Pet King

Chapter 466

The 464 chapter Lu Yiyun adventure

The busy and fulfilling weekend has passed.

I slept for two days and slacked. On Monday morning, Zhang Zi An got up very early again, simply cleaned the store and prepared lunch for Famous and two police dogs – still potato goulash.

He received a formal notice last night. All but the other members of the crew returned to the crew on Monday morning. As for him, today, together with Director Feng Xuan, he will go to the Binhai City Police Dog Training Base to select dogs as substitutes and temporarily pull these dogs back from the edge of death.

The police dog training base is usually not open to outsiders, and Zhang Zi An has never been to it. I don’t know what it is, I still have some small expectations.

Lu Yiyun came very early as usual, and when he entered the store, he smelled the mouth-watering beef flavor. As soon as she heard Zhang Zi An leave the store and went to the crew to report, she felt guilty and worried that she could not cope with the customer.

Zhang Zi An encouraged her a few words, let her relax, can do business, do not do it. Nowadays, the customer is much more than when he just took over the pet shop. It is inevitable that he will ask some strange requirements and problems. Even if he can’t cope with it, let alone Lu Yiyun who came to the company.

As he spoke, two car horns sounded outside the door, and Zhang Zi An looked at him side by side. As expected, Xiao Liu came to pick him up again.

He also stunned Lu Yiyun. He left the store with Famous and sat in Xiao Liu’s car.

After Zhang Zi An left, the store was quiet.

Compared to the weekends when customers are coming, Lu Yiyun enjoys the quietness of Monday morning. She turns on the computer and spreads the paintings on the checkout counter, letting Jasmine lie on her lap and preparing for the first customer. I will paint for a while.

When Zhang Zi An feeds the Snow Lion to the raw calf, he also feeds a few pieces of jasmine. Jasmine was very full, and she yawned heavily, her body curled up into a ball, and she was used to treating her master’s leg as a second cat litter.

Lu Yiyun squatted for a while before moving the pen. She gently stroked the hair on the back of Jasmine’s neck. I don’t know if it is a psychological effect. I feel that it has been eaten for a few days, and the body has become stronger and stronger, and the hair is smoother and comfortable to touch. She looked at the time number in the lower right corner of the computer and whispered to herself: “Touch for another three minutes, not more than one second…”

The time of the cat always feels very fast, and often it has not been enough to addiction, and the time slips away unconsciously.

In the quiet pet shop, the painting girl and the cat, this was originally a superb picture, but suddenly it was broken by a scream!

“Help! Help!”

Lu Yiyun was so shocked that he was shocked, and his hand was stunned. He might accidentally pull the jasmine hair. He snorted and jumped from her leg and slid in the middle – it was the direction of the voice. .

“Jasmine! Jasmine! Come back! Don’t run around!”

The sudden cry for help made Lu Yiyun frightened. She didn’t know what happened. Why did the pet shop send out a cry for help? Is it that Zhang Zi An didn’t turn off the TV when he left?

Jasmine ran in the blink of an eye.

She looked around and looked at the store. In the early morning, pedestrians and vehicles rushed to and from, and no one stopped to enter the store. Although I am very sorry for Zhang Zi An, in fact, she usually prays for fewer guests, but at this time she hopes to come in and give her a strong courage.

Wang Qian and Li Kun will not come so early. They are college students. They sleep late and get up late. Except for special circumstances, the time to come to the store every day is basically no earlier than 10. After they came, they had a lot of things to do, shovel the cat litter, and also took the puppies out of the newly opened back door of the store and walked the dog to the nearby uninhabited green space.

What to do, do you want to call the police?

She squeezed her phone and sweated all over her hand.

Standing in the same place for a long time, she decided not to call the police. She didn’t know how to deal with the police. What if she called the police but found it was a false alarm? The policeman who is often in the store called Shengke, she does not know his personal mobile phone number.

“Jasmine! Jasmine!” She called again, but Jasmine still didn’t come back.

The interior was restored to calm, and Lu Yiyun took a few steps to move in.

Everything is as usual.

The black-and-white kitten is chasing and playing with a few Abyssinian cats. The golden cat and the white cat are lazy to sleep on the cat’s climbing frame. Other kittens and puppies have no abnormal performance.

