Pet King

Chapter 537

The guess of the 535 chapter identity

Zhang Zi An is suspicious. From the readers’ chat records, this mischievous person appeared in the library chat room this morning. Does it have anything to do with the elves that appear in the morning?

The computer system on the fifth floor of the Binhai City Library is self-contained and completely closed to the outside world. The pranksters are definitely on the fifth floor.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation. Zhang Zi An is not coming to study. His mood is not affected by mischief. Instead, he is faint and excited.

He asked Mr. Zhou to read the book with peace of mind and walked on the fifth floor of the aisle with his mobile phone. This time, he focused on the seat in front of the computer, regardless of whether there was anyone in the seat.

Despite deliberately taking light steps, but because he has been holding a mobile phone like a video, the readers who pass by will more or less give him a vigilant or annoying look, if not the prankster is still The same number is used throughout the chat room, and it is estimated that Zhang Zi An will be mistaken for a prankster who has changed his tricks.

Zhang Zi An ignored all of these gaze and did not care how these people viewed him. He walked through the central area of 鈥嬧€媡he fifth floor with unparalleled patience, but still could not find the trace of the elf.

Is this elf too sinister, even the game capture interface can not see it?

Or is it moving? Didn’t fix it in front of a computer computer?

As he walks through each idle computer, he will pay attention to the keyboard, see if the key cap is moving, and listen to the sound of typing in the direction of the free computer. But unfortunately, the library is these computers. Equipped with a floating keyboard of a laptop computer, the keystroke is very short, the typing sound is slight, and even if you stand next to the typewriter, you can’t hear any noise.

After a round and round lap, Zhang Zi An returned to the relishing Mr. Zhou Lao, who was guilty. He saw that the ID in the corner was Coco’s sister and stood up again, waving to him quietly.

He had just passed Coco twice. It was a fashion girl with a scalp dyed in linen. It was difficult to connect her with love reading from the outside.

Zhang Zi An didn’t know what she was doing, but she didn’t want to let go of any possibility and walked quickly.

“Hey, I see you seem to be looking for someone, is you looking for that pi?” Coco waited for him to approach and whispered.

Zhang Zi An nodded and replied quietly: “I see everyone being bothered by him. I want to find him out and ask for a chat room.”

“Oh, are you a library employee?” Coco asked curiously.

“No, I am an enthusiastic reader.” Zhang Zi An didn’t change his face.

Coco believes that he is really admired and said: “I have several familiar faces here. I don’t know each other’s real names, but I will nod and say hello when I meet. I have never seen you before. Are you new?”

Zhang Zi An has a serious face and said: “Yeah, the first day, I read the atmosphere here is very good, don’t let a mouse smash a pot of soup – right, you have no clues. Is there any clue that can help me find him?”

Coco thought about it very hard and said: “Today’s holiday break, I came to the library very early. I plan to read a book here. I opened the first door and the readers on the fifth floor were absolutely not. More than ten.”

“The man was there at the time?” Zhang Zi An asked.

Coco nodded. “Yes, no one spoke at the beginning of the chat room. I just typed a ‘hello, world’. The person followed my ‘hello, world’ and appeared. I sent a string of pi, I thought this. It was a new pop-up joke, just ignore him, shutting down the chat room and starting to concentrate on reading. The people on the fifth floor gradually got up, and there were several familiar faces. I reopened the chat room and found that everyone was denying him… 鈥?/p>

From Coco’s words, Zhang Zi An sensibly grasped a key message – the “person” appeared as soon as it opened, and the opening time coincided with the time when the game prompts the elves, no difference.

“Then everyone is just looking at it? No one tried to find him?” he asked.

Coco smiled helplessly. “How do you say that the regulars who come to the library are quite peaceful, even if the chat room is the most embarrassing, if you find the pi in reality, I am afraid it will only be polite. He makes sense. The library is not a vegetable market. Hundreds of readers on the fifth floor are not everyone chatting in the chat room. Maybe not even half of them. If we check them one by one, it is likely to affect the readers who read books normally. Arousing their resentment, what difference does we have with the mischief? The impact is even worse.”

Well, Zhang Zi An admits that she has a reason to say that things are gathered together, people are divided into groups, and people who come to the library to accept the scent of incense are sure to have a calmer character and deeper the Confucian way of self-cultivation. No one wants to be this. The bird is out.

