Pet King

Chapter 379

Chapter 377 Freedom of Desire

Zhang Zi An put down the phone and looked at the fabulous Famous. He said, “Are you drinking too much? Even if you don’t know what happened, let me take it down…”

Famous held a wine glass with a toe seam, reluctantly rubbed the last drop of wine with his tongue, and put down the wine glass and said: “In short, the girl may have trouble, right?”

Zhang Zi An crossed his arms, “So?”

“We want to help her because I want to be an angel and let everyone get happiness.” Famous said seriously.

Zhang Zi An took Xiaoxue as a friend, so she did not dare to promise her safety to Xiaoxue’s father, because he did not know how to do it. Others think that he is the great master of Hunchun, he knows that his shit is not! Even if he was lucky enough to be a teacher, did he practice for a few days? Before the protagonist in the martial arts novels forced the girl to play, he had to practice for three or five years. He was in a pose for the public, and the actual combat would definitely reveal the stuffing.

He hasn’t been to the dog market, but think about it with your butt. You go to the spot to debunk others’ tricks. Don’t you be in a hurry? The dog will jump to the wall!

Of course, there is no problem with Old Time Tea, let alone a dog market in the district, all the world has to go! But Old Time Tea is a cat. The cat is playing in the broad daylight and kneeling down the whole dog market… This will definitely lead to more terrible troubles, absolutely not.

“You don’t understand, I also want to help Xiaoxue to achieve justice, but I don’t have the ability, no ability to be strong, isn’t that an idiot?” Zhang Zi An reluctantly spread his hand.

“Hey! Do you think you are not an idiot?” Richard yelled at the feathers on his chest.

Famous has a well-thought-out saying: “You are an idiot. It doesn’t matter if you have this angel.”

Zhang Zi An: “…” Is this dog really drinking too much?

“Would you like to go to the dog market with me?” he asked.

Famous seriously nodded: “Of course, because I am an angel.”

Zhang Zi An pointed to the door. “Don’t say anything, if you have the ability to get out of this store, I will admit that you are an angel.”

Richard fluttered his wings and flew over the shoulders of Zhang Zi An. He said sympathetically to Famous: “Forget it, this uncle advised you not to try. You have been an idiot for a long time. Are you not sure? You are not leaving now. Open this shop.”

Zhang Zi An turned his head and glanced at it – did you just walk around like a headless fly? Still have faces to say others?

Famous unconsciously walked to the door of the store, slammed his nose, and the nose hit an invisible wall. The saliva was painted and almost knocked the tooth off.

It glanced at the saliva on his face, carefully looked at the front, and sniffed with his nose. It is very certain that there should be no obstacles in front of it, whether it is visual or smelling, but why can’t it go out?

Famous is not reconciled, stretched out his front paws and tried to press a few times in front, touching a very strong wall. It panned left and right and pressed a few times. This invisible air wall seemed to block the entire store door.

It sinks in the heart, and it is too familiar with this situation.

Looking down for a moment, Famous stepped back and tried to run, then leaped high…


This time it hit a strong one, its entire body was funny on the air wall, and then slipped down…

Looking at the lively Old Time Tea in the store, no smile, Fina snorted, and Snow Lion laughed arrogantly, patted the cat and laughed straight and turned his belly. “Hey! Men are fools!”

Richard smacked his wings and smiled. “You are an idiot! What do you do with so much?”

Zhang Zi An With a hand, this dog is a bit embarrassing.

“I said, are you okay?” he asked with concern, and the fall was too embarrassing, and even he looked hurt.

Famous stared at Venus, crawling up from the ground, licking his head and staring at the front. For a while, the world’s scenery is only one in its eyes…

Although it hurts a bit, it has a strong body, thick skin and no bone injuries. The most important thing is that such an impact has happened countless times in the black box. It has jumped numerous times, trying to jump out of the boundless darkness from above, but all ended in failure.

It has become accustomed to similar pain and disappointment.

Zhang Zi An walked to the door and walked out the door with ease, stood Richard on his shoulders, then walked back, and then went out… repeated several times to let Famous see.

“You can’t leave this store for a while,” he explained to him. “This is the game’s setting, the game system that summons you from the void to reality. No matter you or me, you can’t modify it. So You still stay in the store for a while, as for the things on Xiaoxue…”

He picked up the phone and was ready to call Xiaoxue.

“Wait a minute!” Famous raised a front paw and solemnly said, “Give me some time.”

Zhang Zi An, I don’t know what it is doing, temporarily put the phone down.

Famous stood at the door and closed his eyes.

Dark, return to the darkness.

This shop is too much like the black box. Although it has light and warmth, it is still very similar. It all bans its freedom.

