Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 564: Demon Knife Falls!

Since guarding the border has been replaced by the Great Demon Sword, Lin Feng has been quite happy.

Although he made up his mind to go to the annihilation of the galaxy, he did not make sufficient preparations. He used the stone of doom, and wanted to make a final blow to see if he could comprehend the ultimate space law.

Although Lin Feng has a deep understanding of the laws of space, it is still difficult to understand the ultimate laws of space. At least not in the short term.

Lin Feng has been concentrating on comprehension for three years, but still has not made any progress. This can't help but completely give up Lin Feng's mind. It is no easier to comprehend the law to the end than to become a great emperor.

Since the law could not be comprehended in a short period of time, Lin Feng also made up his mind completely.

"Lombetin, just say I'm in retreat, don't let people disturb me easily."

"Understood, Master."

Although Lombertin didn't know where Lin Feng was going, as a follower, Lombertin still understood his position. No matter what time or request, it must take Lin Feng's orders as the top priority.


Lin Feng didn't display his combat body, and went directly into the space passage.


The boundary starry sky can't see the end at a glance.


Ripples appeared in the space, and Lin Feng jumped out of the space.

"Quiet the galaxy!"

Lin Feng looked at the border in the distance, the opposite was dark, mysterious and deep, and no one knew what kind of danger there was. But Lin Feng is like entering.


However, before Lin Feng entered the Quiet Galaxy, he found that a huge vortex appeared in the Quiet Galaxy at the border, and in the vortex, a head vaguely appeared.

"not good!"

Lin Feng's heart was shocked. Just now, this huge vortex appeared, which made him feel frightened. What kind of terrifying annihilation beast appeared in the annihilation galaxy?

Lin Feng flew to the guarding area of ​​the temple immediately.


The Great Demon Sword Emperor is boring, he has been guarding the border for three years. Three years is neither long nor short. If it is just a normal time, he may spend more time than three years to comprehend the demon sword a little.

However, guarding the border can't be like this. You need to concentrate. Once something unexpected happens, you can respond as soon as possible.

In fact, as the third emperor who took turns to guard, he was also under a little pressure.

The Great Emperor Longyuan and the Great Emperor Destruction have successfully guarded for ten years, and now it is his turn to guard.

Therefore, these three years have been very serious, but unfortunately, in the three years, the border has been calm, and I don't know if it was killed by the Great Destruction Emperor. Actually, there have been no Silence Monsters for three years.


Suddenly, a huge vortex appeared on the boundary, and as soon as this vortex appeared, it expanded and became larger, and finally swept the boundary, it seemed that the entire boundary had become a vortex.

"Is there a monster of silence?"

The Demon Sword Emperor's expression was solemn, and there was a hint of joy on his face.

It had been three full years, and after waiting for so long, he finally had a chance to use it. Looking at the situation, I am afraid that the Quiet Monster emerging from the vortex is definitely not an ordinary Quiet Monster, and may even be an Emperor-level Quiet Monster.

"Demon Knife Slash!"

Emperor Yaodao was very excited. He could feel a terrifying aura in the vortex, as if he was recovering, which made him feel frightened.

But the more he felt, the more excited he became.

So, without even seeing the monsters in the vortex, he just slashed out, and the whistling demon knife slashed into the vortex.


Emperor Yaodao felt very strange. Although his knife was not a full-strength knife, it had at least 80% of the power. Even the Great Emperor should have a little reaction when he planted this knife.

And now?

His demon knife slashed in, but there was no response at all.

Therefore, the Demon Sword Emperor also became cautious.


Suddenly, a huge claw appeared deep in the vortex. Yes, it was just a claw, but it had already covered the sky, and the entire starry sky seemed to be covered.

For the first time, Emperor Yaodao felt a sense of danger in his heart, and it was extremely dangerous. This claw is too huge, one claw is bigger than his body, how can he fight?


Where the giant claw passed, the space was broken, and even the Great Demon Sword Emperor could not escape, and was locked tightly.

"Do not……"

Lin Feng rushed over in time, but what was the use?

He could only helplessly see this huge claw, mercilessly falling on the battle body of the Great Demon Sword.

"Demon Sword, Profound Truth!"

Suddenly, from the huge claws, the indifferent voice of the Great Demon Sword came out. At this moment, the voice of the Great Demon Sword was only firm and decisive.


A dazzling sword light instantly cut through the starry sky, and a terrifying might erupted from the huge claws, and even a knife cut the claws into a long scar.


The giant claw seemed to be very angry. When he pressed it all of a sudden, the battle body of the demon sword was instantly submerged, and the breath of life was like a candle, and it went out instantly.

"Luo Xingzhu, go!"

Lin Feng was insane. Although he had only stayed at the border for a short period of time, Emperor Yaodao and Emperor Longyuan might be the emperors who were better friends with Lin Feng.

Especially the Demon Sword Emperor, the two of them didn't know each other, and they usually communicated closely.

But now, Lin Feng could only watch the giant claw fall.

The Falling Star Bead instantly swelled, turning into the size of a star, and smashed down with a thunderous momentum.


Originally, the giant claw had been severely injured by the Demon Sword Emperor, but now it was hit by Lin Feng's Falling Star Bead, and it was smashed to pieces in an instant, and the starry sky suddenly recovered.


Lin Feng rushed into the border for the first However, there was no trace of the Demon Sword Emperor.

In the void, only half of the demon blade floated, exuding a weak light, it was already a broken source weapon.

"The Great Demon Sword..."

Lin Feng held this broken demon saber in his hand, and a trace of sadness poured out of his heart uncontrollably.

The dignified emperor died just like that. There is only such a half broken demon sword left, which seems to prove the existence of the demon sword emperor.

"His Royal Highness Demon Sword!"

"Emperor Demon Sword, what's wrong?"

"His Royal Highness Lin Feng, what happened just now?"

Such a big movement naturally alarmed many great emperors. The Great Emperor Longyuan and many other great emperors also arrived at the first time, but they only saw Lin Feng and the half of the demon sword in Lin Feng's hand.

For a time, everyone had a bad feeling in their hearts.

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