“Of course, we didn’t do nothing,” Coco added. “Several people went to the service desk to find out about the library staff. They asked the staff to find the person from the background and kick him out of the chat room – but it didn’t work. The staff on duty said that it is now a New Year’s holiday, the technical staff are on vacation, and the library system is closed, physically isolated, there is no way to manage remotely…”

Days – New Year’s Day holiday.

Location – closed system.

People and – the reader of a peaceful personality.

The pranksters have taken advantage of it, and it鈥檚 no wonder that these readers are at a loss, but they are helpless.

Zhang Zi An now has 99%, and the prankster is the elf he is looking for.

But what kind of elf is this?

What does it mean by repeatedly playing the pi? Just for fun?

An elf whose fire of life is about to go out will make a prank just for fun? It鈥檚 not the Indian brother who likes to make fun of life…

Zhang Zi An thinks that this elf is not joking, but trying to ask for help… even for help.

“Sorry, I know that, it’s not a useful clue.” Coco said apologetically. “We guys are not very mobile. They probably won’t help you, but if you find this pi, please Don’t make excessive moves!”

“Do not worry, I will handle it properly.”

Zhang Zi An thanked him and walked back to his seat. He also started the chat room software and gave himself a common nickname – Dashuai.

After entering the chat room, he was not eager to type, but waited patiently. After the elf again hit the pi, he immediately typed back.

[澶у竻 ratio]: 3.1415926, what do you want?

He has some feeling that other readers may fall into a dead end of thinking. Who can say for sure that this “person” must be Chinese? Who can be sure that this “person” can understand Chinese?

Of course, this is the Binhai City Library, unlike many national readers like the National Library or the Capital Library. Zhang Zi An just walked two laps and noticed it. I determined that the readers on the fifth floor are all yellow-skinned and black-eyed East Asian faces. There are no Japanese or Korean people who know, but there are absolutely no Western faces, so other readers will produce This dead angle of thinking is also very normal.

This elf may not necessarily be a Chinese elf, but it may also be a foreign elf. Maybe it can’t read Chinese. Other people’s questions and swearing are similar to Tianshu.

Zhang Zi An’s English level is not very good, but a simple daily conversation is still possible, especially after going to the United States for a few days, I feel that the fried chicken is good!

[Blue Flower]: This nickname has not been seen before, new?

[Aliu]: Look at this nickname… Wouldn’t it be a mess?

[Jackie]: It鈥檚 useless. Do you think he can speak to you in English? Like a robot, it only sends 100 in front of the pi, and there is not more than one. I think he is deliberately messing up!

[Coco]: Right, English! Why didn’t I think of it? He has a reaction to my ‘hello, world’! Maybe he only knows English! Let’s try to be quiet and let the new one try!

The chat room was quiet for a while, and several regulars who spoke frequently did not agree with the heart, but still waited patiently for the reply from the prankster.

They only waited a few seconds and the situation changed unexpectedly.


Zhang Zi An and a few frequent customers stared at the seemingly acquainted numbers on the screen. After a half-tone, they reacted. This string is not the original one, which is mixed with some English characters.

[Coco]:W……h……e……r……e……i……s……m……y……b……o…k? No, it is book! Sorry! Look less o! The eyes are looking at the flowers!

Where is my book?

Where is my book?

A few frequent customers feel very embarrassed, and the pranksters actually react to the English question? Why didn’t you think about it? Is this a foreigner? Still an overseas Chinese who do not understand Chinese?

For a time, there were a lot of problems in the chat room, all of which were asked in English, and even the screens were swiped. The question asked was nothing more than “Who are you?” “Which place to sit” “Why don’t you speak English early? I also want to play a string of pi, what does it mean? “Can you talk well?”

The quality of the readers here is very high. The English conversation is not a problem. Everyone says a word to me, but the prankster is silent.

[Coco]: Are you quiet? Let’s ask the new one first. If you ask, you won’t get the answer we want.

Zhang Zi An only took a word and stared at the screen and fell into thinking.

“Like a robot” – the unintentional words of the previous [Jackie] made him touch a hint of inspiration. Obviously, regulars have regarded this elf as a “person” and there is no doubt at all.

Zhang Zi An thought that this elf might have been too thin to be able to manifest himself, but now he suddenly thought of a famous thought experiment, and thus had a vague guess about the identity of the elf.

Chinese house Alpha dog?

Are we facing an artificial intelligence that wanders around the digital space?

(End of this chapter)

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