Pet King

Chapter 498

Chapter 496 PTSD

Walking through the cages, the memory dog’s memory corridor is completely open to the familiar, it is like an insignificant leaf, drifting through their lives without a trace.

Undoubtedly, the X in the 4 cage has the willpower of steel. No matter how many times the heat is fainted, no matter how many blood has been hurt, X’s mentality is unaffected, and it is a well-deserved “war dog.”

However, Demu in the 5 cage is not so strong.

Before coming to the 5 cage, Famous unexpectedly discovered that Demu in the cage of 5 shivered in the corner and shivered. The two forelimbs were placed on his head, covering his ears and staring at Famous in horror.

Is this really a police dog?

Famous’s heart is suspicious. It has seen many police dogs. It is as strong as X, gentle as falling, but even a gentle fall will not scare it. It is said that when Xinghai first came to the pet store, it seemed to resemble the situation of this police dog.

The name of the police dog in the 5 cage is called “Battle”.

As the name suggests, the warrior’s body is tall and powerful, and the muscles are strong. It looks more powerful than the big teeth. It is not only popular in appearance, but also has excellent training results, no less than X.

The amazing young days of the battlefield seem to be younger than X and may not be as old as 7. In addition, the warfield is well-behaved and has not been injured from the outside.

The doubts in the mind are deeper. A 7-year-old police dog who is harmless and disease-free can not be regarded as a good old man. It can be regarded as a legitimate young man. His experience and physical strength have reached a peak. Why did he come to a remote police dog nursing home early? Pension?

According to the normal logic, the battlefield will probably be stationed in the border defense area, becoming a glorious and proud border police dog. Even if one step back, at least it can become an excellent police dog in the inland area, arrest criminals, and win the award. Normally it is so.

In fact, the war days are excellent and the shape is fierce. Since birth, they have been favored by people. People think that it will be the best police dog of this generation, so they have taken a very domineering name.

The war days are clever and brave. The training results of all subjects are top-level. The comprehensive strength is above X. Finally, it is assigned to a mysterious anti-terrorist special police unit.

In the new era, terrorist activities have replaced border conflicts and become the greatest threat to national security. In the principle of good steel used in the blade, the war days should be as good as the anti-terrorist special police forces.

War days have undergone rigorous basic training in the police dog base, but the training requirements of the anti-terrorist special police are more strict, more professional and more targeted. The training subjects are optimized for urban anti-terrorism.

Famous From the memory of the ruined war, I saw that it used a lot of novel and interesting gadgets, such as a high-tech police dog vest, not like the bulletproof vest worn by X, because it takes into account the ban on guns in China. In the case of urban counter-terrorism, it is generally unlikely to encounter high-killing weapons such as automatic rifles and grenades.

The vest is equipped with a camera and a microphone. The captured picture and captured sound can be transmitted wirelessly to the 3-inch display held by the owner in real time. The wireless transmission distance in the open area is up to 1 kilometers, even in complex In the urban environment, the distance can reach 200 meters.

The camera is waterproof and night vision capable of supporting all-weather combat, and there is also a miniature speaker near the head of the police dog, allowing the tamer to issue commands to the police dog remotely.

Because the weight-bearing problem does not affect the flexibility of the police dog, the built-in battery of this vest can guarantee half an hour of working time, which is enough in the general anti-terrorism secret sneak mission.

There are still a lot of high-tech equipment like this, each one is tailor-made for police dogs, and the price is amazing. Just looking at the price of these things, Famous believes that it is definitely a good police dog to qualify for the anti-terrorist special police unit.

The war days are not only strong, but also very clever. These high-tech gadgets will be taught. The police officers from the top to the bottom agree that it will become the ace police dog in the police.

The closer the training is to the end, the more the training content will be closer to actual combat, or even the case of terrorist attacks that have occurred at home and abroad as a case.