There was a loud TV sound in the corner. She knew that there was a small TV there. There was a cat who wore a hat and a long gown. She always watched TV there. It was a special scene of a pet shop. Who would look at it? I feel funny, everyone thinks that it can’t read the TV content, but it looks like it.

She walked over her toes and the old brown cat leaned sideways and glanced at her slightly. Somehow, she always felt that her eyes were kind and kind, just like the grandfather who stayed in the rural home.

It snorted, as if she was smiling at her, and moved to the side, letting out a place, waving her claws to the open space, seems to be inviting her to watch TV together.

The fluff in the middle of the old electric blanket was worn and polished, and a few brown cat hairs could be seen.

Lu Yiyun is not sure if he will be wrong. Is this old cat really inviting her to sit down and watch TV?

On the TV, there is a movie she has watched, “Ip Man 3”. Of course, it is not seen in the cinema. After all, she does not have friends who can go to the movies together. It is not clear which door of the cinema is open to which side… …

She waved her hand and said that she didn’t want to see it. Then she gestured and asked, “My cat, jasmine, so big, yellow, know where it is going?”

Lu Yiyun felt that he was stupid. Why do you have to talk to a cat seriously?

The old brown cat seemed to understand her meaning, and regrettably moved back, continued to focus on the TV, and saw the wonderful place still shaking her head, as if intoxicated.

No way? Can it really understand?

Lu Yiyun thought about it. Since Zhang Zi An can teach the kitten to dance, it seems that it is not unusual to teach an old cat to watch TV. But what is the point of teaching this?

From the old brown cat, I didn’t get the answer. She went to the cat climbing frame and looked at the golden cat. The sun slanted through the window and shone on it, and the tip of each hair shone with gold, like gold.

The cat’s temper seems to be very big. She saw it coldly on several occasions and screamed at Zhang Zi An, and Zhang Zi An always reluctantly surrendered, so she was afraid when she first entered the store. it.

The golden cat noticed her sight, her eyes opened a slit, and her green eyes looked at her, clear and ice-like, sharp like a gun.

Lu Yiyun was afraid to step back two steps and widen the distance. He asked with a gesture: “My cat, jasmine, so big, yellow, know where it is going?”

She felt that her hand was shaking, and the cat’s gaze was too aggressive. It was hard to imagine how Zhang Zi An persisted… no wonder that it could be evenly divided with the little leopard-like Ashera cat.

The golden cat only glanced at her and lost interest in her. She yawned lazily and closed her eyes again, as if she was even screaming.

There were a few screams coming from a slightly lower position. The white cat glared at her, sticking out the pink tongue and licking her lips, and screamed three times.

Lu Yiyun is very familiar with this expression. Every morning, when he looks at Zhang Zi An’s trousers, he has the same expression when he has a calf, and Zhang Zi An’s expression is always embarrassing. He needs to separate one hand and hold it. The waistband can prevent the pants from being smashed down… At this time, she will always be embarrassed to not look away.

“I don’t live here, there is no raw calf.” She waved her hand again.

The white cat snorted in disappointment and closed his eyes like a golden cat.

“I’m sorry.” She bowed her head and apologized. She was also very puzzled, why should she apologize so seriously that she did not do anything wrong.

She turned around in the room and looked for it carefully. She didn’t find the figure of Jasmine, whether it was on the top of the shelf, under the lounge chair, behind the litter box, or inside the bathroom… All of them were found again, and Jasmine was never found. As she passed by the lounge chair, she stared at it for a while, forcing the urge to lie down and try it out – she felt that the manager lying on the lounge chair was cool, no matter what kind of customers could handle it, she also wanted to To be such a person, not to be humbled by strangers, not to be ashamed.

Maybe this recliner is a kind of golden finger. You can get some skills and points when you lie down. Maybe you can get some inexplicable store system…

She slammed her head and stopped her own whimsy, probably because of the online novels.

Still find jasmine is important.

“Jasmine! Jasmine!”

Lu Yiyun whispered a few scorpions, and Jasmine still did not appear.

“Help! Help!”

The cry for help appeared again.

Although there is a certain psychological preparation, Lu Yiyun is still scared. This time she heard it, and the cry for help was from the upstairs, Zhang Zi An lived on the second floor, and the sound seemed to be a girl.

