Pet King

Chapter 1731

Cleopatra VII has repeatedly detailed Fina, as it is intended to keep it in mind, in the soul, even in the next world.

    She knew that she was afraid that he could not sleep in a carefully constructed pyramid, and that Romans were lazy enough to abandon that many things, and what would happen if they could not sleep in a pyramid?

    This time, maybe good-bye.

    Fina is low, looking at a passport that was familiar and is now very stranger, and in its feelings, like it’s been a lifetime since.

    It can feel the power to protect it in the body, and there are other things that may be the souls or will of the great gods who used to wear the seal earlier.

    “Fina, you should go.” How much she wants time to stay at this moment, but the doors of the guards outside the door are getting louder, and perhaps even have gone to the tools to attack the city, forcing the door to enter.

    “You, too, leave with Fina, and thank you for taking care of Fina for me.” And then she turned her head back to Zhang Zian, the mysterious girls and the elves, and then pointed out the visible jewellery in the room, “If you like it, I can’t take it as much as you like.”

    “No, you’re too kind, we don’t have to.”

    Zhang Zian was rude to say.

    He really wanted to take all the jewellery in the house, but he was afraid that it was because they were too valuable and symbolic, that once the world came out, they would be shocked and would not be consistent with his low tone, and that they would be taken away from this era, and that they would have an impact on the process of history.

    As for Vagit’s vision, this thing is special, and it has not appeared again in the sea for two thousand years since then, so the answer is probably because Fina took it away and brought it back to modern times.

    “Fina, can you laugh at me again? I know I’m sorry for you, but… I hope we can laugh and say good-bye.” She’s holding Fina’s claws.

    Her neck has been implicitly spreading several detailed black lines upwards, and her lips have lost blood, all sweat on the forehead, breathing shallow, as if she was pulling the windbox, which shows that her lungs are rapidly falling.

    Once her lungs are completely out of function, it’s her death.

    “Cleopatra! Open the door! Whatever you ask, you can negotiate! Open the door!”

    Suddenly outside the door, a bright ancient Greek language, although Zhang Zian does not understand, can at least hear her name.

    She laughed, “There’s no time, Fina, are you still hating me? Not even my last wish?”

    Fina fell down his head and wouldn’t get his head up until halfway, and suddenly the anger in his eyes spreaded out.

    “House David!”

    Yeah, it’s not that poisonous snake that took her life, it’s more terrifying than poisonous snake. The real killer is this self-proclaimed Roman emperor.

    It took her hand off and said, “Open the door! The palace is letting Javier die!”

    Zhang Zian’s heart, secretly thought, is bad, afraid of anything, and if Fina kills the house here, then the history of the next two thousand years will no longer exist – it will not be able to steal the superiors out of its unintentional raid.

    He seeks to look back to the jinns in general, and see if they have any good ways.

    The elves look at each other in dismay and, as long as there is a line of possibility, they are reluctant to hand over to their colleagues, and, more importantly, Fina’s current strength is too strong, both sides will have to do their utmost to kill themselves and spare no room.

    “Fina!” Cleopatra VII has tried the last force, dead and dead, pulling Fina, pleading, “No! Please, don’t! Let’s go! Get Fina out of here!”

    She doesn’t know how powerful Fina is, but what if it’s stronger, even if it really kills Javier?

    Caesar died, Anthony died, she was not far away from dying, she killed a house David, and there would be a second and third house David who would come out and take over the Roman army, and there was no one on the Egyptian side who could fight Rome, and nothing would change… and Fina and Fina’s friends would certainly die in the hands of the soldiers who were emerging from the sources.

    Zhang Zian has no way of pulling out his cell phone against Fina, and intends to recover it, but this requirement must be positive and unavailable, so he must be on the right side of Fina.

    Hate has already fainted Fina’s head, and he just lifted his cell phone in front of it, and it realized his intentions, and the claws took it off, and he couldn’t react at all.

    The rest of the elves sucked in a breath of cold air, and the situation was compelled, and they had to prepare themselves for vodging Fina.

    “Fina! You don’t have to do anything anymore!”

    Zhang Zian was rarely blaming Fina.

    The phone fell on the bedroom, and he beneath to pick up the phone.

    At this time, he was behind him, shaking the voice of a mysterious girl.

    “Fina, calm down. She won’t die!”

    Zhang Zian just touched the phone, didn’t come up and get up straight, hearing that one.

    Even if he doesn’t know anything about physics, she can see Cleopatra VII has reached a flat point, and snake poisons have destroyed most of her organs in the body, unless she has a special resistance to Poison Blood.

    The snake Poison Blood is very targeted, and all kinds of poisonous snake bites can’t be used, and this may have been extinguished, poisonous snake, where do you find a fight against Poison Blood?

    Besides, even if the future World invented a spectrum of snake Poison Blood, that would not save her, history would change.

    Don’t wait until he wants to understand that there’s a hand pushing a piece in his back waist.

    “Hey, I’m sorry, Mother.”

    He was bending to pick up his cell phone, even if the mysterious girl suddenly pushed him, lost balance and fell forward.

    The front is Cleopatra VII, and Fina, who is looking at him with anger.

    This girl is definitely not kissing daughter! Do you have such a pit?

    He desperately tried to strike a balance, because he knew he’d be killed by Fina in the next second if he touched the place he shouldn’t have touched.

    He tore his body into cannabis, barely pushed his hand into a security perspective, held the bedroom rather than her body, but his habit was not enough to brake completely at all times, tightened his neck and averted being kissed.

    He succeeded, basically succeeded, and did not desecrate the last generation of the King of Pharaoh, who was one of the monarchs and divine powers, but had just touched her in the pen.

    It was an accident —— he was just trying to explain that to Fina.

    However, it was a slight touch, but he was dark and lost consciousness.

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