Pet King

Chapter 476

Chapter 474, etc.

early morning.

It was getting darker and darker, and it was still dark outside.


A fist broke through the block of air, straight ahead, and the speed was very fast. When it stopped, it was clean and neat, and there was no tendency to drag the water. Just looking at the boxing of this boxing, has begun to take a few points in the image of Zhongping.

Then – call! Boom! Snapped!

The horse step is steady, the movement is like electricity, and the fists are hanging.

Zhang Zi An, wearing an ordinary sportswear, meticulously made a move and started today’s boxing course.

This is already part of the daily routine of the pet shop every morning. Everyone is accustomed to it – the so-called everyone, of course, the elves in the store.

Old Time Tea reclines on the window sill, seemingly not concerned about Zhang Zi An’s boxing course, but leisurely looking out the window, admiring the morning full of fireworks. The early risers rushed through the ice and hurried, exhaling the faint white air and heading for their different daily routines. The city that slept all night gradually woke up in the morning.

It sits on a cool cushion, and puts a small cup next to it. The freshly brewed tea is steaming with heat, and the faint fragrance of the tea fills the room.

For the scent-sensitive Famous, the aroma of tea is not faint, but it is intense and intense. It has been a long time in the store. It can even detect whether the tea is put more or less. The concentration of the scent has changed slightly.

Xinghai and the beautiful short building in the store play hide-and-seek in the downstairs, and enjoy it. Sometimes the Abyssinian cat named Wendy will join.

Famous is very envious of Xinghai, can play so carefree – although envious, but not embarrassing, because this is what Xinghai deserves, after an infinite painful cycle of life and death, it has reason to play happily, the world owes it A carefree childhood.

Famous also feels that he is owed to Xinghai because it has been co-existing with Xinghai in the black box for a long time, but once he has not satisfied the invitation to play hide and seek together with Xinghai. The fear of death at the moment makes it unintentional to play. Of course, the timeline in the black box is not real, just a node in the memory of Xinghai. Since the invasion and copying of this memory, this memory has deviated from reality.

So join them now in the hide-and-seek game? Famous still has no mood, and the game can be played at any time. At present, it has more urgent problems to consider.

Before Zhang Zi An began to practice boxing, Fina and Snow Lion had cleverly went downstairs to sleep back. They didn’t like the dust and noise when practicing boxing. They also felt that Zhang Zi An, who was focused on boxing, was very boring.

There was a slamming door in the toilet, and Richard’s shouting: “This uncle has finished pulling, let me go!”

Zhang Zi An just got out of bed, threw Richard, who was still asleep, into the toilet, closed the door, let it solve the urination and then came out again. Unfortunately, like the previous two days, Zhang Zi An took the punch and put this poor. The gray parrot has forgotten behind the head.

Famous walked to the toilet door, lifted a front pawl to unlock the door lock, and then pushed the door open.

Richard fluttered with wings and had a stench of bird droppings.

“Thank you, buddy! Fortunately, you let me go!” It gratefully fell on the back of Famous. “Zhang Zi An, this unconscionable, the uncle suspected that he quietly awakened the S attribute!”

Famous shook his body, it didn’t want Richard to fall on his back—a faint stench reminds him that this gray parrot might not be able to pull his butt…

Regardless of the set, Richard flew to the side of the pillow, plunged into the blanket and continued to sleep, changing his posture to lie on his side, covering the ear hole with one side of the wing.

Whether it is playing, teaching or sleeping, everyone seems to have their own things to do, only Famous feels nothing to do. It is very sleepy, but can’t sleep, and misses the Tibetan Mastiff, can’t sleep peacefully.


Old Time Tea suddenly stopped.

Zhang Zi An stopped moving, like a movie freeze, maintaining the posture of Old Time Tea when he stopped, his feet were not standing still, the left hand was swaying like a hand, and the right hand was swaying. ,look steadily forward.

Old Time Tea turned his head, the pupil was like a jujube, and the film on the back of the retina reflected the morning glow, giving off a gem-like glow.

It slowly said: “The slap in the palm of your hand, the focus is on the word ‘Fu’. Your son’s palm is ‘劈’, not ‘volt’, and it is too hard. Although this style looks unusually unusual, It is a technique of four thousand and two pounds. The magic of the palm is to use the force to force the left hand to pick up the enemy’s boxing force and then press it to change the direction of the enemy’s strength. When the enemy’s center of gravity is out of control, the right hand is the same as the killing the neck hand. Fight to win, not give the enemy a chance to breathe or counterattack.”

Zhang Zi An kept his posture, thought for a while, nodded and said: “I know.”

After that, he returned to the end of the previous style and re-applied the formula of “the slap in the face”.