One day, the accident happened – this accident was not an accidental injury during training, but an accident that nobody had thought of.

Training subjects: urban anti-terrorism street fighting.

Training intensity: quasi-real bomb.

In this simulation training, the battlefield followed a small group of anti-terrorist special police to break into the old buildings to be demolished by terrorists, and then search for targets on a floor-by-floor basis.

The sensitive sense of the warfare played a big role. It was fully qualified for the scouting duties and soon led the team to find the room where the terrorists were.

According to intelligence, terrorists may hold guns. According to tactical rules, they should first throw a flash bomb into the house and then break into the room to suppress the terrorists.

Whether it is the anti-terrorist squad or the colleague who plays the terrorists, the hand-held guns are all loaded with rubber bullets, even if they hit the body, it will not cause much harm. However, the flash bomb that was thrown in was genuine.

When the flash bomb explodes, it produces a loud noise and dazzling glare, which can make the enemy in the narrow room temporarily blind, causing cockroaches in a few seconds, and losing the ability to react.

The problem is here, the special police squad knows to throw a flash bomb, and is psychologically prepared. The flash pop-up hand will turn his head and close his eyes to avoid the glare, open his mouth to avoid the impact of the sound waves on the eardrum.

I don’t know if it’s wary, even if it’s smart, it’s a dog, a dog that is 16 times more sensitive than humans.

The action of the special policeman hitting the door and throwing the bombs in one go, the door just slammed open, and the brave battle for the first day was eager to try. Although the special policeman stayed near the door and did not rush into the room for the first time, it was still affected by the flash bomb.

The memory of the war days was broken here, and only the white ones could be seen, and the sky turned and the ears roared. In the strong white light, the special police’s actions have become ghosts and slow motion.

In this training, the beginning of the battle was excellent, but the performance at the last minute was somewhat unsatisfactory. The police officers and instructors of the SWAT team did not care, because the usual performance of the war days was good enough. Occasionally, the state of the game was not good. It was just a dog. They thought it was caused by overwork.

War days were put down for a few days, let it rest, but in a few days after the simulation training to rescue the hostage, it made a big mistake.

In this simulation training, when the war day saw the SWAT team take out the flash bomb and held it in the hand, before they could pull the string and throw it, the door did not crash open, and they screamed in horror, and the special police squad The position was completely exposed to the enemy, the training result was the failure of the hostage rescue, and the special police squad was completely smashed by the enemy.

From this day, the war day was broken into the cold palace, and the candidate ace police dog fell from the dust, and the special police with it did not give it a good look, because its major mistakes caused the entire special police squad to rank at the bottom of the training. I laughed.

Despite this, the previous training results of the battlefield were too good, the instructors still did not completely give up, let it recuperate for a longer period of time, and then try to enable it, let it participate in some relatively simple training.

However, this long break did not reverse the turmoil of the war, and its performance in training was getting worse and worse. It often stopped suddenly in the running without any warning, and looked suspiciously, or ran to the gunshot. The corner shivered and shook, and it became the laughing stock of the entire anti-terrorist special police unit. Even its name became the reason for people to make fun of it, like a fool…

In this way, the battle days were finally abandoned by everyone, and even its owners ignored it.

The superiors of the special police unit signed an order to retire early, but no one was willing to adopt it. No one was willing to adopt a coward.

After many twists and turns, the once-in-a-lifetime battlefield was thrown into the police dog nursing home opened by Fu Tao, and lived in the 5 cage. Whenever a stranger arrives, he will hide in the corner and huddle into a group…

The X of self-sacrifice is admirable, and the battlefield that has not died before the teacher is awkward, its body is intact, but the heart is already broken.

Famous is watching the battlefield silently, and my heart is full of regrets.

In a sense, the battlefield is also a war dog that defends the country and defends the country. Like X, it is retired due to injury, but it is hurt in the heart, and the treatment is different from X.

This is very unfair.

