Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 73: Global Live

Longpan City TV Station, as the largest TV station in Longpan City, has a complete range of professional broadcasting equipment. Moreover, there is even a special **** team on the TV station.

Because Longpan City is close to the front line, TV stations often shoot documentaries about beasts. Without the protection of the **** team, it would be impossible for reporters and photographers to go deep into the front line.

But now, when the beasts outside the city appeared and the entire Longpan City was in crisis, the TV station made an astonishing decision.

Shoot a documentary!

Just take the battle outside Longpan City as the theme and shoot a documentary called Ten Hours of Life and Death!

In addition, this documentary also used the live broadcast method for the first time. In the way of "live documentary", it showed the real situation of Longpan City to the audience outside Longpan City.

This is not a gimmick, but a code of conduct, as a TV station, as a media company.

Everyone in the TV station is very clear that Longpan City is at stake. If the warriors in front of them can't support it for ten hours and let the beasts rush into Longpan City, the entire Longpan City will become a purgatory on earth.

And what they can do is to truly present this process to everyone in the world.

The executives of the TV station have decided to shoot this special documentary live, but when they asked the host, there was a rare silence.

How dangerous is it to shoot a documentary outside the city? Even with the protection of the escort, it may be torn to pieces by the beasts.

In the end, an unexpected person stood up. Li Wei, the head of Longpan TV station, stood up and was willing to shoot such a special and dangerous documentary.

Li Wei is only 24 years old this year, but she is already the head of Longpan City. She had a bright future, but she encountered this murderous beast incident.

Seeing Li Wei stand up, many people secretly sighed in their hearts.

At this time, Li Wei and the photographer were standing outside the city. There were twelve members of the **** team beside them, all of whom were professional rank seven or above.

The TV station still made great efforts in this regard, dispatching the most elite team to protect Li Wei.

"Audience friends, what you are watching today is a special documentary, which was broadcast live by Longpan City TV. I am Li Wei..."

Li Wei wore a professional suit and looked very refined, and she still had a smile on her face. This documentary broadcast to the whole world may be the last time she will host the show in her life, so she strives to be perfect.

As soon as the camera turned, a large number of fierce beasts appeared on the screen. The ferocious side of those beasts was presented on the screen. The warriors were easily torn to pieces, or simply swallowed by the beasts.

The picture is very bloody, but also very real.

Li Wei didn't know that this special documentary broadcast live around the world has now surpassed the ratings of all previous TVs. Almost 80% of the world's TVs are watching the documentary.

Not only are there live TV broadcasts, but there are also live broadcasts of TV station signals on the Internet. Countless people are watching this special documentary, and everyone knows the situation facing Longpan City.

The global outbreak of "parasitic beasts" has a great influence, but many people suffer from lack of first-hand information, and do not know where the parasitic beasts come from and what is going on.

And now, through the live broadcast of this special documentary, they learned the true face of the parasitic beast and what happened in Longpan City.

The lives and deaths of three million people are now all in this battle. This is the most tragic war between beasts and humans.

Many people have lived in a safe and peaceful environment since childhood, and they simply cannot imagine how cruel the war is. They don't know that they can live a peaceful and stable life because of the fierce fighting between warriors and beasts on the front line.

Looking at those claws and claws, each with extremely ferocious and terrifying faces, everyone was silent, and some children were even scared to cry, but even if they were scared to cry, the adults insisted that the children watch the documentary.

This is the most real and vivid lesson, let them know that a peaceful life is not easy to come by. Humans and beasts are natural enemies. Either you die or I live!

It's not about right or wrong, it's about survival!

Li Wei is a host and reporter with news acumen, and she works well with photographer Xiao Wu. Now the two have gradually approached the front line, but Li Wei is still not satisfied.

"Going deeper, we have to go deeper into the battlefield. Only in this way can we get first-hand information and photograph the reality of the battlefield."

"Sister Wei, you can't go any further. If you go any further, you will encounter beasts, which is very dangerous."

Xiao Wu persuaded that although he was older than Li Wei, Li Wei was very strong. People on the TV station called Li Wei Sister Wei.

And now, Li Wei's strong side is also showing incisively and vividly.

"No, we must continue to go deeper and see our warriors, they are fighting **** battles, we can't do nothing."

Li Wei must persevere and go deep, and Xiao Wu can only follow.

When shooting a documentary, the perspective is very important, but at the same time, there is also a "protagonist" in the documentary. If there is a "protagonist", it will undoubtedly make the whole documentary very easy to shoot, and it will also be more realistic.

Therefore, Li Wei is looking for the "protagonist" in the battlefield.

The "protagonist" must be very representative and resonate with many people, but it is not easy to find on the battlefield, and even when going deep, I encountered a few beasts.

Fortunately, with the protection of the escort, UU reading www. Li Wei and Xiao Wu were both safe and sound, but Li Wei was also stained with unpleasant blood.


Li Wei was very embarrassed, but she also discovered an unusual warrior in the crowd.

This warrior is very young, maybe only about twenty years old, and his face is still a little immature. But the young warrior's eyes were very calm, even a little terrifying.

By the side of the young warrior, countless fierce beasts have fallen. Without exception, these beasts are all broken into pieces, or simply have their heads cut open, which is very terrifying.

Li Wei overcomes her inner terror, and her news acumen excites her.

"Xiao Wu, the camera is on him, yes, it's that young warrior, you must keep up with him!"

Li Wei even rushed towards the young warrior desperately.

Lin Feng stood on the spot with a sword in hand. He didn't even know that there was a camera behind him, and he didn't even know that a daring reporter was shooting a special documentary with his "protagonist".

Beside him had fallen one after another of beasts, but he was not happy at all. These ferocious beasts are just cannon fodder, and they can't be killed.

No matter how many ordinary beasts are killed, it cannot turn the tide of the battle.

Throughout the battlefield, there were fewer and fewer human warriors, and they were almost overwhelmed by a large number of beasts. He has been killing forward, the speed is not fast, but the beasts blocking him fell one after another, and he almost forcibly killed a **** path.

Suddenly, Lin Feng stopped, he saw a king-level beast not far away, and a group of lord-level beasts.


When Lin Feng stepped on both feet, the ground seemed to be shaking, and he leaped away like a shell out of the chamber.

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