Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 153: armor piercer

The Shannan base is busy again. The base that has not experienced a "war" for some time has undoubtedly ushered in another war.

Armor-piercing beasts, a large number of armor-piercing beasts appeared in front of the base.

When Lin Feng came to the city wall built by the base, he found that there were armor-piercing beasts everywhere in front of the base, and thousands of armor-piercing beasts were roaring.

Lin Feng looked around and found that there were several large holes on the ground behind the armor-piercing beasts, and armor-piercing beasts were still pouring out one after another. Presumably these armor-piercing beasts had dug out more than ten passages from the ground and gathered to the base. forward.

"These armor-piercing beasts are good at digging tunnels and won't dig into the base?"

After all, Lin Feng didn't know much about Shannan Base.

Lu Wei explained: "We have been prepared for this for a long time. The entire base is made of the hardest steel, which is harder than any war fortress. Even the foundation is filled with the hardest steel. Yes, no matter how sharp the claws of those armor-piercing beasts are, they cannot be broken."

"If that's the case, why did the base lose so much last time?"

Lu Wei naturally knew that Lin Feng was talking about the accident when Zhou Yun was the commander-in-chief.

So, he explained with a wry smile: "The reason why the loss was so heavy last time was because the commander-in-chief Zhou Yun insisted on entering the lair of the armor-piercing beasts, the defense of the base was weak, and because of the many warriors who had escaped, he only managed to It gave those armor-piercing beasts a chance."

Lin Feng nodded, it seemed that this was really Zhou Yun's fault, and it would be impossible if he didn't memorize it.

"With so many armor-piercing beasts gathered in front of the base, will it be dangerous if we ignore them?"

"Yes, we ignore so many armor-piercing beasts, then the armor-piercing beasts will even gather more and more, and they will dig bit by bit slowly, or simply forcibly attack the base, it will be very dangerous, at least those If the armor-piercing beast wants to jump into the base, there is no problem at all."

Lin Feng understood, it seems that so many armor-piercing beasts are indeed a trouble, even if he ignores it, over time, the armor-piercing beasts may even invade the base.

The armor-piercing beast's skin is hard, like a rock. It is not huge, but it is as big as an adult crocodile. However, the monsters among those armor-piercing beasts are extremely large, almost four or five times the size of ordinary armor-piercing beasts.

And when Lin Feng looked at it, he almost saw more than forty armor-piercing beasts.

"Why did they suddenly gather outside the base?"

For some reason, Lin Feng always felt that these armor-piercing beasts seemed to be "angry". They gathered outside the base without attacking immediately, as if to express their "anger".

Lu Wei fell silent. He has been in Shannan Base for many years and has studied these armor-piercing beasts for many years. In terms of understanding of armor-piercing beasts, no one in the entire Shannan Base can compare to Lu Wei.

"Armor-piercing beasts are actually not violent in temperament, and even considered gentle among many beasts. Under normal circumstances, they are unwilling to fight other beasts. Similarly, armor-piercing beasts are also unwilling to fight with us humans. This area was originally the territory of armor-piercing beasts, but we humans want to expand, so we built a city here and set up a front-line base. After several battles, those armor-piercing beasts have actually given up a large area.

"Although the armor-piercing beasts are relatively gentle, they are ferocious beasts living in groups and are very closely connected. Once an armor-piercing beast is killed, it will often attract a large group of armor-piercing beasts."

"And now there are so many armor-piercing beasts, the top ten is because of the armor-piercing beast that Chen Xue killed, and that armor-piercing beast should not be just a monster, perhaps, its identity is in There are some special things among armor-piercing beasts."

Understood, Lin Feng completely understood that all this was Chen Xue's fault. Thinking of this, Lin Feng frowned.

"So, they can track dead armor-piercing beasts?"

"Yes, they have an extremely sensitive sense of smell, and they must smell it."

In fact, this is also the reason why Lu Wei was so angry when he saw Chen Xue carrying an armor-piercing beast back to the base. This was obviously to attract a large number of armor-piercing beasts.

"This should be common sense. So, Chen Xue deliberately brought the body of the armor-piercing beast into the base?"

Lu Wei didn't speak, but in fact Lin Feng already knew the answer. Originally, Lin Feng just felt that Chen Xue was a little pitiful. Perhaps because of Zhou Yun's death, Chen Xue was a little crazy.

But now it seems that Chen Xue is not only crazy, but bold, and deliberately attracts armor-piercing beasts to attack the Shannan base, which is enough for Chen Xue to enter the court.

"After this crisis, I will send Chen Xue to the martial artist court!"

Lin Feng also knew about the martial artist's new policy, and now his prestige in the Shannan base is also very high, it is really easy to send Chen Xue to the martial artist court. What's more, Chen Xue's crime is indeed very serious. Once in the martial artist court, no one can guarantee what kind of severe punishment Chen Xue will receive.

After all, such a thing is so bad that it simply ignores the entire base.

However, sending Chen Xue to the martial artist court is a matter of the future. What Lin Feng has to consider is how to deal with the current situation. He just arrived at the Shannan Base for a month, and he encountered such a big crisis. If it is not handled properly, the entire Shannan Base may be in danger of collapse.

"There are already forty-six monsters, and it's unclear whether there will be more monsters in the future."

Lin Feng looked at the armor-piercing beasts that emerged from the underground passage, and his brows furrowed even deeper. The monsters among the armor-piercing beasts were actually easy to identify. After all, they were much larger than ordinary armor-piercing beasts. identify.

These armor-piercing beasts were expressing their anger. No matter how gentle these armor-piercing beasts were, Lin Feng knew that they and the armor-piercing beasts couldn't live in peace at all.

This is a struggle for survival between two races, and there is no room for change, and there is no right or wrong.

With so many armor-piercing beasts surrounding the base, he had to repel these armor-piercing beasts.

"Forty-six-headed monsters, one of you can temporarily contain two-headed monsters. Twenty-one, no, it should be twenty people. Except for Chen Xue, you can temporarily contain forty-headed monsters. The remaining six, I will come. Lin Feng seems to be calculating how to deal with the armor-piercing beasts. Lu Wei's expression changed slightly. Could it be that Lin Feng intends to confront the armor-piercing beasts?

You know, the last time Zhou Yun was head-to-head, what was the result? The Shannan base was almost breached by armor-piercing beasts, and even Zhou Yun himself was killed. He didn't want to experience such a disaster again.

I thought that Lin Feng was "stable" enough to not be so reckless, but I didn't expect it to be so reckless.

Just as Lu Wei was about to persuade, the warrior behind him was a little restless.

"Why is Chen Xue here?"

Lin Feng turned around and saw Chen Xue with disheveled hair. He did not know when he came to the tower. Many warriors looked at Chen Xue with sullen expressions on their faces.

There were so many armor-piercing beasts suddenly appearing outside the base. The warriors in the base naturally knew that most of them had nothing to do with the armor-piercing beast that Chen Xue killed. How could they still have a good face towards Chen Xue?

But Chen Xue was very calm, and stopped until he came to Lin Feng.

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