Permanent Martial Arts

Vol 3000 Chapter 1495: 400 billion worlds!


In Lin Feng's body, the movement was much bigger than that of a volcanic eruption. It was not a volcanic eruption, but a cosmic explosion, an explosion of the world. The worlds, the realms, were born at an extremely fast speed under the acceleration of time.

Lin Feng made a slight estimation, and the entire world of demons, the world origin finally obtained, is about 26 billion copies.

26 billion copies of the origin of the world, for the current Lin Feng, that is a long drought and a good rain. Immediately, the Lotus of Chaos within Lin Feng's body began to frantically "digest" the boundary stone.

10 billion, 30 billion, 50 billion...

The birth of the realm within Lin Feng's body was not one or two, but ten and one hundred, and the world's combat power also increased crazily, each time increasing by tens of billions.

Even though Lin Feng has been suffering the losses caused by the ancestors of Qingmu, but compared to the world with the increase in the boundaries of the body, that loss is nothing at all.

In a blink of an eye, Lin Feng's body has reached 200 billion world battle power!

This is almost the same as Ancestor Aoki. Although Lin Feng's increased strength, he can't control it like a finger, but the surging momentum can't be faked at all.

That is the terrifying aura of chasing Aoki ancestors.

"How is that possible? Two hundred billion worlds, just for a short while?"

Even if he is as knowledgeable and knowledgeable as Ancestor Aoki, he is stunned at this time, his face full of incredulity. It took him endless years and several epochs to finally cultivate into 200 billion worlds and become a hundred billion supreme beings for a while.

Who would have thought that in just a short time, Lin Feng had already surpassed his practice of several epochs. Is this possible?

But the fact is right in front of you. From the very beginning, Lin Feng was chased by the ancestors of Qingmu, and he had nowhere to go. There was almost no way to do it, and he also suffered heavy losses. Ancestor Aoki almost destroyed Lin Feng's nearly 20 billion worlds.

I thought that Lin Feng would not be able to support it for long, and sooner or later he would be beheaded by the ancestor Aoki. Who would have thought that it would be turned over all of a sudden?

"Is that the demon world?"

Ancestor Aoki thought about it for a while, Lin Feng swallowed the world of demons, and his breath suddenly soared. Moreover, Lin Feng had obtained almost 2 billion copies of the origin of the world before, and his aura had skyrocketed.

"Could it be that Lin Feng can use the source of the world to quickly increase his strength? And it hardly consumes much of the source of the world?"

Ancestor Aoki thought of this possibility.

It's just that it's so unbelievable, is it possible? If Lin Feng could use the origin of the world, wouldn't he be able to devour the demons all the time, thereby rapidly increasing his strength, and still need to sit at the headquarters of the Era Alliance?

"No, Lin Feng used the origin of the world in exchange for the delimiting stone. It should be that Lin Feng can directly use the delimiting stone and the origin of the world to create a large number of worlds."

Ancestor Aoki felt that he was close to the truth. If this is the case, then Lin Feng's soaring strength can be explained.

However, even if he knew the truth, what help would it be to Aoki ancestors?

Old Ancestor Aoki was already attacking, and his Aoki Spear could bring certain losses to Lin Feng every time.

However, with the improvement of Lin Feng's strength, Lin Feng could lose a billion worlds at the beginning, but now, the loss is gradually reduced. From a billion world, all the way down to 800 million, 600 million, 400 million...

Even at the end, the single blow of the Aoki Spear could not break even 100 million worlds.

On the contrary, Lin Feng is rapidly improving his strength. The 200 billion world is not the end, on the contrary, it is just the beginning.

200 billion, 230 billion, 250 billion, 280 billion, 300 billion...

Soon, Lin Feng's strength has increased to 300 billion, a terrifying power, plus a terrifying defense. Even if Ancestor Aoki used the Aoki Spear with all his strength, it wouldn't do much damage to Lin Feng.

At this moment, Ancestor Aoki finally accepted his fate.


Without any hesitation, facing the existence of a "monster" like Lin Feng, he was able to increase his strength several times in a short period of time.

It was unheard of, and terrifying to the extreme. Ancestor Qingmu recognized the reality. He is no longer Lin Feng's opponent. If he doesn't leave now, when will he wait?

"I want to go now, don't you think it's too late?"

Lin Feng sneered, Patriarch Aoki made him embarrassed and suffered heavy losses, how could he not hate it in his heart? If it wasn't for his Jedi counterattack, risking the attack of Ancestor Aoki, and swallowing a world of demons, I'm afraid his losses would be even greater, and he would even have to use the space disk to escape.

Lose the Epoch Alliance, lose the first light, and even the previous plans are all in vain.

Such a loss is unimaginable.

This is to cut off Lin Feng's cultivation path and cut off Lin Feng's hope. Therefore, he naturally would not let Ancestor Aoki go easily.

"Time stands still!"

Lin Feng's eyes were indifferent, staring at Patriarch Aoki.

He knows that an ancient existence like Ancestor Aoki is also a supreme being of hundreds of billions, and he must have many means to save his life. Therefore, Lin Feng did not dare to be careless, and directly used the time rule.

Under the rules of time, no matter what means of life-saving Ancestor Aoki had, everything was in vain.

Sure enough, as Lin Feng showed the time to stand still, Ancestor Aoki froze all over, and was completely stopped. Lin Feng has a total of 300 billion worlds of combat power, and it is not difficult to stop the Aoki ancestors who live in 200 billion worlds. Even, there is no need to bear any big load.

Lin Feng stretched out his big hand, without the slightest skill, just like a heavy hammer, he slapped Old Ancestor Aoki hard. Immediately, Ancestor Aoki's body was shaken violently, and Lin Feng's 300 billion world was shot down.

What's more, Aoki Patriarch is still weaker than Lin Feng.


Lin Feng's attack caused Patriarch Aoki to instantly lose tens of billions of worlds. Moreover, Lin Feng's internal boundaries are still constantly giving birth to the world.

In addition, Lin Feng had obtained a large number of delimiting stones provided by the Supreme Circle, so at this moment, Lin Feng's strength was still rapidly improving.

330 billion, 360 billion, 390 billion...

In the end, Lin Feng's inner body finally gradually calmed down. And the final number of worlds in his body reached a full 400 billion!

Basically, the delimiting stone was used up, and the source of the world was also used up. Therefore, Lin Feng's body has now reached 400 billion world battle power!

Even among the core veterans of the Era Alliance, they are the best!


Lin Feng slapped it again with a palm. This time, Patriarch Aoki lost a total of 30 billion in his inner world.

"Bang bang Again and again, under the stillness of Lin Feng's time, Aoki Patriarch is a living target. There is no way to break free from the stillness of time, and he can only be attacked by Lin Feng again and again.

After several attacks, the dignified ancestor of Aoki, the 200 billion world's top supreme, there are only a few hundred million worlds left, and the internal realm is facing the bad luck of collapse at any time.


Lin Feng's power of the world, directly involved Aoki's ancestors into the realm of the body, and suppressed it stubbornly. He didn't want to cheap ancestor Aoki and let the other party die in vain.

What's more, these ancient top supremes still have great value.

Old Ancestor Aoki has recovered, looking at Lin Feng's body realm, he also knows his situation, and his expression is full of depression.

"I lost... I didn't expect that the old man did not die under the pursuit of Era Supreme, but instead fell into your hands."

Ancestor Aoki's face was ashes, and he felt extremely bitter in his heart.

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