Her legs trembled a little, and some bad imaginations emerged in her mind – did the store manager kidnap the imprisoned girl? Reports on such matters on the Internet are not uncommon, both domestic and foreign.

Did you be such a manager?

wrong! wrong!

Lu Yiyun denied his thoughts, and Mr. Manager is not such a person.

It is not that she blindly trusts Zhang Zi An, but she feels that such a perverted madman cannot show her true love for pets. She believes in her own eyes and intuition.

That being the case, then what is this cry for help?

She was hesitant, but she saw that the black and white kittens did not know when to sit in a place two or three meters away, and looked at her with silver-gray eyes.

Before coming to the pet shop to bathe Jasmine, Lu Yiyun had never seen, and had never heard of a cat with silver-gray eyes. Every time I saw it, I was surprised. It seems to come from a second element, from a different world, and the boundaries between reality and illusion become blurred in it.

There are a lot of guests in the pet shop, but there are not many people who have seen it. It often disappears when you come to the guests. I don’t know where to hide it – it must be good at hiding. However, when there was only Lu Yiyun in the store, it never hid.

“Do you know where my jasmine is going?” she asked without hope.

The black and white kitten licked his head, as if he understood her words, raised a front paw and pointed to the stairwell leading to the second floor, screaming.

“Are you upstairs?”

Lu Yiyun guessed this answer. Jasmine could not run out of the store. Since the first floor was searched, it must have gone to the second floor, but the cry for help from the building made her discouraged.

The black and white kitten nodded.

“Can you understand me?” she asked in surprise.

Whether it is a brown old cat, a golden cat and a white cat, or this black and white kitten, it gives her a very strange feeling. They are not like cats, but they are like people – if you use people who are common in comics, It is the old butler in the old castle, the arrogant young lady, the maidservant who wears the light white maid and the lady, and the mysterious little child who does not care about the world.

So what is the design of Zhang Zi An?

Young man who entered the castle?

It sounds like the man of the comic book, Yeah…

The brain of the young illustrator is unknowingly slipping.

The black and white kitten did not answer, walked a few steps in the direction of the stairwell, and turned back to wave her.

“Let me follow you up? This is not very good… After all, it is the private residence of Mr. Manager…” She hesitated.

It licked the silver-gray eyes and waved to her again.

“…well. I will apologize to him when the manager is back.” Lu Yiyun whispered as he comforted himself.

She followed the black and white kitten and stepped up the stairs to the second floor.

“That…someone?” She asked her courage and whispered. In fact, she hopes that no one will answer.

“Help! Help! Help me down!”

Most of the rooms on the second floor were closed to the door. Only one door was hidden, leaving a gap, and the cry for help was heard from this room.

Strange, where did the black and white kitten go?

She clearly followed behind it, but after she went up to the second floor, it disappeared.

Lu Yiyun stared at the sinister door, as if it was a trap to enter the shackles. Jasmine must have ran into the door and was trapped.

Since I have come here, whether it is for the girl who is calling for help or for Jasmine, she is not allowed to retreat.

She is strong and courageous, holding the door handle and pushing it open –

This is an unusual living room with old-fashioned sofas with leather-skinned faces, old coffee tables with smudged smudges, carpets with no original patterns, and an outdated TV set.

A spherical chandelier hangs from the ceiling, and a string is attached to the chandelier. The end of the string is tied to the shank of a gray parrot. In an upside down position, he looked at Lu Yiyun with a little black eyeball and shouted: “What are you waiting for? What are you waiting for? Let’s put this grandfather down! Also, drive this damn cat away. !”

Lu Yiyun: “…”

The gray parrot fluttered its wings and kept shaking like a pendulum. The string is not long, grabbing its calf so that it can’t fly far, can’t find a place to settle, can only be hung up like this.

Jasmine squatted under the gray parrot, staring at it, looking at it from time to time, licking her lips and trying to catch it, but it was a long way away, but still brought tremendous psychological pressure to the gray parrot.

“What’s wrong with you, why should you hang yourself up?” The scene was too strange, and Lu Yiyun couldn’t help but ask.

She knows that this gray parrot will say a lot, and likes to join in the fun, many customers are very surprised by its ability to speak.

