Pet King

Chapter 376

Chapter 374 new employee

Zhang Zi An went back to the store and wondered what to do today.

Since Tim’s cat food sent from the United States is expected to arrive today, he certainly can’t travel far. At most, he can only stroll around and go to the supermarket to buy something – such as steak, but he’s cooking his own steak. There is no confidence, let alone seven-point cooked, don’t fry it…

Fina squinted to remind him that it was time to get breakfast.

Zhang Zi An reluctantly put on his coat. If you can’t wait for the steak, please ask Grandpa Li to buy and fry, but it is always a hassle. It seems a little embarrassing.

The business in Li’s shop is still not improving. In the morning, only two or three people are eating early, but it’s not as good as when the cart was sold earlier. He told the uncle Li, and Grandpa Li agreed very happily. Although his face was frowning, it was not for Zhang Zi An.

When Zhang Zi An came back with a foam insulation box, she found a girl at the door.

She wore a long knee-length down jacket, wool gloves, and a fiery red scarf, like an underground worker waiting for a joint. She looked nervously and looked at it. Her sea is very long, covering her eyes, and the scarf is very high, blocking the chin, plus a pair of wide and large thick glasses, almost completely hiding her entire face, this dress to rob the bank No problem.

“Hey, who are you looking for?” Zhang Zi An asked.

She hurriedly pulled the scarf down, revealing a small half face, and exhaled a white breath and said: “Shop… Mr. Manager, I… I want to… go to work.”

The girl seemed to be very nervous. She spoke up and stuttered her hands and her face was red.

Zhang Zi An frowned and looked at her face. “You are… what is Lu? I am sorry I can’t remember.”

“Lu Yiyun,” she said, not stuttering when she said her name.

The girl who came is Lu Yiyun.

Recently, Lu Yiyun’s illustration work has become better and better, and his life has gradually become more affluent. Unlike the days when he first entered the city, his life has become very tight. Even her cat jasmine has become a bit fat. When washing the cat, I heard that Zhang Zi An said that Jasmine might have the blood of Jinjila, but she now suspects that it is an orange cat. Everyone says that ten orange cats are nine fat and one is particularly strong…

However, although she had the money left and added better digital equipment and daily necessities, she was horrified to find another problem – because she barely communicated with people in real life, after half a year of living alone, she Being able to talk to someone will make you nervous.

Lu Yiyun is not satisfied with drawing illustrations for others. She knows that there is no future. Her ultimate dream is to become a cartoonist. Although this profession is not accepted by the Chinese public for the time being, although this ideal is still far away, she still Stepping forward to the goal while biting your teeth. However, when she submitted a manuscript website or magazine, she encountered another problem. The editor of the other party often replied: The painter is very good, the person setting and the subject matter are general, the dialogue is hard and has no features, and I hope to improve it.

She only paints, has no writing skills, and does not communicate with people in reality, so that she is always overwhelmed when writing conversations, knowing that this is not the case, but there is no good policy.

When she heard that the pet shop in the Xiaoxue live room needed to recruit an artist, she suddenly remembered that she could try it. The house she rented was in the neighborhood next to the singular pet shop. It was very convenient to come and go. The most important thing was that she had dealt with Zhang Zi An twice, not as strange as other people in reality.

As a super-heavy house girl, she has been living for a long time. She is afraid of the outside world and fears the communication between people. It is a big test for her to go out to work. She is actually a big test. I wanted to come over a few days ago, but I lost my courage every time I left the door.

She hates her own weakness, knowing that if she goes on like this, she will slowly rot in this narrow rental house until she is completely out of society and forgotten by everyone… Even, she can’t help but think of the news she saw online, and some of the solitary people are sick. After the death, it was not until the corpse smelled of rancidity that she was alerted by the neighbors… She didn’t want to do this. It was enough to be pointed by the neighbors. She didn’t want to be pointed at the death.

Today, she finally made up her mind to go out of the house.

She has never worked, never, but she knows that she needs to go through an interview.

Along the way, her heart was full of messy questions, such as how to do the interview was rejected, or because of her repeated delays, the store manager has recruited people how to do … she tried to go home several times, like a frightened young The beast retracted into the nest, so the distance between the rental house and the pet shop was close enough, and it was already unknowingly arrived.

When she spoke to Zhang Zi An, she sweated nervously and told her not to stutter, but she stuttered.

Fortunately, Zhang Zi An didn’t seem to care much. He said casually: “Go to work? Let’s talk about it, it’s cold outside.”

