Pet King

Chapter 331

Xiaoxue is not as heartless as it seems on the surface. She knows that her parents love her very much. Whether she is reprimanded or reprimanded, she wants her to live a happier life. Although she understands, she is not willing to embark on the path chosen by her parents – to become a good-natured, then married to a wealthy second generation, or a young talent from scratch, as a full-time wife, husband and wife, past Enviable wealthy life…

She hasn’t played enough yet. She wants to experience more life. She hasn’t seen her future direction. She doesn’t want to be confused and decides her own destiny, especially if she doesn’t want others to decide her fate.

Xiaoxue was awkward to her parents, so she listened to her mother saying that having a good relationship with Mrs. Kuan had helped her father’s business, and she left a good intention in her heart. At this point she heard that Zhang Zi An’s cat learned a new stunt and suddenly got a surprise.

Some viewers have also bought cats and dogs from the singular pet shop. The more mainstream people are the cats who usually have no cats. They can only rely on pictures and videos to attract cats and cats. They are the cats who will perform stunts. More interested, after all, don’t have to pay.

Zhang Zi An is gearing up to seize this rare free advertising opportunity. Every live broadcaster is a potential customer, and there are many local tyrants.

“Mr. Manager, what is the new stunt this time? Is it similar to the word ‘8’?” Xiaoxue asked on behalf of the audience, and she also wanted to know.

Zhang Zi An stood up and said in a very flattering expression: “With regard to the new stunt, you guess, I guess I lose!”

The audience began to speculate that most of them were guessing new steps, such as circle, roll, handshake, slap… Although some people guessed dancing, there was more wild and singer, but Zhang Zi An would not admit it. I lost myself.

When everyone’s guess came to an end, Zhang Zi An made a “Please Quiet” gesture.

The barrage was temporarily thin, and the audience, whether behind the screen of the mobile phone or behind the computer monitor, all looked at Zhang Zi An and the kittens, and wanted to see what new tricks he could play.

Zhang Zi An took three slaps, and the kittens stopped playing and playing, and they raised their heads and looked at him.

“Music!” Richard shouted.

Zhang Zi An took another hand and started the music player. The little accompaniment of “Little Apple” ran out from the phone speakers.

“You are my little apple…”

“How to love you is not too much…”

The kittens took a small short leg and stayed on the drums and danced. Since dancing is much harder than walking the word “8”, Zhang Zi An will let them practice every day, so they will be more skillful and smoother than the day of Song Bai, and the movements of lifting legs, tails and claws will be more in place. More uniform.

Xiaoxue and the audience have already seen it, and they are completely impressed by the dance of the sky, and the heart will melt!

When the music stopped, no matter the audience in the live room or Xiaoxue, I was thinking about the scene just now, and I was too late to return.

“Who just recorded the video? 50 block WeChat red envelope for forwarding video!” Someone first responded.

“I am going to die! I am so cute by these kittens!”

“Bronze ball!”

“10,000 tons of copper balls!”

“I am a poor student. Can someone who receives it forward me a copy? Good people are safe for life!”

“Blue thin mushrooms… I didn’t record today, I missed countless billions!”

“I recorded! Everyone is anxious, leaving a mailbox, I will send it to everyone! Free, don’t want money!”

In an instant, countless e-mail addresses slid through the screen, and various colors, various fonts, and various font sizes, accompanied by the blessing of “good people’s life, peace,” looked dazzling. Just the kind-hearted person who left the mailbox, I have to cry when I see this scene. Hundreds of mailboxes can only be entered by one letter and one number, and can not be imported into the mailbox address book in batches. Is this special to be sent to the Year of the Monkey?

Someone said with emotion: “When I saw the density of the barrage, I thought that the teacher surnamed Cang had re-opened the sea and released seeds.”

In addition, some people are more clever and reminded: “You are all stupid? Is it better to force the store manager to re-enable the kittens to perform again? Everyone can record it, and don’t ask others to forward it! At most, everyone will cooperate with him. Loading and pressing!”

