Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 549: 3 light years

Lin Feng opened his mouth wide and swallowed this new substance that contained the power of chaos.


It was as if a bomb had detonated in Lin Feng's body, and it exploded with a bang. His battle body cells are all full of power, that is the power of alien energy, the power of chaos!

But there is no sense of disobedience at all, and there is no rejection from the cells in the body. A lot of chaotic power filled Lin Feng's body, as if he had returned to his mother's body, warm and peaceful.

What is the power of chaos?

Lin Feng had very little contact with him before. Even though he swallowed many new substances, the power of chaos contained in it was actually not much. But now this new substance, the strong chaotic power fills Lin Feng's whole body, and this is completely alien energy, but it is not repelled by the cells at all, on the contrary, it feels very close, and even has a feeling of returning to the mother's body.

Before he knew it, Lin Feng's battle body cells were constantly splitting, and every time he split, the power of chaos provided sufficient energy.

Split, split, split again!

And Lin Feng's battle body also soared rapidly from 15 billion kilometers.

15 billion kilometers, 16 billion kilometers, 17 billion kilometers...

Almost every second, Lin Feng's battle body expands by one billion kilometers, all of which are supported by chaotic energy to support the division of battle body cells. Lin Feng didn't feel the limit, because his limit was still far, far away.

18 billion kilometers, 20 billion kilometers, 22 billion kilometers, 24 billion kilometers...

In the end, Lin Feng's battle body almost split "once", after reaching 24 billion kilometers, it gradually slowed down, and finally settled at 28 billion kilometers.

The 28,000,000,000-kilometer-long battle body was still in the void, and the power of chaos in Lin Feng's body disappeared without a trace, and could no longer support the division of cells.

Such a huge battle body, if it is increased by a thousand times, it is almost equivalent to a battle body of 28 trillion kilometers, which is equivalent to three light years.

A three-light-year battle body is enough to crush an ordinary emperor. Although it is still far from the level of a top emperor, if it is combined with Lin Feng's three battle bodies and three advanced laws, it will even kill an emperor alone. , it's not too difficult.

At this point, Lin Feng was really able to pose a threat to the Great Capital.

However, even though the fighting body was already so strong, Lin Feng still failed to "see" the road to perfection. That is to say, he wants to cultivate a perfect combat body at the Venerable stage, at least for now, he still does not have a clear path.

Lin Feng was not in a hurry. He knew that from the stage of the venerable to the emperor, it was a very long accumulation process. The gap between the two is not an exaggeration.

Even the top venerables only have a mere 50 to 60 million kilometers of battle bodies, and can reach 100 million kilometers of battle bodies, which is also very few. How can they compare with the Great Emperor?

A battle body with a distance of tens of millions of kilometers, once it becomes a great emperor, the battle body can be increased by more than 100,000 times.

An increase of 100,000 times, such a gap, has exceeded the imagination of ordinary people. Even if it is from six life transitions to seven life transitions, the life of the elementary planet is transformed into the life of the higher planet, and the combat body of the ordinary cultivator is only a hundred times improved.

Of course, with the exception of Lin Feng, the reason why he has improved so much is due to various reasons. For ordinary practitioners, it is basically a hundred-fold or thousand-fold increase.

It will never be as exaggerated as a hundred thousand times.

Only the gap between the life of the higher planet and the life of the ultimate planet is so huge, it is like a moat and cannot be surpassed.

This is also the reason why there are so many Venerables in the universe, but very few Great Emperors.

The gap between the Venerable and the Great Emperor is so great, no matter whether Lin Feng wants to become the Great Emperor directly, or he has ambitions to continue to cultivate a perfect fighting body, he is destined to be "immersed" at this stage for a long time.

In other words, accumulation for a long time, after all, this stage itself depends on accumulation over many years, maybe a hundred years, or a thousand years, or even ten thousand years.

Whether Lin Feng can go further, he doesn't even know.

But even if it is ten thousand years, Lin Feng is the youngest among the great emperors.

"Unfortunately, after this time, there will be no big bang in the universe. If you want to get the power of chaos, and use the power of chaos to improve the fighting body, it will not be so easy."

Lin Feng is also very aware of his current situation. Even though he seems to be making rapid progress, it is impossible to speculate on common sense. But in fact, this is the light of the big bang, and it happens that Lin Feng harvested a lot from the big bang.

It would be impossible to think about such a rapid improvement in the future. Given the current situation of Lin Feng's fighting body, I am afraid that ordinary cosmic wonders would have no effect on Lin Feng's fighting physique.

"His Royal Highness Lin Feng."

Just after the transformation of Lin Feng's fighting body was over, a strange voice sounded.

Lin Feng turned around and found that he was a disciple from the upper class. Although Lin Feng didn't know him, the aura on the other side was unusual, probably the Great Emperor.

"Master, this is His Highness Longyuan, the most powerful emperor in the temple!"


Lin Feng froze in his heart. If he could be called the most powerful emperor in the temple, then only Long Yuan would be the only one.

Although there is only one word difference between Emperor Longyuan and Emperor Longyuan, the gap between the two is very large. Emperor Longyuan is a top emperor, almost on a par with Emperor Huanyu, standing at the peak of the universe.

Such a top emperor, Lin Feng has nothing to be proud of in front of him.

"His Royal Highness Longyuan, is there anything you can do to find me?"

"Your Majesty has invited His Highness Lin Feng."

"Oh? The King of God is finally back?"

Lin Feng was startled, and after carefully calculating the time, he swallowed the new substance before, and it took a full month to split the battle body again.

And this month, Lin Feng knew nothing about the outside world.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng was also a little scared. If he was in the outside world, he would be so immersed in cell division for a month, who knows what would happen?

Of course, if someone interrupted Lin Feng's battle body split, then Lin Feng would definitely be able to wake up.

"Thank you, Your Highness Longyuan also nodded and accepted Lin Feng's thanks generously. It was true that he asked people not to disturb Lin Feng before, otherwise, Lin Feng's promotion this time would not have been so smooth. .

"Go ahead, His Majesty the King of God treats you very highly, this time most of the time I'm going to give you a higher authority."

Lin Feng nodded, the God King Beamon returned, and he would definitely find Lin Feng as soon as possible. After all, Lin Feng was in the limelight during the Big Bang.

A great emperor was born in the temple, and he was not an ordinary emperor, even the Beamon God King would take it seriously.

Lin Feng didn't delay any longer, he directly withdrew the battle body and hurried towards the Palace of the Divine King.

Looking at Lin Feng's retreating back, Long Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he murmured in a low voice, "Finally, another great emperor was born. Maybe, I can relax in the future..."

After that, Long Yuan also stepped out. If Lin Feng was here, he would definitely be surprised, because Long Yuan disappeared without a trace in an instant, and there were faint fluctuations in space.

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