Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 165: support

"Everyone, Shanbei Base is in trouble."

Lin Feng simply showed the request for help from Shanbei Base to every warrior in the conference room, and the expressions of all warriors changed slightly. Shanbei Base and Shannan Base, one north and one south, echo each other from afar. Although there are some small competitions, the two sides actually rely more on each other.

For example, last time Commander-in-Chief Zhou Yun caused Shannan Base to fall into crisis, and Shanbei Base also dispatched people to rescue in time, otherwise Shannan Base would not know how heavy the losses were.

Lu Wei looked solemn and said in a solemn voice: "Commander, I just wanted to report the troubles the Shanbei base is currently encountering, the ant beasts! Three days ago, the ant beasts actually appeared, and they surrounded the Shanbei base, but With the strength of Shanbei Base, I don't think it's a big problem, but I didn't expect the situation to be so urgent now."

Yes, others don't know the strength of Shanbei Base, don't the warriors in Shannan Base know? Shanbei Base has fifty non-human powerhouses, including several third-order warriors in the Transcendence Realm.

In terms of overall strength, the Shanbei base is much stronger than the Shannan base. Even if the strength of the Shannan base is not greatly damaged, it is far less than the Shanbei base.

The Shanbei base with such a powerful strength is now asking for help, which shows how bad their situation is.

"Is there such a possibility that Shanbei Base is exaggerating?"

Lin Feng didn't know much about Shanbei Base, that's why he asked this question.

Lu Wei explained with a wry smile: "Shanbei base is impossible to exaggerate at all. Let's put it this way, Shanbei base has almost never asked our Shannan base for support. It's not that easy to ask them to ask us for support."

Lin Feng understood that the two bases were competing with each other, and the Shanbei base had the same advantage. If it was not a last resort, the Shanbei base would never ask for help from the Shannan base.

"Everyone, what do you think we should do?"

Lin Feng glanced at him and asked for the opinions of all the warriors.

"I think I should set off immediately to support the Shanbei base."

"Yes, the Shanbei base is fighting against the earth ants, and these earth ants are not easy to deal with. If they break through the Shanbei base, our Shannan base may not be able to compete, and the entire Shannan city will be in danger."

"Since the Shanbei base is already so dangerous, we should do our best to rescue."

Most of these warriors agreed to go to the rescue. After all, the lips were dead and the teeth were cold. The Shanbei base was finished, and the Shannan base could not last long.

At this time, Lu Wei said: "We must go, but how many warriors should we send? I think the Shanbei base lacks the strong ones, so we don't need to bring too many ordinary warriors, not the strong ones. , once we go too many, who can guarantee that those armor-piercing beasts will not come back?”

Indeed, you can't go too much, otherwise the Shannan base will be empty, and if the armor-piercing beast attacks again, it will be very dangerous.

After discussing for a while, everyone agreed with this point of view, but how many people to take is up to Lin Feng to decide. After all, Lin Feng is the commander-in-chief of Shannan Base!

Lin Feng pondered for a while and said, "Prepare a spaceship, we should go to the rescue sooner rather than later. I will lead it myself, bring ten captains, and three thousand ordinary warriors from the base."

This force is not very strong, but it is close to half of the current Shannan base. Even if there are armor-piercing beasts attacking again, the people who stay at the Shannan base can hold on for a while, and they won't fall soon.

Lin Feng had already made a decision, and naturally no one objected. Next, Lin Feng personally selected ten captains, including Lu Wei.

"Okay, let's go down and prepare, and leave in half an hour!"

Everyone immediately dispersed, only Yu Shan hesitated, but finally asked, "Lin Feng, why not me?"

Lin Feng smiled and said: "Yu Shan, you just came to the base, and you are not fully familiar with the situation. It is also dangerous to go to the Shanbei base this time. Even if the two of us have to fight side by side, we must not make unnecessary sacrifices. Don't worry, this is a Frontline, you still have a lot of opportunities to fight."

Yu Shan nodded and said with a smile, "Lin Feng, you have to be careful."

"Haha, don't worry."

Lin Feng had nothing to prepare, so he went straight to the spaceship.

At the Shannan base, there have always been a standing spaceship, not to mention 3,000 people, even 5,000 people can be carried. This kind of spaceship will not be activated at ordinary times, it can only be activated when there is a danger of war, or when retreating.

Inside the spaceship, Lin Feng first got to know the ant beasts. These ant beasts and armor-piercing beasts have one thing in common, that is, they are good at digging underground passages, and they are also very difficult to deal with, and there are very many.

However, the earth ant beast and the armor-piercing beast are not very harmonious, each has their own territory, and the well water usually does not violate the river water. If there is a violation, there will even be a big fight.

Compared with armor-piercing beasts, these earth ant beasts are more difficult to deal with. Not only are there many in number, but they are also extremely fast and flexible. Especially, the teeth are very sharp, and the hard steel will be broken when bitten.

Therefore, the Shanbei Base has accumulated such a huge amount of strength just to deal with the ant beasts.

"These earth ant beasts can collect some genes and compare them with armor-piercing beast genes. In the future, if we need to integrate new ferocious beast genes, we need to compare them before making a decision."

The first thing Lin Feng thought of was not how difficult the ant beast is, but the gene of the ant beast. Now Lin Feng is no longer the ordinary student of Wanguo Academy. He is a powerful warrior who holds the power and sits on one side.

He can now come into contact with all kinds of beasts, so when he integrates the genes of beasts, he doesn't need to be stretched as before, and he doesn't even have any choice.

About half an hour later, the ten captains in the base and three thousand warriors were ready to enter the spaceship.

"Everyone is ready, then take off, target, Shanbei Base!"


As Lin Feng's voice fell, the huge spaceship began to take off.


"Haven't the people from Shannan Base come yet?"

Commander-in-chief Morey He has been in the third rank of Mortal Realm and has been guarding the Shanbei Base for 20 years. When has he encountered such a dilemma? Need the support of Shannan base unexpectedly.

But looking at the dense ant beasts outside the base, he was helpless.

"Commander-in-chief, I think you should not put too much hope on the Shannan base. The Shannan base has been hit hard for a long time. The new commander-in-chief, I heard that Lin Feng, who won the Human Hero Medal, has just broken the genetic lock. How strong? Even if they come, I'm afraid they can't solve our current troubles."

Morey's heart sank, yes, the Shannan base is also difficult to protect itself, and its strength has declined to the bottom. In the past, he always looked down on Zhou Yun, the commander-in-chief of the Shannan Base, and the two sides even had some grudges.

But Zhou Yun is still at the third rank of the Transcendence Realm, and even he has no certainty of winning. If Zhou Yun is there, the support from the Shannan base this time is quite worth looking forward to.

As for Lin Feng? Although he has won the Human Hero Medal, he has just broken the genetic lock. I am afraid that he only obtained the Human Hero Medal by fluke. How strong can he be?

To survive this crisis, Shanbei Base has to rely on themselves!

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