Pet King

Chapter 517

Chapter 515 Fun Game

The next day, Zhang Zi An got up in the morning, pulled the curtains and found that the weather was good, the sun was clear, and the wind that had been scraped for a day stopped, just right for going out.

After the small celery and Wang Yaning left in the evening yesterday, Famous made another idea – pulling the sled with it by the war. Two dogs together with a dog pulled alone to look better.

Zhang Zi An also thinks this idea is good. Dogs are very human. For a dog that has been traumatized, nothing can rebuild confidence more than applause and applause.

The only problem is that in this short period of time, can you let the war day obey his orders smoothly, after all, the war is not an elf.

After the routine rushing in the morning, Uncle Lee also sent the elves’ breakfast. The foam incubator was a skewer and a fried steak. Zhang Zi An discharged the fried beef into the food bowl of Famous, and then took a bottle of half of the Great Wall dry red and poured a cup of Famous.

Famous staring at the purple-red liquid into the cup, the extremely sensitive smell tells it that the quality of the bottle is more than the red wine in the world of the heart, but it still pours the tongue into the cup and intoxicated One bite.

Fina opened her eyes a little and saw Zhang Zi An wearing a coat, not too happy to ask: “What are you doing?”

Zhang Zi An is behind the shop. “The weather is good today. I am going to train in the green field with the sky. Do you want to go to the sun together?”

“This palace can get the sun in the store, why go out?” Fina asked.

“Because the air outside is very fresh, I can’t breathe such fresh air in the store.” Zhang Zi An advised, “It’s boring to stay in the house, you go out and go, save yourself from sleeping.” I have eaten and raised my children…”

“What are you talking about!” Fina was furious. “There is no such thing as this palace!”

Old Time Tea almost squirted out of the tea. I always felt that Zhang Zi An was farther and farther away on the road to death. He quickly screamed: “Cough! I also feel that going out is good. The day is in the morning, just eaten and just goes out. Eliminate food.”

Fina still wants to give Old Time Tea some face, and Xinghai is also excited to go to the green space to play hide and seek, so he screams at Zhang Zi An and shuts his mouth.

As for Snow Lion, it has always been the only Fina horse, and where Fina goes, where to go.

Richard, who likes to join in the fun, doesn’t have to say much.

After Lu Yiyun came to work, Zhang Zi An confessed to her, let her call him when she had something, he would come back to handle it in a few minutes, then take the war and the elves from the back door of the shop and go straight. Green land.

The green space is still a desolate place. There are ice and snow on the coniferous leaves of the pines and cypresses, and the yellow grasses are falling down. Even the wild cats smashing here in the fall are gone. Wang Qian and Li Kun are holding the puppies in the store almost every day to walk the dog in the green field, except when the weather is bad.

Zhang Zi An found a very old baseball from the storage room before going out, and a pair of baseball gloves. When he was a child, his father took him to the park to play baseball. He once had a very young middlester period and he also voted for it. The goal of sinking a fast ball is that the result is of course unsuccessful. Baseball requires both talent and hard training, and neither of them has it.

But today he is not training baseball with baseball, but training the war.

He spread a camping tarp on a flat stone bench so that Fina and Snow Lion wouldn’t get cold when they squatted. Old Time Tea leaps to the wall to see if there are any people nearby.

“Warrior.” Zhang Zi An untied the rope of the war, and kneel down to lift the baseball to his eyes. “Come and play the ball together?”

Starry stared at the baseball, and sniffed close enough, although there was no special performance, but Zhang Zi An saw curiosity in its eyes.

“I throw it out and help me get back?” He threw the baseball in his hand, caught it, threw it up, and caught it. The head of the battlefield also fluctuated up and down with his movements.

Although the police dog’s training subject also has a title, but it is training after all, and this is just a game. His goal is to allow War Day to rebuild confidence and dependence on people in the game.

“Okay, I have to throw it.” He moved his wrist to prevent injury.

When he threw it for the first time, his movements were slow, allowing the battlefield to be seen clearly, and the throwing distance was short, without letting the ball roll into the grass.

Baseball draws a beautiful arc on the blue sky, slamming down on the ground, bouncing a few times, rolling forward.

The sky is still staring at baseball, but it doesn’t move, like hesitating.

Famous called it two times and ran over by example, picking up the baseball and running it back to Zhang Zi An.

Zhang Zi An was not discouraged and did not show irritable emotions. He did the same and threw the baseball out again.

The front leg of this battle was slightly moved, taking a half step forward and retracting.

Famous is also very patient, once again demonstrating the return to baseball for the battlefield.

Waiting for the third time, the battlefield finally ran over and returned to baseball and handed it to Zhang Zi An.

“War, it’s awesome!” Zhang Zi An gently rubbed his head, magically took out the beef jerky from his pocket and put it in his hand.

For the training this morning, he did not let the war day to eat breakfast.

In the war, he quickly put out his tongue, ate the beef jerky into his mouth, chewed it and swallowed it, looking at him as if he had tasted the sweetness.

After that, Zhang Zi An throws the baseball again, each time farther than the last time, more challenging, sometimes falling under the stone bench, sometimes falling into the grass, so that the battle days need to take some things to get back smoothly. .

Every time I return to baseball in the war, I wait for it to be praised by Zhang Zi An and delicious beef jerky. It is more lively and more involved in this game.

Zhang Zi An praised him. He watched Xiao Yuhong’s training process in the police dog nursing home, so the tone and movements imitated her. The battlefield and the fall were trained by the police dog foundation, and it was very clever, and soon adapted to Zhang Zi An’s training, otherwise it would not easily become a trump card candidate for the special police force.

The celebration was coming soon. The time was very tight. Zhang Zi An was busy playing games with the war. Xinghai shook his head and looked around. The wild cats who played hide-and-seek with it last time disappeared, which made it a bit disappointing.

“Xinghai, do you want to play hide and seek?”

Looking back at Xinghai, it is Famous.

“Hey~ want to play!” Xinghai said cheerfully.

Famous also asked: “Who is going to be a ghost?”

It has long been expected today because it has long since owed to Xinghai a hide-and-seek.


(End of this chapter)

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