Pet King

Chapter 249

Inside and outside the aviary, it is just two worlds.

When I first entered the door, Zhang Zi An and Guo Dongyue were shocked by the hustle and bustle of the birds. However, unconsciously, they were already used to this kind of noisy. When they followed Wei Kang, they passed through two doors and re-opened. When I went back, I even felt terrible in my ears and always wanted to make some noise.

In addition to sound, another difference is temperature. A cold breeze blew, and Zhang Zi An shrank his neck and quickly put on the coat that had been taken off the aviary. The aviary is very warm, about 20 degrees, and even a slight sweat after a walk, and even if it is near noon, it is still bleak in the autumn wind, chilling in the cold, it is easy to catch cold under the heat.

Compared with himself, Guo Dongyue cares more about whether the two red-faced peony will catch cold. He put his coat outside the cage and shielded them from the wind.

They took a disposable plastic shoe cover from the foot and threw it into the trash can at the door. The bottom of the shoe cover has been stained with bird droppings and millet grains, which makes you feel sick at a glance.

Because it is a suburb, there are fewer taxis and they all sit with guests. Guo Dongyue picked up the phone and looked for a ride again.

“Two, why don’t you say hello?”

Lv Mingyi happily chased it from behind and warmly invited: “It鈥檚 almost noon, I am the East, and the two have lunch and then go.”

“No, we still have things.” Guo Dongyue directly refused. He mainly worried that the parrot would stay sick for too long and would get sick.

Zhang Zi An really wants to have a free lunch, but he looks at Fina’s lips and knows that it is hungry. It’s better to go back and eat it, saving it and losing your temper.

“It’s a pity… Change the day. When I go to the city in the next day, let’s find a place to get together.” Lu Mingyi did not feel guilty because of Guo Dongyue’s rejection. He had already inquired about it, knowing that Guo Dongyue is This temper, but people are capable, and the evaluation within the company is very high, and it may not be long before they will start their own design office.

Guo Dongyue was not interested in the remuneration, and pushed away: “In the future, I may not have time recently. Right, these two parrots…” He lifted the cage and opened the corner of the coat for Lu Mingyi to see.

A few cold winds poured into the cage from the corner of the coat, and the male bird with the red head and neck moved very thoughtfully to block the cold wind for the female with yellow-orange head and neck.

Lv Mingyi recognized two red-faced parrots at a glance. Although rare, it was not particularly precious, so he said generously: “The two parrots are nothing, they are given to Mr. Guo.”

“Just borrow it, wait… I will come back later.” Guo Dongyue put down his clothes and said seriously, with a slight pause in the middle of the tone.

Lu Mingyi thought he was just polite and insisted that he should be given to him.

On the other hand, Wei Kang is still persuading Zhang Zi An to persuade him to be dedicated to science.

Lu Mingyi also came over to help Wei Kang persuasion, but it is a little genetic to test, no need to be too stingy?

Zhang Zi An Although he was very scientific at an early age, it is still very difficult to do about it.

“Look at this.”

Wei Kang knows the truth and sees the truth. He pulls out the mobile phone and opens a web page to show them. Zhang Zi An has a headache when he looks at the full screen of English, but he knows the famous domain name

鈥淭his is the 2017 6 19 article of the Ecology&Evolution issue of Nature. The author is the Eva-Maria_Geigl research group at the University of Paris, France. You can see this picture.鈥?Wei Kang pulled the page down and zoomed in on the middle of the article. A pair of pictures.

The line of the picture is simple and clear. It is painted under a chair where a woman is sitting. There is a golden yellow cat with dark markings eating fish. Zhang Zi An knows that she should focus on the cat in the painting, but her eyes still involuntarily sway to the woman鈥檚 bare thigh in the painting…

鈥淭his is the mural of ancient Egypt before 3500.鈥?Wei Kang pointed to the cat in the painting. 鈥淟ook carefully.鈥?/p>

“3500 years ago?”

Zhang Zi An took a whale and thought he was wrong.

“Yes, it was 3500 years ago, 1500 years before BC.” Wei Kang answered with certainty. “At that time, China was still in the early Shang Dynasty. This picture is part of an ancient Egyptian mural. It is also a domestic cat. One of the most powerful proofs of ancient Egyptian origin, but not the decisive proof. You see, is this cat in the picture very similar to your cat, and very different from modern Egyptian cats?”

Zhang Zi An saw that the cat in the picture was completely different from the modern Egyptian cat. Modern Egyptian cats are mainly spotted, while the cats in the painting are the same as Fina.

Wei Kang knows that Zhang Zi An is knowledgeable. There is no need to explain the difference between the original Egyptian cat and the modern Egyptian cat. He simply explained the causal relationship. 鈥淏ased on the 6 month 19, the content of this paper The wild cat was tamed as a domestic cat until the 14 century. The ancient domestic cat always had a squid-like striped coat, just like the cat in the mural and your cat. From the 13 century AD, the domestic cat The coat color slowly transitions from stripes to spots. This is why the original Egyptian cat is striped and the modern Egyptian cat is the spot color.”

Zhang Zi An is quite a bit of a sense of enthusiasm. People who are highly knowledgeable are not the same, and explain in a simple way a question he has never thought of. Although this knowledge has no use in life, may it be possible to install it in front of others in the future?

“In addition, your cat has both stripes and spots, stripes are the main spots, the cat on the mural is pure stripes, and the modern Egyptian cat is pure spots… In other words, your cat is like that of the year. Like Archaeopteryx, it is a key transition in the evolutionary chain and a true living fossil!鈥?Wei Kang said more excited.

Wei Kang is not too young, and Zhang Zi An is really worried that he is excited to come out.

Zhang Zi An carefully observed the picture of this mural and found that there is another detail – the modern Egyptian cat is divided into five colors, silver, bronze, smoky, black, blue / white, and the cat of the mural It looks golden, the same as Fina… No, it should be said that Fina is the same as the cat in the mural. After all, this cat is 1500 years earlier than Fina, and it is Fina’s ancestor.

Not only Zhang Zi An, but Fina is also curious to get closer, and carefully observe the ancestors on the phone screen.

Zhang Zi An already understands the importance of Fina. To Dali said that the appearance of Fina will end the long-standing debate about the origin of domestic cats, and said to Xiaoli… Weikang can write several high-impact factors papers and even become famous overnight.

Still, he can’t easily agree – because this is not something he can decide, he must respect Fina himself… No, it is the cat’s opinion.

“Professor Wei, this way, I will go back and think about it.” He plans to delay it first, and when he is no one, discuss it with Fina and decide, can’t be hasty.

Wei Kang sighed helplessly. “At least leave me your contact information.”

“no problem.”

Zhang Zi An and Wei Kang exchanged contact information, just as Guo Dongyue called the shuttle also stopped at the door. He took Fina and Snow Lion, and Guo Dongyue got on the bus and returned to downtown Binhai.

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