Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 99: depressed

Yu Shan left without saying a word, and Chang Xi didn't ask anything.

When the two returned to the nursing home, Yu Shan suddenly said, "Xiao Xi, why don't you ask me what's going on?"

Chang Xi smiled and said, "If you want to say it, you can tell me."

Yu Shan fell silent, but his fists were clenched even tighter. He briefly recounted what had just happened, and Chang Xi's eyes also showed a trace of anger, but he quickly regained his composure.

"Yu Shan, although this matter is very unfair to you, you still have me. Since your brother has done this, he must be well prepared. We can just not communicate with your brother in the future."

Chang Xi doesn't seem to care about Yu Shan's huge wealth at all. In her eyes, Yu Shan is the most important.

Yu Shan took Chang Xi's hand, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Don't worry, the second child doesn't have the ability to cover the sky with one hand. I will investigate and appeal. It should be mine, so it must be mine. What's more, I can't let you accompany me to live a hard life."

Yu Shan clenched his fists tightly. He was not reconciled. After so many years of hard work, he was tricked by the people closest to him. It was empty, how could Yu Shan be reconciled?

The next day, Yu Shan began to investigate the bank, and even asked a private detective to help with the investigation, but in the end he found out that, as the second child said, Yu Shui "deceived" Yu's father and Yu's mother to carry out various activities in various ways. "Investment", then the money was lost, and finally it was transferred to Yu Shan in a complicated form.

Even if Yu Shan proves that the money was indeed sent by him to his parents, it is of no use. Yu Shan's parents have the right to dispose of the money, and it is impossible to explain that the money lost after taking part in the investment is lost. what is the problem.

Yu Shui's greatness lies in his ability to persuade his father and mother, and willingly take out the money for "legitimate investment", but in fact he fell into Yu Shui's trap.

In a fit of anger, Yu Shan even sued Yu Shui, but in the court case, Yu Shan could not produce any strong evidence, and Yu Shan naturally lost the case.

"Yu Shan, I've said it before, no matter what you do, it's useless."

Yu Shui stared at Yu Shan coldly, and the expression on his face was full of ridicule. In fact, he was very happy inside. Since childhood, Yu Shui almost lived in the shadow of his eldest brother Yu Shan. Yu Shan is older than him, smart, and filial.

Even without the help of his family, Yu Shan became a martial artist by himself, and he also gained a great reputation in the outer world, which lifted the entire Yu family out of poverty and became a member of the upper class.

However, Yu Shui did not do a proper job, and was looked down upon by his parents. Therefore, Yu Shui was very jealous, and slowly, jealousy even turned into hatred. So, he began to plan to take the family's money and the wealth that his eldest brother Yu Shan had exchanged for his own life.

Although Yu Shui is not looked down upon by his parents, he has an advantage, that is, he stays by his parents' side all the year round, but Yu Shan, in order to provide a better life for his family, does not return home for almost a few years.

This gave Yu Shui a chance. He earned performance in front of his parents, and even induced his parents to invest step by step. As a result, all the money was in his hands.

Yu Shui is also afraid of the sudden return of his eldest brother. He has been afraid of his eldest brother since he was a child, especially since Yu Shan is still a powerful warrior. If Yu Shan comes back and knows what he has done, even if Yu Shui has planned everything, and What is the use? Yu Shan could use his influence and his connections to make Yu Shui spit out the money obediently.

But fortunately, Yu Shan was seriously injured on the front line. Although he did not die, he was also disabled. Yu Shan is no longer the omnipotent, desperately powerful warrior.

The so-called network of people has long ceased to function after Yushan was disabled. If Yu Shui spends a lot of money, even the Warrior Association will not help Yu Shan to get ahead.

After all, in the final analysis, this matter is still a "family affair" of the Yu family, and it is not easy for outsiders to intervene.

After a few days, Yu Shan was exhausted and at the same time disheartened. When he went to ask for help, he could feel the disdain in those people's eyes, and perhaps a trace of pity, but so what?

He is no longer a powerful warrior, he is just a **** who lost his legs.

"I really failed, I failed completely..."

Yu Shan became disheartened, and his depression went down day by day, and his inner regret, pain, and unwillingness were tormenting Yu Shan every day and every night.

Even with Chang Xi's company, even if Chang Xi was desperate to be with Yu Shan, and even her family wouldn't let her go back, she still chose to take care of Yu Shan.

Looking at Yu Shan's depression, Chang Xi's heart aches. She doesn't care about money or wealth, but she cares about Yu Shan. She can't see Yu Shan being depressed like this.

"Yu Shan, we will definitely have a solution, there will be something, you have to cheer up."

Chang Xi's eyes were hazy with tears, but Yu Shan didn't even lift his head, how could there be any hope? His former pride, his former once high-spiritedness, were all shattered in just a few days.

This is the real world, the despairing world, and even when Yu Shan faced those ruthless beasts, it did not make him feel so desperate.

"Don't be discouraged, there will definitely be hope, we'll find someone to help you..."

Chang Xi's heart hurts very much. She doesn't want Yu Shan to continue to be depressed like this. She is afraid that she will never see Yu Shan again when she wakes up one day.

Yu Shan was drunk today, and Chang Xi helped him to the bed to rest. Suddenly, Chang Xi saw the contactor beside Yu Shan's pillow.

During this time, Yu Shan contacted many people, but no one offered a helping hand.

I don't know why, Chang Xi suddenly remembered the "stories" that Yu Shan told some time ago. His comrades in arms faced the beasts together.

Even, isn't that young warrior known as the hero of Longpan City the life and death friend of Yu Shan? They fought side by side and died together.

"You are a great hero. If you can stand up and save 3 million people in Longpan City, you will not stand idly by, right?"

Chang Xi seemed to be enchanted. She immediately picked up Yu Shan's contactor and searched carefully.

Finally, she found a name in the contactor—Lin Feng.

Lin Feng, this name is really too familiar. As the war in Longpan City came to an end, as a genius warrior who turned the tide, saved 3 million people in Longpan City, and broke the genetic lock. Lin Feng's name and even his identity background were naturally picked up.

Even Chang Xi, who didn't pay much attention to this matter, knew Lin Feng's name.

Chang Xi hesitated for a while, but when she saw Yu Shan's haggard face in her sleep, she gritted her teeth and dialed the contact.

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