Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 513: ambition

As Lin Feng's battle body continued to expand and became larger and larger, Lin Feng finally felt a sense of completeness.

780,000 kilometers!

Lin Feng's battle body was finally fixed at this number. It was incredible that a 780,000-kilometer battle body would appear on a practitioner who was only a rudimentary planetary life.

Incredible combat body, every move, seems to carry great power. Lin Feng shook hands, he had never felt such a powerful force.

This is his battle body!

And, more importantly, Lin Feng felt the aura of completeness, yes, completeness, he could feel that as long as he improved a little bit, maybe 800,000 battle bodies, or 900,000 battle bodies, he would definitely be able to cultivate it A complete planetary combat body.

This is a feat that the King Beamon has not been able to do.

Before Lin Feng strengthened his belief, gave up the life transition, and failed to be promoted to Venerable in time, but now it seems that his approach is correct, and he has already seen the road to "consummation".

Just a little bit, he will be able to cultivate a perfect battle body. Now there is only one thing he has to do, and that is to scavenge, madly sweeping new substances.

It is necessary to find similar new substances, so as to cultivate a perfect combat body. Lin Feng can clearly feel that he is only a little bit away from reaching a perfect combat body, and he is almost within his reach.

At this time, if anyone stands in front of him, no matter who it is, Lin Feng will push them away and crush them all!


Raymond, Yu Jing, and Long Wu saw that Lin Feng's fighting body had stopped, and the fusion should have ended, so they flew over one after another.

"His Royal Highness Lin Feng, how do you feel?"

Lin Feng felt the inside of his body, there was nothing wrong with it, and he was even full of power.

"It feels better than ever! You should also use new substances quickly. If you can increase your strength a little bit, you may be able to save your life. Next, we must do our best to welcome the second wave of the big bang and sweep the second wave of the big bang. The new substances in the drug may be much more dangerous than they are now.”

"We understand that there will be His Royal Highness Lau Linfeng next."

The three of Raymond nodded, their expressions quite complicated. Of course they understood what Lin Feng meant, and now it seems that Lin Feng's battle body should be about to reach consummation, that's why they can't wait and want to sweep more new substances.

In this way, you may encounter danger. After all, you will encounter some top venerables or quasi emperors, and even encountering the great emperor is not impossible.

The more strength, the more protection.

Lin Feng protects the three of Raymond, and the three of them also begin to fuse new substances.

Both Yu Jing and Lei Meng had only a few million kilometers of combat. Although it was close to 10 million kilometers, it was still a little short. At this moment, with the help of new substances, both Yu Jing and Lei Meng advanced by leaps and bounds.

Lin Feng is most concerned about Longwu, and Longwu's use of new substances is also the best among the three.

Longwu's foundation is very good, and the battle body is 30 million kilometers. Even Raymond and Yu Jing combined are not Longwu's opponents. With such a strong combat body, new substances have been integrated at this moment, and Longwu's combat body has rapidly expanded.

Thirty million kilometers, thirty-five million kilometers, forty million kilometers...

Yu Jing and Lei Meng's battle bodies basically only increased by about 30%, and they were able to break through the 10 million km mark.

Of course, it is far worse than Longwu. Longwu's combat body can be called the top among the Venerables, even if it is 30 million kilometers, it is the top. No matter which galaxy it is in, it is the top.

But now, after Longwu's fusion of new substances, the battle body has increased by 50%, and the battle body has reached 45 million kilometers in an instant. Among the Venerables, except for Lin Feng and others who have cultivated a perfect battle body, it is almost difficult for anyone to surpass them.

The strongest Venerable Lin Feng had ever encountered was only a 40 million-kilometer battle body, and a 45 million-kilometer battle body, in terms of battle body alone, was almost the strongest Venerable Lin Feng had ever encountered. .

"Okay, His Royal Highness Longwu, apart from those quasi emperors who have understood the law, you are now the top venerable!"

Lin Feng is also happy for Long Wu. At such a critical moment, the stronger Long Wu's strength is, the better it will be for Lin Feng and the entire team.

"Haha, this is all thanks to the new substance that His Highness Lin Feng has kept."

Long Wu laughed happily.

What is an opportunity? This is the opportunity!

If you practice step by step, I am afraid that it is impossible to improve the combat body to the level of 45 million kilometers in this life. And why did Long Wu, Lei Meng and Yu Jing take the risk to compete for new substances in the wave of the Big Bang?

Because this is an opportunity, once there is an opportunity and a new substance is obtained, even if it cannot be transformed, the strength can be greatly improved.

Especially under the leadership of Lin Feng, the quasi-emperor, and if he obtains a lot of new substances, maybe Longwu has such a glimmer of hope of becoming a great emperor!

Great Emperor, this is almost the goal of many venerable people all their lives. To be the Great Emperor is already a wish. Longwu's goal is also the Great Emperor, but if there is no chance, he can't become the Great Emperor at all.

Only the big bang of the universe, with all kinds of magical new substances, then there is hope for everything!

"Everyone has made great progress, so let's plan first."

Lin Feng's eyes fell on Lei Meng, and he had to say that Lei Meng was indeed the strongest in terms of planning and calculation. With Lei Meng planning, Lin Feng was also very relieved.

Raymond nodded slightly, and then said with a smile: "This time, everyone has benefited a lot. I also have a few plans in my mind about what to do next. But before that, I need to ask everyone's goals."

"His Royal Highness Lin Feng, what is your goal? Get new material, make a fortune, increase your strength, or do you want to transform?"

This is asking Lin Feng directly, and everyone's eyes are on Lin Feng.

They knew that Lin Feng's goals actually determined their future plans.

Lin Feng took a deep breath, without any hesitation, he said firmly: "I need to do my best to continue to strengthen the strength of the combat body, the stronger the better! For this, I can even take risks!"

Raymond pondered for a while, he already knew Lin Feng's decision.

"His Royal Highness Lin Feng wants to strengthen the battle body, he must obtain precious new substances. But as we obtained new substances before, I am afraid it is very rare, and even if they do, there is a possibility of competition. His Highness Lin Feng, I want to ask a very Important question, I hope Your Highness can answer truthfully.”

"Just ask."

"Can His Highness Lin Feng be sure to deal with the emperor?"


Lin Feng pondered for a while and said, "Facing the Great I am not an opponent, but if the cards come in and out, I can hold the Great Emperor for a while."

"Okay, then it's easy."

Raymond's eyes were bright, and his voice was full of excitement: "Our next plan is very simple, that is to sweep! Crazy sweeping of all the new substances we can find, under the Great Emperor, we don't have to be afraid, and get as much as possible. The new substance allows His Royal Highness Lin Feng to transform."

When it came to sweeping, both Long Wu and Yu Jing became excited, and the expressions on their faces were a little complicated.

In the past, during the Big Bang, the only one who could sweep away was the Great Emperor! Unexpectedly, they actually have the ambition and ability to start sweeping!

Of course, the main force of the sweep must be Lin Feng.

"No problem, just sweep all the new substances! Not a single one!"

Lin Feng's eyes also showed a trace of brilliance, it was related to the perfect battle physique he was about to cultivate, and he was willing to pay no matter how big the price was.

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