He pulled the roller shutter door in. “Please come in.”

Lu Yiyun followed him into the store, but found that the store was completely different from her when she came twice. The decoration was completely new, and there were a lot more cats and dogs in the store, especially one that looked very fierce. Wolf dog.

Zhang Zi An looked back and saw her staring at Famous. She was a little scared. She said with relief: “Don’t be afraid, it doesn’t bite, it’s an angel.”

“Ah?” Lu Yiyun stunned in surprise. “Heaven…An angel?”

For a moment, her nervousness was diminished!

Famous heard Zhang Zi An’s words, immediately raised his chest, sitting on the ground in a prestige, barking twice.

It is saying: “Yes, I want to be an angel!”

Lu Yiyun saw it a few times and found that it was very honest and very regular. Unlike the big wolf dog in her hometown nursing home, she liked to scream and bite, so she was relieved. Her heart said that Zhang Zi An is not a pet shop, this dog is training very well!

Zhang Zi An pointed to the new checkout counter. “Your job location is here. When you have a guest, you are responsible for the cashier. When you have no guests, you can update the WeChat public account in the store. It’s that simple. Yes, I remember you. The words are written very well, will they draw?”

Lu Yiyun took out the U disk from his pocket and said, “I brought my previous work.”

At the checkout counter, a Zhang Zi An online shopping desktop computer was placed, and he signaled that she was operating by herself.

She booted up, waited for the USB flash drive to plug into the USB interface after booting into the desktop, and started the slide show mode of the photo browser.

“These are all you painted?” It was Zhang Zi An’s turn to be surprised, because the beautiful picture on the screen made him look like a welfare map he saw from the P station. This is all professional.

Lu Yiyun did not speak. She pointed to the signature in the lower right corner of each picture. The facts speak louder than words.

“Oh… to be honest, your level is too high. Come to me to do this.” Zhang Zi An tells the truth, “Wage is low for you, you are definitely not willing, give it high… I have some Loss, because I don’t use such a high level of painter…”

“It doesn’t matter.” Lu Yiyun shook her head. She didn’t expect to earn much money when she came here, but she was in contact with a window of society. “As long as I give normal wages, I have only one condition…”

“What conditions?” Zhang Zi An asked.

“When there are no guests, I want to… draw some pictures of myself here, can I?” she whispered.

“Of course. Is there anything that can’t be done? When you’re fine, you’re idle, you can do whatever you want.” Zhang Zi An felt that the condition was too simple and agreed without hesitation.

“That…Is it through the interview?” she asked awkwardly.

Zhang Zi An felt that he was taking a big profit and quickly said: “Through.”

Lu Yiyun got what she wanted, and she was relieved, not so nervous. “When will I come to work?”

“Hey…” Zhang Zi An thought for a moment. “I’m going to reopen here in two days…you will come over tomorrow morning, I will tell you the usefulness and price of some things, and then teach you how to give customers a member. Card, how?”

“Okay.” She snorted, and she already saw Zhang Zi An as the boss.

“You go back today, come over tomorrow morning.” Zhang Zi An looked up like a finger and pointed her finger at her hair. “Right, do you want to go to the barber shop to cut your hair and put it in your eyes?” And of course, this is not a rigid rule. If you don’t want it, you will be fine.”

She heard a sigh of relief and rolled her finger in front of the sea, and found that it was too long.

“Okay. I will go back and cut myself.” She said, “Oh, I need to come up with some painting tools, such as a tablet, can I?”

“Of course, you don’t have to ask for these little things. This is my business. I should prepare the staff in advance, but I don’t know how to paint, I am afraid I can buy it wrong.

Zhang Zi An always thinks she is a bit strange, but it doesn’t matter. Anyway, he is also a weirdo in the eyes of others. Wang Qian and Li Kun are also strange people. Even Xiaoxue is a weirdo. This is the so-called thing to gather.

Anyway, he has a resident employee here, and it looks very steady. It is not like a mouthful of people. The skill of the artist is superb. It is perfect, so when he has something to do, it is not always Was forced to close the store.

When Guo Dongyue was renovating, in order to fear that the pets in the store ran out, an automatic sensor door was specially installed between the checkout counter and the interior of the store. Usually, Lu Yiyun worked and painted in the cashier area, and would not disturb him and the elves. Their exchanges can be said to be beneficial.

Zhang Zi An sent a message to Xiaoxue. “I am returning to China. Now I am in the store and I can travel at any time.”

Xiaoxue: “OK, I will contact Master Deng Jie immediately.”

(End of this chapter)

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