Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 552: boundary

"Twelve people are missing, three people are dead, and there are fifteen great emperors in total!"

Lin Feng was very calm in his heart, although the history of Beamon Temple is very long, in such a long time, fifteen great emperors have been lost, which does not seem to be many. But in fact, the great emperors have infinite lifespan, immortal and immortal, even if it is hundreds of millions of years, they can survive.

But the loss of fifteen great emperors is almost comparable to all the great emperors in the temple now.

Although thirteen great emperors were not judged dead, they were just missing. But how did the emperor disappear? Where else could trap them?

Once disappearing and not appearing for such a long time, it is basically no different from death.

"Lombetin, check the information about the annihilated galaxy again."

After Lombertin's authority has been upgraded, he has the authority to view all the information in the temple, almost everything. As long as there is a record in the temple, Lombertin can find it.

"Master, the information on the annihilation galaxy is top secret, but my authority is enough. There is a lot of information about the annihilation galaxy, what does the master want to check?"

"Well, let's talk about it."

Lin Feng is very interested in the annihilation galaxy, but it is not just for the task. In fact, the guardianship task is indeed relatively simple. If you want to avoid danger, you just need not to step into the silent galaxy.

This is also the practice of most great emperors, and there is no danger if you don't step into the silent galaxy.

But Lin Feng was different. He knew that the Void God Palace was in the annihilation galaxy, and there were treasures left by the Void God Emperor in it. If there is a chance, Lin Feng still hopes to enter the Quiet Galaxy to find the Void God Palace.

Therefore, Lin Feng must know enough about the extinct galaxy.

With the introduction of Lombertin, Lin Feng gradually gained a clear understanding of the annihilation galaxy as a whole.

The annihilation galaxy, the reason why it is called annihilation, is very simple. Once this galaxy gave birth to a great existence, called the annihilation God Emperor!

I don't know how many millions of years ago, even the oldest **** king has never seen the **** emperor. It seems that at the beginning, the **** emperor was an ethereal ancient legend.

There are many ancient legends about this **** emperor of annihilation. For example, it is rumored that the **** emperor of annihilation finally became a cosmic life, transcended the universe, and never came back. And the annihilation galaxy left behind the treasures of the **** emperor of annihilation, and even the secret to the achievement of life in the universe.

I don't know where this legend came from, but there are still many practitioners who believe it. As a result, ordinary planet-level beings, Venerables, Great Emperors, even God Kings, God Venerables, and even God Emperors all went to the annihilation galaxy.

I hope to meet their respective opportunities and find the treasure left by the Divine Emperor.

But it backfired. Once you enter the quiescent galaxy, it will be difficult to think about it again.

This annihilation galaxy is like a mystery, and it is full of unknown dangers. Some people speculate that a war broke out in the annihilation galaxy, such as the war between the **** king and the gods.

And the annihilation galaxy does seem to be much larger than the average galaxy. Compared with the annihilation galaxy, the Beamon galaxy is simply insignificant. It seems that it is not groundless to say that the **** king and the gods are fighting.

This makes it even more attractive for cultivators to enter the Quiet Galaxy to explore. Over time, the more people who go in, the fewer people come out. In the end, the Quiet Galaxy becomes a dangerous place.

There were even some terrifying annihilation monsters born. Since then, the annihilation galaxy has completely become a forbidden place in the legend, and even **** kings dare not enter easily.

After listening to Lombertin's introduction, Lin Feng fell into silence.

If the legend is true, then it would be very intriguing for the Emperor of the Void to enter the Nirvana Galaxy. Could it be that he was also looking for the treasure of the God Emperor of Nirvana?

In other words, with the ability of the Emperor of the Void, I am afraid that there is only one purpose, that is, to incarnate into the universe, to transform into a universe-level life, and to transcend the universe!

It's a pity that the Emperor of the Void Heaven failed, only the Void Heaven God Palace was left, and the Void Heaven Divine Pearl spread out and was obtained by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng continued to find a lot of information about the annihilated galaxy, all of which were kept secret, but Lin Feng also understood it in general. As for whether to enter the Quiet Galaxy or not, we still have to wait until the boundary, and then take a look and make plans.

With Lin Feng's current strength, as long as he doesn't enter the Silent Star, there is basically no problem in guarding the mission.

So, three days later, Lin Feng said goodbye to the King of God. It just so happened that His Royal Highness Longyuan would also return to the border, and the two walked together.

"His Royal Highness Longyuan."

"His Royal Highness Lin Feng."

The two greeted each other, but His Highness Long Yuan seemed to be very interested in Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said directly: "Is there anything you need to ask, Your Highness Longyuan?"

"No, just curious."


"I wonder how His Royal Highness Lin Feng can comprehend the advanced space laws!"

Lin Feng's heart moved, and the other party deliberately mentioned the advanced space law, which made Lin Feng have a bold guess in his heart.

"Could it be that His Royal Highness Longyuan also comprehends the laws of space?"

"It's not comprehension, it's just a meeting."

Long Yuan waved his hand, and the space was shaking. There is no doubt that this is the law of space, but it is not as powerful as Lin Feng's advanced space law. It should only be an ordinary primary planetary law.

Lin Feng remembered that according to Lombertin's information, there seemed to be no practitioners who understood the laws of space inside the temple. However, His Royal Highness Longyuan clearly understood the laws of space, and it seems that the information of the temple is also a little out of time.

"His Royal Highness Longyuan also understands the laws of space, no wonder."

Lin Feng glanced around, the two of them wanted to travel together, but there was no spaceship to travel. It turned out that Longyuan also understood the laws of space, and he could travel through space, so naturally he didn't need to use a spaceship.

"I'm different. I can't compare to His Royal Highness Lin Feng, but I also practiced the air-escape combat system. It's because when I was promoted to the emperor, I comprehended the laws of space alone. Except for His Majesty the King of God, few people know that I also comprehend the laws of space."

Lin Feng nodded, Longyuan must be kept secret, after all, the laws of space can also save lives at critical Of course, with the strength of Longyuan's top emperor, who can pose a threat to him except the king of gods ?

For so many years, Longyuan has comprehended the laws of planet-level space, but that's all, and it has been stagnant since then. Therefore, knowing that Lin Feng understood the advanced space laws, he specially displayed space methods in front of Lin Feng, in fact, he wanted to exchange space laws with Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was not stingy, and exchanged his experience on the laws of space with His Royal Highness Longyuan. In terms of space, Lin Feng is now almost the first person in the Beamon Temple. Even the Beamon God King can't give Longyuan any guidance, but Lin Feng can.

The two of them traveled through space while exchanging space laws, which brought a lot of gains to both parties.


When the two shuttled out of space again, many planets appeared in the distant starry sky, and there were a lot of life breaths on them.

"The border is here!"

A smile appeared on Emperor Longyuan's face.

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