Pet King

Chapter 1738

Zhang Zian looked far away at Cleopatra VII, which was being talked to David – in order to respect her personal will, or to call her Li Su, she and David seriously discussed the details of the Egyptian trip, even the possibility of Cleopatra VII being buried in a pyramid, and occasionally the real insight that had been thrown out was silent.

    Only to see this scene, and no one will ever think of it as a dream.

    Zhang Zian has been experiencing several dreams of the world, and the words of everyone in the dream are in line with their people, especially those who are more familiar with him, who just came to the museum with David, and he has not realized it.

    If he did not recognize Li Yi, he might still think that he was really going to do the second Egyptian trip.

    Li Yi is a very good actor, but she’s not very aggressive, and she knows when to answer and when to listen, which makes her a very good object of conversation, and it’s like a spring wind.

    Like Fina, who chose to take the seal, she chose to take the crown and royal robe away from the heavy chains and no longer to be constrained by past glory and responsibility, a reminder that they could make only if they were as prosperous as possible and Return to the Natural State.

    She can finally embrace a new life, forget State hatred and family hatred, and pursue the happiness that belongs to her, even if it is only life in a dream.

    But, as Sun Xiaoping said, it’s a hundred years of life, and it’s just a Void dream. Who can tell the truth and why?

    So he understood her choice and was happy for her, and she could finally live for herself, and he trusted that her life would be great.

    “Li Li is really great.” “The head of the Grand Sugar is back, walking back to Zhang Zian, and sighing:” A beautiful man doesn’t speak, Han speaks so well, learning is extremely rich, and even a few famous Egyptian researchers in the country have been subjugated by her, and the professor is famous? Also, she knows a lot, but without that creepy temperature, she’s very personal and powerful, and since a woman called Snow came to visit her the other day, she’s red, and even the number of visitors to the museum doubled… and I know that all of you came to her, but in any case, the increase in the income of the tickets is always good, with the money to benefit our workers in the sewer door, and I can’t leave her on long leave. “

    The head of the office is truly cute and does not hide the money, and a leader who does not care to hurt his staff is certainly not a good leader.

    Yes, Li Yi is a clear Southern European style, not a native Chinese, but she is such a foreign employee in the museum, who looks beautiful, well in good shape, in temperature, in high quality and in knowledge, and in a fluid Chinese language, as long as she has any chance, she will fire, not fire.

    Zhang Zian just came in and felt really bored. It wasn’t a summer holiday. How many visitors in the museum? It’s just a municipal museum in the city of the beach, a cold acid, most of the exhibitions in the hotel were recurring, and there were few real things, when he came to the door, and he was miserable relatives, and now… good guys, a wave of tourists have not yet flown into another wave.

    Although the number of visitors is not comparable to that of large national museums, there is much more than ever before, as you see Li Yuan is talking to people, preferring to wait for her to finish, and not to let anyone else visit.

    The rest of the employees in the museum are jealous and not, which is blind, but there are people who are able and can significantly increase their small incomes and nothing else in front of their small money.

    For the Director of the Embassy, Li Yi’s appearance is like Linjour sister, falling under the sky, and he is both happy and worried because she is afraid that she will be excavated by other museums or simply resigned as a full-time web red.

    He doesn’t really have to worry that the modern city of Sun Xiaoping is the Beach City, and that even if she and Zhang Zian had not gone to the city, she could simulate it very far from the real city, and there was only such a museum in the city, so Li Yuan would not be able to jump and say… the city has Fina.

    He would also like to say what, at this time, the visitors’ emotions were somewhat agitated by the late arrival of Li Yi, who was rushing to go over and comfort tourists.

    “Thank you.” Zhang Zian said.

    “Why thank me?”

    “No, thank you anyway.” He didn’t have a positive answer.

    “Do you want to know the next script?” The Sun Xiaoping asked herself: “She will join the Corps, return to Egypt, find the desert with the Corps after the modern Egyptian expedition, find the golden pyramid, which was poured out by the wind and again revealed by the sand, and then she will enter the pyramid, find the coffin in the royal cemetery, open the casket at a moment when she will wake up and find herself Cleopatra VII, before she was born in Cleopatra VII, and start a hate hatred that transcends two thousand years.”

    “Enough for Marisu.” Zhang Zian evaluation.

    “Of course, there will be a variety of accidents in the process, and I added some variables to this dream, specifically how these variables will evolve and affect the theatre, even if I can’t.” She said with a smile, “So, for the sake of its smooth development, progress in the theatre is unexpected and not much involved.”

    Zhang Zian: “Is that what I’m gonna do?”

    “Doesn’t give him the option to refuse.” Okay, let’s get here today, and they’re done. “

    Li Zhang Zian, who ended his conversation, quickly apologized to the tourists and started a new round of speeches, appeared to have been very good.

    “Cheung, let’s go. It seems that our team is coming to the new members.” Oh, yes, Li was told that we were carrying cats and dogs last time we went to Egypt, and that for a very large journey, she said she liked cats and asked me where you were at the pet store, and said, “David said with a smile.”

    Zhang Zian was smiling, and that was what he had expected.

    “This is your acquaintance?”

    “She was” Zhang Zian didn’t want to introduce her.

    “A former girlfriend.” The jewellery said a word that caused him to fall into the glasses, but the word formidable power was great, and the health had not been questioned with interest, and a pretext had been given to leave.

    Zhang Zian was afraid of the hygiene letter to be true, just wanted to follow the explanation, and the foot slipped down on the floor, and then woke up.

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