Pet King

Chapter 535

Chapter 533, but doing a good job, asking for a future

Zhang Zi An came to the third floor and saw Meng’s back in the central reading area.

The warmth of the pavilion was like spring. Meng took off his woolen coat and placed it neatly on the side of the chair. He did not read his mathematics professional book, but held an irrelevant foreign science book. reading.

The readers on the third floor are much less and quieter than the second floor. After all, there are not many readers who can read foreign languages ​​without any obstacles.

Zhang Zi An didn’t bother to disturb Meng, and continued to do what he had done on the second floor. He also used the mobile phone to find the third floor, but still did not.

To say that it is false to be completely discouraged, he previously thought that the most likely location of the elves was the ancient library, the second is the Chinese pavilion, and the third is the foreign language museum. The remaining fourth and fifth floors are the newspaper reading room and the digital reading room. Can the elves appear in those two places?

When he left the pet shop, he was too hasty, not even drinking water, and his heart was anxious. At this time, he was quite dry.

Water dispensers and paper cups are provided on each floor of the pavilion for readers to access. Zhang Zi An picked up the glass of water and leaned against the wall while drinking water.

His gaze fell on the last row of bookshelves, where a book was placed on the edge of the fourth floor.

“Modern genetics…”

This English book name is still basic, and translated into Chinese is “Modern Genetics: Anatomy from Gene to Surface”.

He just put a small force in front of Meng Li, claiming that he is studying modern genetics. Even if he didn’t capture the elves, he couldn’t be blinded by Meng, so he threw the empty paper cup into the trash. The barrel, walked over and pulled out the book, and placed it on the fourth floor.

The readers on the fourth floor are even rarer, and one hand counts. In this era of information explosion, unless it is to study modern history or compile local chronicles, who will deliberately study expired newspapers and documents? There are also police detectives in the movie to solve the case by checking out the expired newspapers, but it is a movie.

Rows of bookshelves piled up with newspapers and magazines that were slightly yellowed but nobody cares. It looked like a bleak night.

Elfs may come from books, but they can never come from newspapers and magazines, because newspapers and magazines are fast-moving consumer goods, and they do not have the innate conditions for long-term oral communication.

Having said that, everything has a chance. If you come, you can’t miss it, so as not to regret it. Zhang Zi An is patient, looking for the past in a row of bookshelves. Nothing is found and nothing is discovered. It takes precious time.

He has already generated some self-doubt at this time. Will a row of bookshelves on the second and third floors be left out? He really wanted to go back to the second and third floors to find it again, but he told him rationally that he had just found it in strict accordance with the bookshelf number, and it was impossible to miss it.

But… the elf may move between the bookshelves.

If you encounter this kind of situation, there is really no way. He is good at playing hide and seek.

The only remaining is the fifth floor, the digital reading exchange area, where readers can read electronic books and communicate with each other on the fifth floor.

The electronic books on the fifth floor are digitally provided to the readers for the physical books on the second to fourth floors. It is convenient for both inquiries and trials. Readers often find the favorite books on the fifth floor and then go to the second to fourth floors to take the entities. Books, some borrowed books can also find the electronic version on the fifth floor.

However, what reason does the elf appear on the fifth floor?

In any case, Zhang Zi An still has the mentality of beginning and end to come to the fifth floor.

The fifth floor, rather than a library, is more like a school room or internet cafe. A computer replaces the bookshelf, neatly arranged in the central area, and the location around the wall is a large-screen digital terminal with touch function, which looks very futuristic.

To the surprise of Zhang Zi An, the readers on the fifth floor are more than the second to fourth floors, mainly young people between the ages of 20 and 30.

In addition to youth, there are a small number of seniors on the fifth floor. They all sit in front of the digital terminal and use the touch screen to draw left and right, conveniently flip through the e-books and browse the electronic newspapers of the day. The large screen of the digital terminal allows them to see the text on the newspaper without wearing reading glasses.

Since there is no bookshelf cover, the fifth floor is more clear than the second to fourth floors. Zhang Zi An lifts his mobile phone and scans for a week, and his heart sinks. There is no trace of the elves on the fifth floor.

There is no fruit in finding it, his mood is inevitably anxious, standing in the process of searching before the original reflection, is there any omissions – of course, such as the library staff office and the women’s restroom, he is definitely not able to enter, the roof He can’t go up, but apart from that, he has gone through every floor. Is this elf really appearing in the ancient books hall?

Just then, his shoulder was gently patted, “Young man?”

Zhang Zi An woke up from his meditation and suddenly looked back. He saw a grandfather with a cane standing behind him. He was about seventy or eighty years old. He was kind and charming, his hair was white but his hair was neatly groomed. Old but washed very clean, at first glance is the elderly who are very decent.

“Grandpa, is there something?” Zhang Zi An asked.

“Young man, do you have time? Can you do me a favor, teach me how to make this computer read?” The old man said with a smile, “I see everyone is very busy, just let the young guy stand here, so take the liberty to ask You – if you have something, you will be busy with you.”

Zhang Zi An just noticed the old man when he was looking for the elf on the fifth floor. He did not operate the digital terminal on the wall like other seniors. He did not sit in front of the computer and read like a young man. Looking around, Zhang Zi An thought he was looking for someone.

On the fifth floor, only Zhang Zi An and the two of them stood, no wonder he would find Zhang Zi An.

If it is normal, teaching the old man to learn to use a computer to read a book is just a little effort, but now time is invaluable, the elf may disappear at any time, ignorant and ignorant, Zhang Zi An has a good reason to choose to refuse.

However, the humble tone and earnest gaze of the old man made Zhang Zi An unable to bear with him. Before he found Zhang Zi An, he didn’t know how long he had hesitated and how many soft nails he had touched on other people…

Zhang Zi An feels that if he refuses the request of the old man, then returns to the second to fourth floor search, and even uses various relationships to find a way to enter the ancient books hall, even if the final success of the capture of the elves, then it is inevitable to be uneasy.

He remembers the story of the world of the mind that Fanm tells, and the teachings of Old Time Tea in the world of the mind–but good things, don’t ask the future, don’t forget the original heart, and always have it.

So he put down his obsession.

(End of this chapter)

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