“Hey? The uncle’s brain is in the water, do you want to hang himself up?” he cried indignantly. “It was Zhang Zi An who hangs this uncle!”

“Mr. Manager will not hang you up for no reason, have you done anything bad?” Lu Yiyun asked.

“Bad thing?” it screamed. “This uncle just accidentally pulled the beach on the sheets! Zhang Zi An is careful! For this small thing, I will hang up this uncle, and I should have no girlfriend!”

Lu Yiyun: “…” So disgusting!

“This is your cat? You must drive this damn cat away! It is not good for this uncle!” Gray Parrot screamed loudly.

Lu Yiyun has never seen anyone who is so arrogant.

“It’s called Jasmine,” she said.

“Jasmine or Lily, in short, drive it away!” it cried. “If you continue this way, the uncle will become a cat. This is a huge loss of human civilization!”

“Jasmine, come over,” she said to Jasmine.

Jasmine reluctantly looked at the gray parrot and shouted back to her side.

She took Jasmine to the door, closed the door, and wondered what to do with this gray parrot.

Zhang Zi An hangs it here to punish it, so will she ruin it if he arbitrarily put it down?

“What are you doing? Just put this grandfather down! There are scissors on the coffee table!” The gray parrot fluttered its wings, barely flew a few times, and quickly exhausted his strength and was again hanged upside down.

“I was just trying to imitate the voice of a girl?” Lu Yiyun asked.

It screamed proudly: “Who is there besides this grandfather? Is it very similar?”

“Well, it’s really like.” She nodded and admitted.

“Know it, don’t you put this grandfather down?” It stared at her.

“Slightly wait.” Lu Yiyun pulled out his mobile phone. “I call the store manager and ask him.”

“Don’t!” Gray Parrot tried to stop her, “Hey! Tell you not!”

She hadn’t dialed the number yet, but the phone suddenly rang, and the caller was Zhang Zi An.

“Hey?” She connected the phone.

“Hey? Xiaoyun, go down the second floor and put the gray parrot in the living room down. I forgot it when I left.” Zhang Zi An said on the phone.

“Oh, I am on the second floor, I heard the sound of it.” She defended her behavior.

Zhang Zi An paused for a moment, thinking for a while, and asked: “It’s the voice… Does it mean me?”

“No!” the gray parrot shouted, desperately rushing to Lu Yiyun to wink.

Lu Yiyun replied truthfully: “It swears that you are an idiot.”

“Oh, then hang it for 15 minutes.” Zhang Zi An decided decisively, “Is there anything else?”

“Say you have no girlfriend.”

“Add 15 minutes!”

The gray parrot cried in anger: “You are ruthless! You are cruel! You are unreasonable! Let’s put this grandfather down!”

“Then be the first thing, I have something to do here, see you at night.” Zhang Zi An ignored its protest and hung up.

Lu Yiyun’s mood calmed down, looked at the time, put the phone back in his pocket.

“Mr. Manager said that I will hang your 30 minutes, I will start timing now,” she said.

The gray parrot yelled: “You are also an idiot! A bit of a good opinion! Say good and be brave? He let you die, are you going to die?”

“Of course not.” She shook her head. “Don’t treat me as a fool.”

At this time, there seemed to be someone passing by in the alley outside the window.

The gray parrot seized the opportunity and screamed in the voice of the girl: “Help! Help!”

The pedestrian heard the cry and stopped.

Lu Yiyun heard someone outside talking: “I seem to hear the cry for help, do you want to call the police?”

“I seem to have heard it too…”

She went to the window and opened the window. The pedestrian passing by downstairs said: “I’m sorry, I don’t need an alarm, I am watching a horror movie.”

The pedestrian looked up at her and immediately left in disappointment.

The Grey Parrot screamed with all his might: “Hey! Hey! You stupid humans, all idiots!”

“I advise you to save some strength, and 29 minutes.” Lu Yiyun seriously suggested.

If you use people who are common in comics, then this gray parrot should be the little horse that always likes to get into trouble.

She sat quietly in the corner of the sofa, holding her chin silently, and immersed in the fantasy of comics.


Nearly 6 thousand words

Regarding the cover of everyone’s spit, this is the starting point, it has nothing to do with me…

(End of this chapter)

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