“Good idea! Anyway, let him force it and not lose meat!”

Xiaoxue was urged by the audience, and she wanted to read it again, and then made a request to Zhang Zi An.

It’s indifferent to perform more than once or twice, but it can’t be repeated without limit, otherwise it will be endless, so he pretended to be very reluctant, and under the repeated requests of Xiaoxue, he reluctantly agreed.

This time, the audience made the corresponding preparations, the video of the video, the friends and friends who called the friends and friends, and many people took the roommates who were in the dormitory or the classmates who were studying on their own.

The bright rhythm sounded again, and the dance of the kittens was as obsessive as ever.

Due to psychological preparation, the audience was less shocked, and more about the discussion of the details of the kitten dance, arguing which action was from which idol combination. The masses have said that their eyes are not enough. They think that cats are very cute. Some people like Mao Qi’s ambitions, and they are determined to make big money. One day they will buy all these cats…

The audience’s reaction was completely in the expectation of Zhang Zi An. He was hot and hit the iron. He inserted the advertisement in a timely manner and said: “The store has now launched a membership card. After becoming a member, you can have the opportunity to upgrade the stunt free of charge. In the future, there will be more exciting stunts. Waiting for everyone, don’t miss it when you pass by!”

“It’s really sad. I know that the members of the office must be defrauded by the store manager, but they can only do it!”

“The store manager, how much is the member? Can you look at Xiaoxue’s share, can you be cheaper?”

“Don’t dream! This store manager is famous for his cockroaches and iron cocks. If you go to the tea house to drink tea, you have to hang a cup of white water… I hope that he will cut the price, but he might as well expect the sun to come out from the west…”

Zhang Zi An was waiting to retaliate against these filths, but the automatic glass door at the door suddenly slipped open to the sides. Outside the door, she walked into a familiar middle-aged woman. Zhang Zi An vowed to have seen her, but for a moment I can’t think of where I have seen it.

When Xiaoxue saw other customers coming to the door, he consciously flashed to the side, letting Zhang Zi An deal with the guests first, and could not delay the business.

“Boss, I am coming again, still remember me?” Deng Jie said with a smile.

She wore an unbranded canvas bag, wearing a plain old down jacket with black trousers, no powder on her face, and she was dressed from head to toe. It was a hundred people who would be drowned in the crowd. Ordinary women.

This “again” reminded Zhang Zi An that he pointed at her “ah” and suddenly remembered.

“Have you been here before?” He kneaded his temples and recalled carefully: “I remember coming with another aunt named Liu?”

Deng Jie waved his hand embarrassedly. “I have been here once, but I came here, and the big sister just happened to be at the door of the store.”

Zhang Zi An opened the memory gate and her appearance was matched with a memory.

In short, Deng Jie is one of the top five customers in the pet shop. Apart from Xiao Celery and Zhao Qi, she and another middle-aged aunt named Liu Wenying. Zhang Zi An remembers Liu Wenying, because she is Zhao Qi’s neighbor, she has been to the store twice, and the second time she followed Zhao Qi to defend her rights. The first time she came with Deng Jie.

At that time, Zhang Zi An only sold the only one cat, or sold it to Zhao Qi. The business in the store was in an unsustainable state, and it was possible to close the door at any time. Every customer who entered the store left him. A deeper impression. At that time, Deng Jie suspected that the cat in the store was too expensive. After hesitated for a long time, he left. He said that he decided to go home and discuss with his husband and decided that he would never appear again.

Going home to discuss it – this sentence is also a very common excuse, Zhang Zi An has also used, generally to buy more expensive items, can not stand the salesman’s enthusiastic sales, use this excuse to get out. Therefore, when he heard this sentence, he knew that Deng Jie would not come again. It was a business that was not made. Although he regretted it, he couldn’t help it. He didn’t want to rely on price cuts to attract customers. From then on, Deng Jie’s appearance was forgotten in his mind, and it was only re-emphasized today.

So why did she come again?

From the early autumn to the early winter, the long two months, is she finally finished with her husband?

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