the huge realm, could barely hold up, and were constantly suppressed, suppressed, and suppressed again, as if it might collapse at any time.

The situation has reached a critical moment.

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