Pet King

Chapter 447

Chapter 445 Chapter 薅 Wool

The police car shuttled through the traffic in the early morning and sailed to Binhai Studios.

Zhang Zi An was very surprised to hear the message revealed by Xiao Liu. I did not expect that the dogs that were eliminated in the police dog training base might fall into the fate of being slaughtered…

However, when he thought about it carefully, he felt puzzled. Why did the base make such a cruel decision? Just to prevent the outflow of the dog’s genes?

He threw this question to Xiao Liu.

Xiao Liu was saddened by this incident many times. At this time, he gradually calmed down. He denied Zhang Zi An’s speculation and said: “This is only a small reason. It’s a long story, and there is not only Demu in the police dog. There are also Labrador, Springer Spaniel, Malinoa, Rottweiler, etc. Different kinds of dogs have their own strengths, some are good at tracking blood, some are good at guarding against riots, some are good at searching. Explosive scorpion … and their nature is also different, some nature is docile, and some are more fierce…”

Zhang Zi An is a pet shop. He knows the characteristics of these dogs, but he did not interrupt Xiao Liu and let him go.

Xiao Liu explained: “The reason why the base will decide to slaughter the dogs to be eliminated is to prevent the outflow of genes, and the second is to reduce the burden on the base. The most important thing is the third point – such as Demu and Rottweiler. Fierce dog breeds, although they have been eliminated in training, they still receive professional bite training, only listen to the master’s orders, regardless of the target is men, women and children, bite, do not let go, once influx into society, by lawless elements Use, it is likely to threaten the lives and property of the people…”

Zhang Zi An suddenly realized that although it sounds inhuman, the slaughter decision of the police dog base is justified. The knife itself is not harmful, it will hurt people, it depends on who is holding the knife. These bulldogs are also similar. They are professionally trained and more violent than ordinary pet dogs. Once they are used by the bad guys to deal with ordinary people or the police, the consequences are unimaginable…

Xiao Liu said: “Of course we understand this truth. Zhang Da Ge, although we love police dogs, we know that life is more precious and will not put the life of police dogs above people’s lives. So although we secretly sell dogs, only I dare to sell such gentle breeds as Labrador and Springer, like the large dogs like Marinua, Demu and Rottweiler. Unless we understand the details of the buyer, I wouldn’t dare to sell it. …and it is not easy to sell, and now many large cities are banned from raising large dogs.”

Zhang Zi An did not continue to ask about the fate of these large dogs that could not be sold. The answer is already obvious.

In this respect, the decision of the police dog base to make it easier to slaughter and not to go out seems to be correct, because life is a matter of life. The violent intensity of large-scale sturdy dogs trained in professional biting is unimaginable to ordinary people and must not flow into the hands of criminals.

He looked at Famous sideways, and he bowed his head and said nothing.

Famous faces a dilemma – it doesn’t want to replace the dog, don’t want them to hurt or even die for themselves, but it only makes them destined to die; if it wants to replace the dog, it may extend their lives.

Zhang Zi An can’t imagine how tangled it is inside, it must be like tearing pain.

He can’t make decisions for it either.

“Right, Xiao Liu, what is the standard of elimination?” He remembered this question. “It is also Demu. It is reasonable to say that the difference is not great. Why can some pass and some be eliminated?”

Xiao Liu said: “No, it’s very different. Just like people’s intelligence is different. Even if they are the same kind of dog, the intelligence and nerve types are very different. Some dogs are smart and excited about the stimulus. 20 will be able to come in the future. Master obedience subjects – sitting, lying, standing, accompanying, title, etc. Some dogs are just the opposite. If they learn more than two months, they can only be eliminated. Many new tamers are therefore very self-blaming. I think that I have taught myself too badly, and I can’t get out of the shadow of failure for a long time…”

Zhang Zi An understands that for a novice tamer, a dog that has been trained for more than two months by himself is finally judged to be eliminated, and his heart is definitely uncomfortable.

Unconsciously, they arrived at Binhai Film and Television City.