In imagination, it goes back to the black box and relives what happened before the dawn.


Deep in the darkness.

“Hey~ Are you really talking? After leaving here, Xinghai will meet a new owner?” The black and white kitten asked with expectation.

Famous replied with anger: “Yes, it will be. But you must go out from here first.”

“Hey ~ Xinghai wants to go out!”

“I think too, but I can’t get out…” It said, “I don’t know how you went out later, but I am afraid I will be trapped here for a lifetime…”


Famous moved his ears, and the movement of the stars seemed to be wrong.

It vainly widens its eyes in the darkness. Why is the “Xinghai” still on its left when it is “喵”, and the sound is coming from the right when it is “呜”?

Really evil!

“Xinghai, what are you doing?” He raised his fear again and asked uneasily.

“Hey ~ Xinghai wants to go out!”

Famous advised, “If you can’t get out, don’t try, I am bigger than you, jumping higher than you, I can’t go out, let alone you.”

“Hey ~ Xinghai wants to go out!”

Regardless of how Famous says, Xinghai always repeats this sentence.

I don’t know how long this time has passed, and I don’t know how many times it has gone through.

Famous wakes up and still has the pain of cyanide poisoning in the body.

Probably it’s been dead again, it’s indifferent, and as the Xinghai said, it’s good.


Famous moved his ears, how did the Xinghai not move? Did you finally give up trying?

“Hey! Xinghai, are you tired?” it asked in the dark.

no respond.

“Xinghai?” It is estimated that Xinghai is asleep, raise some volume, ask again.

Still no response.

“Xinghai!” It trembled and shouted with the biggest trick.

It has never been so fearful since it was pulled into this inexplicable black box. No matter how painful it is, it is not only that it bears itself. There is always a star in the sea. It has become accustomed to the company of Xinghai.

However, why did Xinghai not move?

The first thing that Famous thought of was that Xinghai died and died completely.

It didn’t feel sad, only stunned, maddening, and Xing Xinghai finally escaped from this endless cycle of life and death, even if it was completely dead.

It carefully explored the black box, and it was not known how many times it touched the poison bottle, but the body of Xinghai was never found in the black box.

Another possibility comes to mind – does the Xinghai really escape? Leave it alone and escape alone?

Because of this possibility, it trembled excitedly.

If Xinghai can escape, maybe you can!

What special things did Xinghai do before he fled?

It carefully recalled that Xinghai only kept saying that Xinghai wanted to go out.

“Oh… forget it, I want to go out!”

It tries to imitate the Xinghai, but the word “喵呜” really does not say.

I don’t know how long and how many times of reincarnation, and finally finally discovered the secret of Xinghai. Whenever there is an unstoppable desire for freedom in his heart, it seems to leave the place, randomly moving forward and backward and then moving left and right. A small distance – a short distance, not as good as its knees.

What is the use of such a short ribbed distance? Far from being able to escape the black box like Xinghai.


Famous opened his eyes again and poured infinite light into his pupil.

It twisted back and watched the Xinghai, which was busy playing hide-and-seek with the beauty in the store. This Xinghai, the star sea that Fan knows, is probably not exactly the same. This Xinghai does not know Famous, and has always been in a black box, not the star in the heart of Famous.

Famous has noticed that what he experienced in the black box probably does not exist in reality, but exists in delusion, a virtual cognition derived from a small piece of memory in Xinghai.

But what is the relationship? Even the black box and the Xinghai itself are nothing more than human delusions. As long as the ideas are strong enough, they may distort reality.

Famous has experienced countless reincarnations in the black box, although not as much as the Xinghai, but it gives it plenty of time to think and learn something.

“Xinghai, please let me use your strength.” It looked at the Xinghai, silently.

Famous retreats again, this time back a very long distance.

Zhang Zi An instantly understood what he wanted to do.

“Hey! Don’t!” He tried to stop it from doing stupid things. This long running distance was not as simple as a headache.

However, late, Famous has begun a full sprint to the invisible air wall.

“Famous, want to be an angel!” It tried to swear.


It temporarily abandoned everything. Because of the experience in the black box, it can ignore its own life safety. The only thing in mind is only the desire for freedom!

Zhang Zi An covers his face with his hand.

Richard covered his face with his wings and couldn’t bear to see the horrors that would happen next.

Old Time Tea, Fina, and Snow Lion were all stunned by the stupid things that Famous had to do, and only Xinghai was still playing.

Famous didn’t hit any obstacles because it teleported a short distance in the air, appeared outside the store door, and landed steadily on the ground.

Zhang Zi An and Richard face each other and shouted in unison: “The trough!”

(End of this chapter)

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