The hearts of these veteran police dogs have more or less attachment and disappointment to the master. Only the war days have not, its owner gave up it, and it accepted this fact.

Famous can’t bear to let this poor police dog continue to be scared, then want to leave here to let it alone, go to the 6 cage to see.

Just then, a few people’s footsteps came from the door of the kennel, and Famous could distinguish Zhang Zi An from it.

Zhang Zi An and Lao Yang thought through a conversation and thought that Fu Tao is a good person. He can try to hand over the eliminated Demu, but before they finally decide, they still want to go to the kennel for a field trip, including health. The situation and the treatment of police dogs.

So, at their request, Fu Tao led them to the kennel.

When I saw Famous, Zhang Zi An was relieved. “Famous, have you run here yourself? I am looking for you.”

Fu Tao snorted and said: “Looking at you, I said that it can’t be lost in this yard. Where can the hospital gate go?”

Zhang Zi An smiled embarrassedly, but Lao Yang defended him: “If I have such a dog, I am nervous. The whole crew will take this dog as a baby.”

Fu Tao whispered disdainfully: “What is sacred, I am not a dog who has not filmed here…”

Zhang Zi An thinks that Fu Tao’s temper is like an old child and doesn’t care. He and Lao Yang walked from the 1 cage to the 4 cage. They didn’t have the ability of Famous. The police dogs in the cage looked normal to them. Only the X of the 4 allowed them to stay for a while because of its proud look and disability. The hind legs.

When they came to the 5 cage, Famous called Zhang Zi An and said, “It’s not quite right.”

Zhang Zi An and Lao Yang have also noticed that this German shepherd in the cage of 5 seems extremely timid and afraid of strangers in the corner. Is this really a police dog?

Zhang Zi An first thought of whether the dog had been abused by Fu Tao – this is a normal first reaction, because dogs that have been severely abused are generally so afraid of people.

If Fu Tao is on the surface of a police dog nursing home, and there is a dog abuser in the back, then in no case can the German shepherd be fostered here…

However, after careful observation, Zhang Zi An did not feel like it, because the dog is very strong and has no obvious scars on the outside. It is said that this is abuse, and the means is too clever.

Famous whispered: “It has encountered some terrible things in training, it has become like this…”

Zhang Zi An, I can’t guess what terrible things happened in the training. After all, this dog is not hurt and not sick. Where can it be terrible?

Lao Yang couldn’t help but ask, “I said, what is this dog?”

Fu Tao frowned and said in a distress: “This dog… In fact, I don’t quite understand how it is going. I heard people say that this dog is very embarrassed. In the training, I scared my courage, no one wants, I Look at it poorly, just accept it.”

The battle sky seemed to understand his words, and he bowed his head and whimpered.

As the former tamer of the police dog base, Lao Yang likes to walk the dog the least. He thinks that the dog can be stupid, but he must not be embarrassed. He immediately lost interest in the battle.

Famous shook his head and denied: “It doesn’t mean, it’s just… sick, sick in the heart.”

Lao Yang and Fu Tao couldn’t understand the words of Famous, but Zhang Zi An could understand and couldn’t help but wonder. When he saw that Fu Tao was trying to move forward, he shook his body and stopped: “Pay the master, can you elaborate on how the dog was scared?”

Fu Tao felt that Zhang Zi An was a little embarrassed and said impatiently: “I don’t know exactly, but it is suddenly awkward in training.”

Famous whispered: “It’s a flash, it sees a flash bomb exploding in the vicinity in live combat training.”

Flash bomb?

Zhang Zi An made a fuss in his heart. According to common sense, the flash bomb is a non-lethal weapon. Does it have such a big impact on this dog? Besides, how can other dogs be fine?

Lao Yang asked Xiang Tao about some problems in daily feeding and training. Zhang Zi An took the opportunity to take out his mobile phone and sent a message to Sun Xiaomeng.