Before getting off the bus, Xiao Liu once again begged: “Zhang Big Brother, please tell the director, if possible, please buy a few more. Although the dogs did not become police dogs, but at least they also worked hard for two months, we No one can bear to watch them die… even if they are stuntmen.”

Zhang Zi An did not make a clear statement, just said: “Okay, I understand.”

He took the Famous and two police dogs and got off the bus. He stood at the door of the empty film and television city and watched Xiao Liu drive away.

“How, Famous? You still decided not to replace the dog?” He knelt down and looked at the eyes of Famous.

Famous is silent.

Along the way, it is thinking, if it is its angel – the angel who likes children and animals, the angel who went to Africa to devote himself to charity, the angel who still remembers the hungry child before his death, will decide what to do?

It has a decision.

“I want to be a substitute,” he said succinctly. “But I won’t let them take risks for me.”

Zhang Zi An understands that it wants the director to buy the dogs, but in the dangerous scene, it still has the opportunity to fight for the mirror. I bought those dogs just to keep them alive.

“Okay, I know. But Famous, do you really know what you are doing?” He watched it with concern. “You know, not all dangers can be avoided, like you predict that the earth will Exploded after 5 seconds, but you still can’t change, do you understand?”

He is worried that it is too confident and that its ability can escape all dangers. It is Famous, but it is not Xinghai after all.

“I understand, I don’t regret it,” Famous said firmly.

Zhang Zi An nodded and did not persuade. Famous has always been very mature, like an adult man who is usually steady and occasionally bloody, and rarely stunned by impulsiveness.

Entering the film and television city, he found Feng Xuan.

Feng Xuan is holding a thermos cup and is directing the artists to set up the props and sets to be used for today’s shooting. From time to time, they will correct them until the artist’s work is exactly the same as his imagination.

“Feng, do you have time? I want to tell you something.” Zhang Zi An greeted.

Feng Xuan gestured to wait for a moment, and then smashed a few words with the artist, let them do it themselves, and he will check it later, and then he waved his hand and the two came to a secluded corner.

“Is it about a substitute dog?” Feng Xuan guessed accurately. “I went back to think about it yesterday and discussed it with my wife. If you and Famous insist on not replacing yourself…”

After returning last night, before going to sleep, Feng Xuan leaned against the bed in his pajamas and told his wife about the day’s shooting process, such as what happened in the middle, who made mistakes and so on.

He said that Bento’s little brother gave a lunch box to Nie Yuan, and his wife was happy to go to bed. When he said that Famous and Zhang Zi An didn’t seem to be a substitute, his wife seriously thought for a while. I don’t really agree to be a substitute, because those dogs obviously don’t reach the level of Famous, and the dog is not a human after all. The human stuntman understands the risks he faces and takes the risk in exchange for the corresponding reward, but the dog Very poor…

Feng Xuan was persuaded by his wife. He planned to listen to Zhang Zi An’s opinion today. If Zhang Zi An still insists on not replacing him, then he will no longer be reluctant. After all, 86 version of “Journey to the West” can be changed into three Tang Yan. A generation of classics, if Famous quits shooting in the middle of the injury, he can only think of other ways.

“No!” Zhang Zi An hurriedly interrupted him. “I also thought about it for a night, but I decided to make a substitute. It’s not just Famous, Red Dragon, Prince, and other important supporting roles. It’s best to match one to two. A substitute!”

Feng Xuan looked at him silently. Overnight, their two positions seemed to have completely turned around…

“Are you sure?” Feng Xuan asked in confusion. Although the fund of the crew is nervous, it is only relatively speaking. It is not a few dogs. He just has some doubts about the change of Zhang Zi An’s attitude…

“I’m sure.” Zhang Zi An nodded. “When Feng intends to go to the police dog base, call me, I will go with you to choose a dog!”

He thinks so, anyway, the public wool is everyone’s swearing, not swearing! This is a movie about dogs, so take it from the dog and return it to the dog!

(End of this chapter)

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