Pet King

Chapter 1716

The solid and cold flower rock floor, the giant flower rock pillar, supports the great dome, the long hand-making carpets have been extended to the doors of the palace, the bulk of jewellery flowers like mountains, the burning of candle bees in copper lights, the smell of perfume in the air, and the hidden voice of the people in their ears.

    The feminized Bester gods are standing up, solemn and sacred.

    Everything around is familiar, and it’s the Bester Palace.

    Fina’s indifference, which is clearly impossible to say that there is no compassion or touch within it, knows that these are fake, that the true Bester Palace has long destroyed the hands of the different people, and that there is only a residual wall left to date.

    It walked down there personally, and saw it.

    As a warrior, it has a strong heart, even though all the clothing around it is seamless, if it does not already know that the Bester Palace has collapsed, it may really believe that it is only a long dream to dream of having had an interesting experience in a strange age, a stranger state, a stranger city and a stranger, but it is finally a dream, even though the dream is awake, that maybe she will walk in with a smile at any time and tell her that she has won the ultimate victory, and that the enemy has expelled the Mediterranean.

    But it doesn’t want to lie to itself, and only cowards live in fantasies.

    She’s dead, the Bester Palace collapses, and even the gods no longer exist.

    It’s all fantastic.

    “When are you going to close the palace?” It solemnly said.

    Voices were repeated in the open palace, but did not wait to answer.

    Fina walked to the palace door, picked up his claws, tried to push the door, and the door tattoos didn’t move.

    With a cat’s power, it’s really hard to push the heavy door, but it’s not a common cat, and it’s usually not closed unless the chaos are attacked by a black storm.

    “The palace is not your subordinate prisoner!” It adds its tongue, and it has its voice with unstoppable anger, “Let the palace out of speed, and the palace may forgive you for your disrespect!”

    There is still no response.

    Fina’s getting angry, grabbing the jewelry on his side, throwing it at the door, “Talk! Is it all dumb?”

    Beautiful jewels are broken and scattered.

    Just when Fina didn’t think there would be a response, a flash light team suddenly slipped into the palace from the closed-door sewer, and that door was clear and couldn’t even fit into a piece of paper.

    Fina saw this light team on Zhang Zian’s cell screen.

    [Navigation elf]: Please, dont be impatient, wait for a new master.

    What new owner…

    Fina’s anger is irresistible, roaring the road: “The palace doesn’t need Master, put it back!”

    [Navigation elf]: We have judged your state of anomaly and analysed that you are no longer fit to return to the human world in an elf form.

    Fina doesn’t understand these bullshit, but it knows this guy refuses it.

    It’s useless to say that, since it doesn’t make sense, it can only be seen under the claws.

    It was a big bow, exploring sharp claws and pointing over the light.

    Seeing claws has touched the light corps, tore them apart, the light can’t escape, and Fina took an empty look, as if it was just a fantasy of no entity.

    The light floats into the door like a ghost fire.

    [Navigation elf]: What a coincidence, someone’s coming to adopt you, if you want to get out of here, this is your only chance.

    Fina’s angry: “Shut up! The palace doesn’t need anyone else to adopt!”

    It was once again pointing over to the light mission, but it was still empty.

    It’s like an attack on the air.

    It is more angry than being unable to strike the enemy’s ignorance of its attack.

    Fina copied a jewellery and threw his head on the light, and it didn’t expect to hit the light team, just for a bad reason.

    At this point, the closed-door opens suddenly.

    The jewellery crossed the light team and smashed the two daoist silhouette at the door.

    But those two daoist silhouette reactions were fast, one of which was quickly hiding from silhouette, not hit, and another silhouette seemed to have tried to hide, but hesitated to be hit by jewelette.

    Fina’s throwing has made every effort, although it is only jewellery, but the weight of the jewellery is not light, and the jewellery that comes to Bethlehem is a sufficient and large gem, and if it falls to ordinary people at least purple, it may have even more serious consequences if it falls to vulnerable parts.

    It didn’t want to open the door suddenly, so it was heartless to see people hit, how much it was disturbed, after all the innocent people who suffered from the fish.

    That man had a chance to hide, but eventually he didn’t hide, and it might be the kind of person who saw a car crash, hesitating to hide to the left or to the right.

    However, when Fina looked at the two people who walked in the light, a small amount of guilt disappeared, but watched them on a stand-by basis, because they were really weird, looking not like humans, nor did they smell like humans.

    [Navigation elf] I’m sorry, this cat is a good cat, he’s not intrusive, and the two guests are better off looking at other pets? There are many other types of pets in this shelter, largely divided into two types, one that needs to eat Lazar, one that has actually existed in the history of humankind, but that type of pet is not popular, dirty and stinky in our world, and the other is an abstract pet that does not need to eat Lazar, much better in health. This cat belongs to the former.

    Fina was angry, and it lived so long, and for the first time I heard someone dared to say it was dirty.

    But what’s the way to get angry? It can’t even hit this horrible light.

    Like one of the real people started talking: “No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

    Fina hearing this cold smile, tapping humans or something first, that’s what its cats have already done, but how dare they say they’re going to tap it, and it’s not afraid that the wind will flash your tongue!

    It can’t handle that light team, can’t it handle these two monsters that can be hit by jewellery?

    So, it twisted the back bow, was prepared to poke them up and shake them up with peach flowers, show them some color, see what they would dare to say later.

    However, just a moment before it was ready to poke, it suddenly noticed that the man like that man did a hidden little move on his back – not a whispering sign to it, but… sneaking a glimmer of jewellery into the pants of the clothing, and it was not possible to panic.

    Fina looks stupid, so this man just didn’t hide the jewellery, just to take advantage of a crisis for personal gain?

    It throws jewellery with great strength, and the speed of jewellery is fast, and the man starts trying to hide, but sees it coming from the city as valuable jewellery, instantaneously changing his mind, crawling down, stealing one of them, and picking up a chain of jewellery that seems to be of the highest value.


    This act of treasure is a reminder of a man.

    It looked at that monster repeatedly, the more he behaved suspicious, vocal and, on the other hand, his eyes were always on jewellery in the palace.

    [Navigation elf]: The guest said great! We’re supposed to have this bone as if we were real people! Then ask the guests to take it away, but this cat may not be willing to go with you, and I can help you find a circle that can limit its actions.

    The man who stole the jewellery said, “The circle is not necessary, and we want to try, if not, to come back to you.”

    [Navigation elf]: Hear of pride.

    “Kitty, come on, come with us home.” That guy’s going to Fina.

    Fina hates being called kitty, but it’s angry, and it walks in the past, just staring at that guy.

    [Navigation elf]: So, the guests walk slowly, and there are questions that can come to us at any time, especially if we need to restrict the circle of action, we can be sent to the government at any time.

    “Wait a minute, we want to adopt some pets, we don’t have children, so we can have some fun in the house.” Those two are real people who look at them.

    [Navigation elf]:

    “Can’t you?” One of them was eager to ask, “or does it require additional formalities?”

    [Navigation elf]: There is no express provision for the adoption of only one pet, and recently a shipment of pets has been recovered, so please come with me.

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