Zhang Zi An: “Question: If a police dog sees a flash explosion at a close distance, will it scare the disease?”

Sun Xiaomeng did not reply.

Zhang Zi An sends a red envelope of 50.

Sun Xiaomeng: “Not generally, but there are occasional exceptions.”

Zhang Zi An: “How is it possible? Is the dog so embarrassing? This is a police dog!”

After waiting for a while and did not reply, Zhang Zi An sent a 100 yuan red envelope and sent a message: “This time I finished talking.”

Sun Xiaomeng: “This kind of case is very rare in China, but it is heard in the military dogs of the US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.”

Zhang Zi An said, “How come to the US military?”

Sun Xiaomeng: “Dogs have the same emotions as people, and of course they are also afraid and afraid. Some mental illnesses and dogs are common, such as PTSD.”

Zhang Zi An: “PTSD? Say something!”

Sun Xiaomeng: “PTSD is a post-traumatic stress disorder. It often occurs in soldiers returning from the battlefield. With deep fear of the cruel battlefield, it is impossible to return to normal daily life, especially in the state of nervousness and nightmares. Abnormal behaviors, etc. There have been many cases in the United States from mad killings of veterans returning from the battlefield. These are generally ghostly PTSDs. In fact, not only people will suffer from PTSD, but dogs will also suffer, sudden and strong. Light and loud noise are often the incentives.”

Zhang Zi An: “…Summary, that is, the police dog may suffer from PTSD because of a flash bomb explosion at a close distance?”

Sun Xiaomeng: “It’s entirely possible.”

Zhang Zi An: “What are the specific symptoms?”

Sun Xiaomeng: “There are records that military dogs returning from Iraq and Afghanistan are very sensitive because they are frequently threatened by car bombs on the battlefield. They are very resistant to jumping into the car. Seeing people hide, seeing the door refuses. If you force them into the room, they will get into the bed and hide under the furniture, especially the man with a big beard… Can you say these warriors?

Zhang Zi An looked away from the screen of the mobile phone and looked at the police dog in the corner of the 5 cage. According to the symptoms described by Sun Xiaomeng, this police dog’s eight achievements are suffering from PTSD.

He sent a message and asked, “Can that be cured?”

She hasn’t responded for a long time, and Zhang Zi An is thinking of a red envelope, and she suddenly responded.

Sun Xiaomeng: “Unfortunately, PTSD is very difficult for people to heal. I heard that the veterinary hospital on the other side of the US military is implementing a PTSD treatment plan for military dogs. Even if the military dogs cannot be fully recovered, at least they can They can perform patrol missions and can live normally after being demobilized. However, since there is no foreign war in our country, no corresponding research has been carried out.”

When Zhang Zi An sent a message, he kept squatting, allowing Famous to see the screen of the phone and whispering his conversation with Sun Xiaomeng to it.

But when I saw it here, he suddenly felt a move and didn’t know how to associate himself with Famous. He pretended to be a sour leg and stood up and quickly sent a message.

Zhang Zi An: “Does PTSD only happen to veterans who have returned from the battlefield?”

Sun Xiaomeng: “No, seeing all the cruel and terrible scenes, whether it is natural disasters or man-made disasters, may cause people to suffer major trauma and suffer from PTSD, including personal experience or spectator war, abuse, murder, car accidents, etc.”

Zhang Zi An asked again: “Which PTSD may be amnesia?”

Sun Xiaomeng: “Of course it is possible that this is a protective instinct for human beings. The mind is too traumatized to survive. If you don’t forget it, you can’t live.”

Zhang Zi An looked down at Famous thoughtfully and asked: “What about the dog? If the dog suffers from PTSD, is it possible to lose memory?”

Sun Xiaomeng: “…how do you know if the dog is amnesia?”

Zhang Zi An didn’t reply anymore, put the phone off the screen and put it back in his pocket, pretending that nothing happened.

(End of this chapter)

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