Famous watched his movements. This time, his right hand movement track changed, softer than the last time, and the right palm was pressed instead of slashing. Even with the layman of Famous, this time the action is more in line with the kind of Zhongzheng Pinghe in the first boxing.

After finishing this style, he stopped and carefully studied the angle and strength of this style, remembered it in his heart, and then repeated it again, this time more smoothly and naturally than the last time.

Old Time Tea doesn’t have to smile.

Famous feels very strange, Old Time Tea didn’t look at Zhang Zi An, and almost always stared at the cup of hot tea in front of him, as if there was a world in tea, how did it know Zhang Zi An’s boxing? Is it wrong?

It looked up at the wall clock, and it was still early, and it would not delay the shooting today.

There is a pot on the stove in the kitchen, and the light blue flame gently smashes the bottom of the pot. The pot groaned in the pot, and the aroma of the potato goulash drilled into the nostrils, causing it to swallow.

The window sill is quite wide. It is the kind of window that can be used for people. In the past, the owner of this room probably raised flowers on the window sill. The surface of the room was left with a faint circular mark. This is caused by the flowerpots being placed in the same place for many years. Even if it rubs, it can’t be wiped off.

Famous also jumped onto the window sill, separated from Old Time Tea by a teacup.

Old Time Tea is so self-satisfied and doesn’t care, anyway, the window sill is quite long.

Famous looked out and the sensitive tip of the nose was accidentally attached to the glass. It’s so cold!

“Old Time Tea, how do you know that he made a mistake?” it asked curiously.

Old Time Tea laughed and didn’t answer, just lifted his claws to indicate the cup in front of him.

“I don’t like to drink tea.” Famous shook his head.

Old Time Tea Eyelids are half-slung, like a closed-eye.

call! call! Boom!

Zhang Zi An continued to practice boxing, calling for the sound of punching the wind and breaking the wind.

Famous is also a little sleepy, it kneels down, the chin is resting on his front legs, his eyes slowly hang down…


Zhang Zi An is stepping on the floor again, stepping on his back and punching his fists.

There seems to be something in the vision of Famous that has trembled.

It looked up and barely cheered, but found nothing moving. Everything except Zhang Zi An was in an absolute state of rest…

Probably wrong. It must be like this.

It leaned back and squatted again, and the brain gradually emptied, intending to sleep back and sleep, and recharge for today’s shooting work.


As Zhang Zi An stepped, something in the field of vision trembled.

This time it looks clear!

Famous suddenly tired of nothing, it pupil dilated, surprised to look at the tea cup in front.

The trembling is the tea leaves floating in the teacup.

Every step of Zhang Zi An will cause the resonance of the teacup, which will make the calm tea extremely fine. If it wasn’t for Faume’s head, it would be impossible to see a suitable angle.

Is it that Old Time Tea makes me see this?

Noting this detail, it takes further attention to more details.

The steam rising from the cup should have been straight up, but it was disturbed by the airflow of Zhang Zi An’s kicking, twisting and stretching, and the unpredictable shape was like a fire candle in the wind. The more powerful and quick he punches, the greater the impact of steam, and the subtle differences in the angle of distortion…

The more you look at the fascination of Famous, Zhang Zi An’s movements are completely faithfully expressed by steam and cymbals, as if a tangible and ignorant villain circling over the cup.

It understands that Old Time Tea uses these to determine whether Zhang Zi An’s movements are in place, whether the lower part is stable, and whether he has mastered the boxing method…

Famous is happy to smile and is trying to share his discovery with Old Time Tea. Zhang Zi An has already set the boxing momentum and completed today’s morning class. The tea is a slap in the air, reflecting the mirror, reflecting the Old Time Tea brass. Colored eyelids.

In an instant, Famous is reflected in the reflection of the tea, opposite the Old Time Tea.

The surrounding space suddenly became distorted, and there was a huge whirlpool in the tea. Famous was too late to react and was caught in it!


Turn around! Darkness is coming!

Famous’s heart beats violently, is it going to return to the dark black box?

Come on, this time it’s ready, it won’t be as stunned as it was last time!

Famous briefly lost consciousness, and when he opened his eyes again, he found himself coming to a strange place, not the window sill on the second floor of the pet shop, nor the black box coexisting with Xinghai.

Surrounded by dense woods, the sound of insects rises and falls, and a bright moon hangs high in the sky.

A well-proportioned young man walks through the woods, wearing a long gown and wearing a hat, and can’t see his face and expression.

Going to an open space, he stopped and slowly turned back.

At this time, Famous noticed that he was followed by a Dragon Li cat, sitting on a distance from him and staring at him.

“A tea, you really don’t want to go to Xiangjiang with me?” said the young man.

(End of this chapter)

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